[center][h1][b]Final Fantasy OCs[/b][/h1][/center] Name: Arwel Bellis Age: 18 Gender: Male Appearance: [img]http://i208.photobucket.com/albums/bb154/AlaskenTank/09H2.jpg[/img] Arwel keeps his hair swept backto allow him to see better and has a scar across his forehead from running into a low-hanging tree branch while running. Stands about six foot two. Nationality: Galbadia Trained At: Trabia Weapon/Combat Style: [url=https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-HSUCNJzfDe4/UifbKsCfAJI/AAAAAAAAACc/-RelWI5mML4/w800-h800/Kotaro_(Death_Scythe).png)]Scythe[/url] Jericho specializes in combat using a scythe and martial arts in tandem with one another. Using them in such a way allows him to close with an enemy quickly and deliver either a series of punishing slashes and kicks. Is trained in the use of pistols as well, but prefers his scythe over firearms. Limit Break: Shadow of the Reaper- When pushed to the very brink, Jericho's inherent magic ability, his speed especially, is boosted to incredible heights, letting him move across the battlefield at high speeds, like a shadow. This is the first form. (Lasts thirty seconds.) Personality: Jericho is a bit of a lone wolf type, preferring to train and study on his own rather than in groups, but he isn't adverse to working with his fellow students on anything. Comes across as aloof and uncaring, but the truth of the matter is he simply would only have to worry about himself than others and when the deaths of enemy soldiers are discussed, will make references to the Reaper. Can also be rebellious if someone attempts to force him to do something, but will follow orders, if in his own way. Biography: Jericho was born and grew up in Winhill with two parents who wouldn't ever let the young man out of their sight, him being their only child, always telling him to be careful and not to touch this or that or he'd get hurt or mess something up. This resulted in him being extremely rebellious, taking martial arts classes behind his parents backs, along with other crazy things he knew they would disapprove of. This included downhill races, picking fights, even trying new foods that his parents wouldn't let him try simply because they hadn't tried it before. This trend continued as he grew up, taking the opportunities that were presented him during his parents work hours to do his crazy things. Eventually, he became old enough to join the Garden and become a SeeD and when he approached his parents with the idea, they vehemently disagreed, resulting to names to show their disapproval. Over the next week, he'd spend hours arguing with his parents to get them to let him join up, telling them he wanted to do something other than become a grocer like his father or a diner worker like his mother. After nearly a week and a half of arguing, debating and general butting heads with his parents, he joined Garden anyways. Getting a transfer to the Balamb Garden from the start, but was told he couldn't get the transfer, so he accepted the acceptance to Trabia, he returned home and ignored his parents as they yelled and screamed at him for doing what they forbid, packing the things he'd need and then walking out the front door. The last words his father said to him were that if he continued on to become a SeeD, he could never return home. Jericho paused and looked back, locking his eyes on his father's. "That's fine with me." Closing the door, he continued on to the train station and boarded the train for Trabia Garden, spending the last year training diligently to pass all the tests to become a SeeD. Upon graduation, he was placed as a low ranked SeeD and transferred to Balamb to assist in combat operations from there. Additional information: GF: Glaciem Appearance: [img]http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/038/f/8/snow_dragon_by_pamansazz-d39259h.jpg[/img] Elemental Affinity: Ice Junctions: Increases Jericho's speed and strength , sharing those traits with herself when attacking. Abilities: Offensive magic refine-Ice, Card, Mug [hr] [hider=Damian Seran][hider=Large Picture][center][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/5d66a22c-0ebc-40f1-abbf-e3721845c394.jpg[/img][/center][/hider] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/X0jqnJ5.png[/img][/center] [h3]Name[/h3] Damian Seran [h3]Age[/h3] 32 [h3]Date of Birth[/h3] June 12, εγλ 1969 [h3]Gender[/h3] Male [h3]Height[/h3] Stands at 5’11” [h3]Weight[/h3] 195 lbs [h3]Hair Color[/h3] Becoming a SOLDIER caused his hair to go from a natural black to a cobalt blue color. [i]I skipped Eye Color because all SOLDIERs have Mako blue-green eyes.[/i] [h3]Written Description[/h3] Damian is not quite the giant that most other SOLDIERs are, but he’s certainly far from short. He falls just short of six feet tall at five foot, eleven inches, but every inch of that is lean, athletic muscle. He bears a single long scar down his right arm that he keeps exposed with an armor set up that doesn’t cover it, and all his shirts are missing the right sleeve. On the job and off the job, he wears combat pants and a combat shirt with pieces of plate armor over it, primarily the shins, thighs, forearms and chest, with his left shoulder having the only pauldron he wears on it. [h3]Personality[/h3] Damian is a calm man outside of combat, with a confidence that has the unnerving ability to attract women despite the fact that he’s not actually interested in a relationship. He likes spicy food, learning more about the past, and a good card game. He doesn’t particularly care for idiots, super sweet food(chocolate overload type foods for example), or laze-abouts. He normally kicks those types in the ass and hounds them until they do their job. When it comes to his fanclub, he is always encouraging them to become the best they can be and that that may not always be with the SOLDIER program, though he himself is entirely dedicated to Shinra and the program. [h3]Background[/h3] Mister Damian Seran was born the child of two restaurant owners in the town of Costa del Sol ten years after Shinra first discovered Mako Energy, a town that at the time wasn’t doing so well until the beginning of the construction of the Midgard Plate after he turned seven. It was during the interim years that, as he got older, the young lad came to have complete confidence in the company as it made the living conditions, and the amount of business his family’s restaurant got, better. However, he was content to inherit the restaurant until he met one of the early SOLDIERs at age twelve who had stopped in at Costa del Sol to take a break from the hectic life he lead in Midgard. The man and he spoke for the duration of his stay as he told the young man about his adventures and some of the perks of being a SOLDIER. After he left, a young Damian was determined to join the SOLDIER program and set immediately to training and threw himself at his school studies with a vigor his parents had known he’d had. In the year εγλ 1987, after his eighteenth birthday, he joined Shinra’s SOLDIER program as a 3rd Class SOLDIER, where he stayed despite many shining moments in his service. The reason behind his delay in moving to 1st class was never quite clear, but he was given the promotion shortly after the Wutai War started in his 23rd year. The Wutai, through a combination of their ninjas and infantry power, had managed to hold onto a strategic position that would give Shinra a route to an important stronghold that there was no other way to approach. The 2nd Class SOLDIER that was in charge of Damian’s group had been wounded during the fighting and, in a desperate play for victory, the young SOLDIER spearheaded a charge into the enemy’s right flank, where he managed to cause enough damage to make the Wutai forces retreat at the cost of all those who had accompanied him and several wounds to himself, including the scar on his right arm. The attack proved he had the salt and skills to be a 1st Class SOLDIER, despite the fact that the 20 Shinra Troops who had charged in with him hadn’t survived the encounter. The young man had broken a siege that had been costing Shinra dearly for several months and came out of it alive, which was all the proof required. His promotion only firmly set in Damian’s mind that Shinra was the way of the future and remains fiercely loyal even after so many years with them. [h3]Summon Genome[/h3] Gilgamesh [h3]Weapon[/h3] Damian wields a [url=https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/d27b028f-c8ec-43df-90d3-82b6727a39ee.jpg]double bladed sword[/url] known as Ashrune. The weapon’s unique fighting style allows the 1st Class Soldier to approach combat in a way that unbalances his opponents. Has four materia slots along the central grip. [h3]Materia[/h3] [list] [*]Deathblow [list] [*]D.blow [/list] [*]Gravity [list] [*]Demi I [*]Demi II [/list] [*]Slash-All [list] [*]Slash-All [*]Flash [/list] [*]Double Cut [list] [*]2x-Cut [*]4x-Cut [/list] [/list] [h3]Limit Break[/h3] Twin Blade Assault: When pushed to his limit, Damian can summon Gilgamesh’s legendary blades, Excalibur and Masamune, to unleash hell on his opponents for a solid minute. Each strike from each blade unleashes a different kind of AOE/multi-enemy attack. Excalibur strikes in a straight line for two-hundred feet behind the point of impact on a target while the Masamune slashes enemies in a wide horizontal arc. Excalibur’s damage is Holy while Masamune’s is non-elemental. [/hider]