[center][h1][b]Original OCs[/b][/h1][/center] [hider=Jericho Joranis] Name (& pronunciation): Jericho Joranis Date of Birth (& age): January 17, 25 Place of Birth: Boise, Idaho, Earth Gender: Male Species: Human Height: 6' 0" Weight: 195 lbs Appearance: Brown hair and eyes, with a lithe and muscular build. His hair is held in a combed back style and he has a scar down his left cheek that he won't tell the origin of. Personality: He's analyictic and calculating, but also easy going, preferring to play a game of cards over yelling at each other to settle a dispute. Likes: Music, Card Games, Foods with Kick Dislikes: Liars, cheaters, foods that are too sweet Ambitions: To become the best bounty hunter around, but not much else Strengths: -Incredibly skilled with his twin pistols and katana -He's a good liar, which makes sense since he likes to play cards. -He's a brilliant tactician, able to look at a situation and make a good plan. -He knows how to cook. Weaknesses: -Refuses to use anything other than pistols. -Because he's such a good liar, it's hard to tell when he's telling the truth. -Not always the best at keeping a set plan. -Is over confident at the worst of times. Mandrill Fears: Likes to live by the creedo of "Nothing to fear but Fear itself." However, he can be creeped out, especially by bugs of any kind. Interests: Pistols and swords of all kinds, but his favorite sword is anything resembling a katana. History: Jericho has been in space most of his life, working with his now dead father to establish a reputation as one of the best and most feared bounty hunters in known space. However, when humanity started to fall apart five years ago, that reputation became a lot more difficult to establish as the surviving humans focused on surviving and the rest of the universe either didn't concern themselves with humanity's sudden and rapid decline or sought for some way to take advantage of it. His father was killed during a skirmish with some Furlyneses. He escaped with a badly damaged ship and his father's body. Over the course of the last few years, he's sought to continue building his reputation, but also looks for the Furlyneses that killed his father. Romance: Sure If so, sexual preference: Straight Military Rank: N/A If not military rank, what is your role on the ship: Ummmm...N/A? Combat Skills: Expert marksmen with his pistols, and a hell of a swordsman with his katana. Hand to hand expert, but he's rarely unarmed, even when he sleeps. Additional Notes: [hider=Armor appearance][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v285/Icmastic/black_rogue_armor_by_thedarkestseason-d334k6l.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Pistols] [img]http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/028/7/3/Brotherguard_by_The_5.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Katana] [img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/19d8e596-04a1-4910-ba15-7ac8d04e309a.jpg[/img][/hider][/hider] [hr] [hider=Xavier Thames]Name: Xavier Thames, AKA "The Shadow" Age: 35 Appearance: Stands at 6 feet tall with grey eyes and fiery orange hair. Clean shaven. [hider=Armor] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/fe/3f/4f/fe3f4f36a16f86e63b9dd1a89ee8c550.jpg[/img][/hider] Personality: Xavier is a genius, incredibly gifted in hacking, martial arts, and weaponry use. But a life of killing and secret stealing has made him cold, distant and cynical. Weapons/gear: Hidden blades in armor pic, twin pistols, sniper rifle, and a laser edged katana. Cloaking module, thermal vision, magnetic vision, cybertech grenades, his own invention. One grenade can serve multiple purposes, depending on the programming command given. Skills: Expert Marksman, Expert Hand-to-Hand combatant, Master Hacker, Blade Master, Expert Acrobat and Parkourist Back Story: [i]"Forty years ago, the world was still making the transition to the control of the Corporations, when the governments, or what governments were left then, of Europe still fought to stay afloat. Not that my parents gave a damn about Europe, they were dislocated former US soldiers, both in the Rangers, like their parents when the US fell. A lot of the military kept the nation alive in various bases and embassies around the world, effective until their governments fell too. As for my parents, not gonna bother getting into the details, it should be common sense to figure out what happened. Anyways, before me, they worked in terrorist cells and with what military power the European nations had left, trying to sabotage corporations and their forces, make 'em focus on repairs. They were among many disgruntled former citizens of the former US, which was bought out in just over a decade, all the debts they'd built up over the years finally catching up to them when the corporations first started coming to power. Still, one by one, the nations fell and my parents were running out of places to hide and take shelter, many of their friends and contacts were. First England, then Ireland, France, Spain, hell, even Portugal. Germany, where my parents had started their criminal career, was also where it ended. Five years they'd been fighting a war they knew they couldn't win, but that was the old American patriots for you, fight to the last breath and all that. Well, my mom was about six months along with me when Prometheus forces kicked in the door to their resistance's hideout. Dad didn't hesitate, shoved mom into one of the escape tunnels and sealed it shut. Mom never heard from him again. After that, she lost her fight, spent the last three months of her pregnancy living under a false identity in Berlin. After I was born, she moved around a lot, finally settling in the Outlands where her's and dad's surviving friends and contacts were. It's where I grew up, surrounded by all the different ideals that Outlanders had, but mostly surrounded by mom's fellow patriots. Bunch of nut cases if you ask me. Anyways, when I was around six, I was messing around with a brand new computer, something the Corporations sent the Outlanders to try and win them over. Anyways, my mom had left an old encrypted file out, one with six layers of quantum encryption that no one but the corporations should have been able to crack. Plugging it into the laptop, I toyed around with the encryption a bit before cracking open the file. Took about ten minutes. My mom, amazed, immediately set to getting me trained in weapons, more hacking practice, and hand-to-hand combat. That took up another then to twelve years roughly, might even have been fifteen. No, it was fifteen. Anyways, but the end of it all, I was a living, breathing weapon, having taken numerous martial arts, weapons training courses, and mastered my young hacking skills. After that, I set out on my own, starting off with infiltrating a Chaos Frontier for some info my mom asked for, something about troop movements and tech shipments. Getting the info was easy, hell, almost laughably so, but even the best hackers make mistakes. This being my first live hack, I missed some of the alarms and they went off while I was gloating over breaking the security. In a couple minutes, I realized there were Chaos Frontier troops moving in to detain and probably kill me, but by the time they'd reached the control room, I'd left, moving through the ducts. Once I was outside, I took a moment to read over the data and realized that I could make some good money selling both my lethal skills and the data I took. Heh, guess mom's patriotic sense of duty didn't rub off on me. In a couple weeks, Arksiane had bought the info for a nice paycheck and I sent half the money home with a note that said, 'In order to win the war, we need funds and tech. Trust me.' OK, so some of her patriotism rubbed off on me, but not enough for me to send everything home. Since then, this is my life. Corporate assassinations and espionage, stealing secrets from one company and selling them to which ever of the other's paid more. And that's when I wasn't taking out high value targets for one corporation or another."[/i] Notes: [hider=Sniper] [img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/f269ec47-d0d8-447c-b24a-010f4965f87d.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Pistols] [img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/c1bbc689-4f91-424a-a457-4444525d8324.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Katana] [img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/19d8e596-04a1-4910-ba15-7ac8d04e309a.jpg[/img][/hider][/hider] [hr] [hider=Aryo]Name: Aryo Jameson Age: 32 DoB: January 24, [insert year here] Description: Stands at 6'1", with emerald green eyes and dark brown hair. Weighs around 210 lbs, but it's muscle, he's lithe and fast and strong Personality: He's a little anti-social from spending so much time alone, so he typically prefers to operate in a lone wolf fashion. Has no friends and is fairly impassive about others and their problems. Skill set: Expert marksmen, Master of Jinjishi, a martial art he created by mashing together several others to make a new one, tracker, survivalist, extensive knowledge of most wildernesses Weapons: [url=http://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/9039db59-bdf1-4bdd-8745-1a1ea47fc0b9.jpg]Terminator MK. IV Sniper rifle[/url] [url=http://images.knifecenter.com/knifecenter/united/images/UC3042.jpg]Single Edged Long Sword[/url] [url=http://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/12e6739c-a01c-491d-8a75-969f232b0961.jpg]Terminus .45 cal Revolver[/url] [url=http://www.thespecialistsltd.com/files/Futuristic_Fighting%20Knife.jpg]Knifex4[/url] Armor: [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/b7/df/87/b7df8704ca164b03eb1873411f7915eb.jpg]Hunter-Killer MKII[/url] The Hunter-Killer MKII is maximised for stealth, speed, and agility. Is equipped with a thermal visor mode, optic camoflauge, and mimetic paint, which serves as a back up camo when the optic camo is damaged or on cooldown. History: [color=FireBrick]"Harmony, a planet covered with mostly temperate forests, mountains and lakes and rivers with the occasional desert and the polar caps covered in snow and ice. By everything I've ever been told, a lot like the planet Earth before it was destroyed., just with more forest and water and less desert. I honestly don't know myself, I grew up on Harmony, never went to Earth. Always heard stories as I learned how to hunt and shoot from my father. Guy turned out to be a slime ball, when he didn't take me on hunting trips, he was cheating on my mom with one of the younger girls from town. Can still remember his face through the scope as I picked him off as he walked through a valley with his latest fling. Almost shot the girl too, but the perverted and unfaithful man was good at keeping secrets, so I let her run screaming. After that, I went home, told my mother and I left. Got on the first shuttle off Harmony. Took me to a planet called Tauris. I stayed there a couple years, worked as a store clerk before I yearned to be out in the wild again. So, I got a brochure or two that had all the least explored planets and started my expedition, quitting my job as a clerk so I wasn't coming back for any reason other than I wanted to. Of course, that was almost fifteen years ago. Since then I've seen a lot of crazy things. Good example is all those different martial art masters on the planet Haspen. Place is covered in snow and rock with all the vegetation in the occasional warm pocket down in the crevesses. Fell down one by accident, found this secret dojo place with all kinds of martial arts. I stuck around, watched and learned for a few years, ended up making my own martial art by mashing everything I learned together. Then there was that corporate exec or CEO, high ranking, I remember that, that I rescued on Alpha VI. Planet's covered in jungle trees and rivers, few swamps now and then. Predators there are real nasty, everything's got teeth and what they lack in teeth most of them make for in claws. Saw what I think was a bear, big sonovabitch. Paws were twice the size of my hand and I'm a big guy. Found out from some locals that it was called the Itchwa Bear, known for scratching it's prey to paralyze it and then eat it alive. On my list of deaths to avoid that is.. Anyways, this exec or CEO or whatever he was was on some kind of safari that the company running it assured him was safe. Well, wild animals can be smart too and this big...cat...thing was exactly that, came out of a hole in the ground beneath the safari vehicle and knocked it over, making the auto turret on it useless. I was passing by in the jungle nearby and heard the commotion. Seeing the trouble, I scoped up, pulled the trigger and BANG! right between the eyes. Got me a new suit of custom armor from his company as a thanks. Built exactly to my specifications. Anyways, eventually, I started contracting out as a man hunter. Not a bounty hunter, there's a difference. Bounty hunters take targets dead or alive, depending on the contract. I only take 'em dead, so I guess I'm more of a corpse hunter technically. Anyway, when I'm not bringing in the dead bodies of the most wanted criminals in the universe, I'm doing work as a guide and overwatch for other expeditions. Doesn't pay as well as the corpse hunter work, but it pay better than bein' a damn store clerk."[/color][/hider] [hr] [hider=Dossier Jameson, Aryo][Hider=Aryo Jameson] [center][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/b259fb8c-74f9-4685-a834-82636a9b8839.jpg[/img] [COLOR=FireBrick]Stands at 6'1", with heterochromatic eyes and dark brown hair. Weighs around 210 lbs, but it's muscle, he's lithe and fast and strong.[/color][/center] [B]Name: [/B][COLOR=FireBrick]Jameson, Aryo[/COLOR] [B]Age: [/B][COLOR=FireBrick]35[/COLOR] [B]Gender: [/B][COLOR=FireBrick]Male[/COLOR] [B]Callsign: [/B][COLOR=FireBrick]Irish[/COLOR] [B]Kills: [/B][COLOR=FireBrick]37[/COLOR] [B]Psychological Analysis: [/B][COLOR=FireBrick]He's a little anti-social from spending so much time alone in the wilds, but that doesn’t stop him from trying to mingle with his fellows. Typically he’ll take meals on his own however, and he doesn’t take the time to approach people unless it’s incredibly important, preferring to keep his thoughts to himself. New people won’t get much more than a wave in greeting or a nod, and probably won’t receive a second thought from the sniper until they’re on the battlefield. He also won’t take a shot if there’s the risk of unnecessary loss of life, which has been a contributing factor in his current kill count. All the same, the man is confident beyond reason.[/COLOR] [B]Military Record: [/B][color=FireBrick]"Licentia, a planet covered with a variety of ecosystems just due to it’s size alone and located in the FEZ. Growing up, I learned how to hunt and shoot from my father, which are probably the only good things about him that I remember. Guy turned out to be a slime ball, when he didn't take me on hunting trips, he was cheating on my mom with one of the younger girls from town. Can still remember his face through the scope as I picked him off as he walked through a valley with his latest fling, was about...14 or 15. Almost shot the girl too, but the perverted and unfaithful man was good at keeping secrets, and she was more a pawn than a willing player, so I let her run screaming. After that, I went home, told my mother and I left. Got on the first shuttle away from home I could find. Took me to a town called Tauris, somewhere on Mars. Fair amount of crime happened at the time, so the authorities never really bothered investigating the girl’s claims. Mom and I still talk, though she's never been entirely convinced my father was as unfaithful as I told her. I stayed there a couple years, worked as a store clerk before I yearned to be out in the wild again. So, I got a brochure or two that had all the least explored areas of all the planets nearby and towards Coalition territory and started my expedition, quitting my job as a clerk so I wasn't coming back for any reason other than I wanted to. Of course, that was almost twenty-three years ago. Since then I've seen a lot of crazy things. Good example is all those different martial art masters on Harna, towards the northern side of the UEE fringe. Place is covered in snow and rock with all the vegetation in the occasional warm pocket down in the crevasses. Fell down one by accident, found this secret dojo place with all kinds of martial arts. I stuck around, watched and learned for a few years, ended up making my own martial art by mashing everything I learned together. Then there was that corporate exec or CEO, high ranking, I remember that, that I rescued on a safari in southern Licentia. Place I saved him at is covered in jungle trees and rivers, few swamps now and then. Predators there are real nasty, everything's got teeth and what they lack in teeth most of them make up for in claws. Saw what I think was a bear, big sonovabitch. Paws were twice the size of my hand and I'm a big guy. Found out from some folks who lived near the area that it was called the Itchwa Bear, known for clawing it's prey to paralyze it and then eat it alive. On my list of deaths to avoid that is number...well, it’s up there. Anyways, this exec or CEO or whatever he was was on some kind of safari that the company running it assured him was safe. Well, wild animals can be smart too and this big...cat...thing was exactly that, came out of a hole in the ground beneath the safari vehicle and knocked it over, making the auto turret on it useless. I was passing by in the jungle nearby and heard the commotion. Seeing the trouble, I scoped up, pulled the trigger and BANG! right between the eyes. Got me a recommendation letter to the officer school when I needed one, whenever the occasion arose. Anyways, eventually, I started wanting something more out of life than just keeping the locals safe from various predators and taking people out to marvel at Mars’s unique nature. So I enlisted, joined the Empire to start helping out in a larger scale. After a couple of years, I felt I could make a bigger impact as an officer and MAS pilot, so a call later and some pulled strings and there it was. I was moved into an officer's school and, after testing high on some test, I was moved to the MAS pilot program. After finishing all the training that covered, well, it's been around five years since. Can't complain too much, plenty of assholes to shoot. I mean, sure, it’s probably not as secure a job as being a Safari Guide was, but it pays better than bein' a damn store clerk."[/color] [B]Equipment: [/B][COLOR=FireBrick] [url=https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/e1d50af1-4598-4968-9c3d-6a7d87fe7fea.jpg]Flight Suit/Armor[/url] [url=http://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/9039db59-bdf1-4bdd-8745-1a1ea47fc0b9.jpg]Terminator MK. IV Sniper rifle[/url] [url=http://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/12e6739c-a01c-491d-8a75-969f232b0961.jpg]Terminus .45 cal Revolver[/url] [url=http://www.thespecialistsltd.com/files/Futuristic_Fighting%20Knife.jpg]Knifex4[/url] [/COLOR] [/hider] [hider=LRS-204 Archer C] [center][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/b05e1b03-7076-4f10-9ac1-3e9725689263.jpg[/img][/center] [B]Designation: [/B][COLOR=FireBrick]LRS-204 Archer Custom[/COLOR] [B]Role: [/B][COLOR=FireBrick]Long Range Fire Support and Recon[/COLOR] [B]Chassis: [/B][COLOR=FireBrick]Next-Gen Light[/COLOR] [B]Engine: [/B][COLOR=FireBrick]Tri-Core Engine 15 PWR[/COLOR] [B]Description: [/B][COLOR=FireBrick]The LSR Archer is a long fire support suit designed by the UEE to counter the heavy blitz tactics of some of the Coalition’s own MAS. As a Light Class suit, it offers high maneuverability along with flight capabilities to allow for varied engagement vectors for the pilot. As the first of the Next Gen suits to be produced without a predecessor, it has a chance to make a new mark in the UEE’s MAS books. The stock model Archer is equipped with external Enhanced Radar and Targeting suites and a Ballistic Sniper Cannon. It uses built in ballistic countermeasures to handle personnel and missile threats. It’s also given the Optimized Alloy Plating to increase its survivability should the enemy manage to locate the MAS along with a Class 1 shield to keep infantry who close with it from causing any heavy damage. Aryo pilots a customized version with internalized enhanced radar, an EKP Sniper Cannon, with more emphasis on stealth and effective countermeasures. It excels at long range combat and is capable of putting up a decent fight in melee range, but lacks other engagement options. [/COLOR] [B]Systems (20 WT|15 PWR): [/B][COLOR=FireBrick]Weapons: EKP 60 mm Sniper Cannon 5 WT|5 PWR- An EKP variation on the standard 80 mm sniper cannon. The EKP version of the rifle increases the stopping and penetration power of a traditional cannon, along with increased range and better accuracy at longer ranges. Laser Point Defenses 0 WT| 1PWR- Last resort defenses should enemy ground forces and missiles find their way to the Archer unit. Considered more effective than ballistic countermeasures by Aryo. Twin Combat Knives 2 WT| 0 PWR- Used exclusively in melee situations, these alloy knives are stored one on each upper thigh of the MAS. Armor: Optimized Alloy Plating 5 WT- Combining the best of both worlds. A layer of extra compound armor over the MAS's arms, shoulders, legs, and cockpit. More durable than light plates, but lacking the protection of heavy plates. Anti-beam coating over the alloy plate allows it to survive a hit from a light plasma weapon or a glancing blow from heavier plasma weapons, and provides limited protection from explosives. Shields: Shield Class 1 3 WT|3 PWR- A scaled down shield generator, this shield provides defense against high caliber infantry weapons and lightly armed vehicles, but will generally fail when hit with a MAS grade weapon of any sort. Utility Systems: Active Camouflage 3 WT 3 PWR- A camouflage generator attached to the back of a MAS, it projects a field of particles over the MAS, effectively making it invisible to the human eye, as well as optical scanners, and tracking modules. The generator does not however shield the user from all scanners, and the generator unit itself dumps large amounts of heat upon deactivating. Camouflage generators are also notorious for consuming large amounts of energy, and while unable to be used with a external power pack, comes with a small power supply of its own, resulting in. The standard Active Camouflage generator can only continuously produce particles for a single hour before beginning to massively drain the power reserves of the MAS. Internal Enhanced Radar 0WT 3 PWR- Effectively doubles the MAS's radar range [/COLOR][/hider][/hider] [hr] [hider=Aeolus Gallo, Warrior of Sparta][center][color=SaddleBrown]"Courage is when the cowardly become warriors."[/color][/center] Identity Profile Birth Name: "I was born the Spartan Aeolus Gallo." *Current Name: "I have been known as James Gerard for the last...three hundred years. I don't intend to change it any time soon either." *Alias: "Cerberus, the guardian dog of the gates of the Underworld." Gender: "You seem to need to visual sensors, AI. I am male. See, no breasts." Birth Place/Age: "I was born in the Greek city-state of Sparta, about twenty years before the Battle of Thermopylae. For the record, I wasn't present when the 300 were killed." [hider=Physical Profile] [hider=Photo ID][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/8a/a8/7b/8aa87b421b2b1df992ca4dbcb92712ce.jpg[/img][/hider] Height: "I stand at six feet tall and eight inches." *Weight: "I weigh 230 lbs of lean muscle. I hope you haven't asked this of any of the women." *Hair Color: "Black, with red streaks. Might as well look modern." *Eye Color: "I have grey eyes. Really, are your visual sensors malfunctioning, Sigil?" Skin Color: "Maintenance will be checking your visual sensors after this. I'm caucasian. Nothing about that has changed since I was born." *Physical Build: "I am a body of well-toned muscle, built from centuries of training and combat. That is all the physical build information you'll get from me, in case my hunch is correct." *Tattoos: "I have but a single tattoo, in rememberance of the men the Spartans who gave their lives at the Battle of Thermopylae." [hider=Tattoo]Προς τιμήν του τριακοσίων Translation: In honor of the three hundred[/hider] *Scars: "An old scar on my cheek, running straight down it. Old training accident from my youth. Wasn't fast enough." *Other: "You asked relevant and meaningful questions. If I think of something else, I'll let you know."[/hider] [hider=Psychological Profile] Positive Qualities: "I was raised a Spartan, I know how to hold a siege, break a siege, and ignite a war with but a few words and how to end it with a swift and well positioned strike. I don't waste time on words when action is far more decisive. I am among the few remaining beings on this planet who can form and lead a successful Phalanx formation, and I'm a master with the spear and shield. I can run further, faster and longer than any mortal, and most immortals, though I wouldn't say that too loudly. Go longer without food, water, and sleep than anyone else. To condense this, if a Spartan can do it, so can I. I'm also incredibly disciplined, and, if captured, will never break under torture and interrogation. An experience with the Nazis during the second World War proves this." Negative Qualities: "Your willingness to share my secrets is worrisome, but I will tell you anyways. I've very little social skill and have little concern for the opinions of others about my tactics and methods. Hell, I have little concern for their opinions in general. I've also got practically no idea how not to punch someone I consider an idiot square in the jaw. I suppose you could say I've a hot temper." *Likes: "Combat, a good, strong drink, and a hearty victory with a celebration to accompany it." *Dislikes: "Defeat, cowards and liars, deceit in general, and a weak drink." *Other: "Once more, your questions are adequete. If something comes up, I will inform you."[/hider] [hider=Requisition] *Weapons: Always carries a modern collapsible spear with an energy bladed tip and shield, with heavy shielding on the front as well as a collapsible spear with a titanium tip and titanium blade sword. In terms of firearms, carries a [url=http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-tQWg38lTAXM/Tvm4x8nh5WI/AAAAAAAAADk/9NJFzUBElNU/s1600/69_shotgun2.jpg].20 gauge energy pellet shotgun[/url] on him along with [url=http://pre15.deviantart.net/534c/th/pre/i/2013/312/8/c/futuristic_pistol_concept_art_by_braffe-d6thsju.png]twin machine pistols[/url] with another "primary weapon" which usually equates to an [url=http://img13.deviantart.net/1150/i/2012/103/5/b/assault_rifle_concept_by_keithmaneri-d4vxr06.jpg]assault rifle[/url], for those times when a shotgun or spear won't cut it. *Armor: Constantly wears the heavy armor known as the HV Weave. The HV Weave is a heavy armor designed by the Immortals to provide maximum shield and armor protection while affording wearers like James their full range of movement to make full use of their training. [img]http://static3.bigstockphoto.com/thumbs/5/4/3/large2/34522802.jpg[/img] *Transportation: Transportation usually consists of an APC with a heavy MG manned turret and four smaller, AI controlled turrets. Nothing too fancy, it gets him in and out when he needs it. *Devices & Tools: The only tools needed are weapon maintenance kits and an armor maintenance kit along with an armor repair kit. *Supplies: Fast acting painkillers and injectable medkits, designed to be injected near the site of the wound. *Augmentations: "Augmentations are for the weak and the cowardly. Don't insult my honor by even suggesting such a thing." *Other: "If anything arises, I shall inform you, Sigil."[/hider][/hider]