[center][h1][b]Video Game OCs[/b][/h1][/center] Name: James Hunt Gender: Male Age: 24 Appearance: [img]http://images.wikia.com/camphalfbloodroleplay/images/f/f8/Anime_Guy_Brown_Hair.jpg[/img] Rank:PFC Class: Scout Weapons and Equipment: -Rifle: Gallian-3R -Sidearm: Viper-E-9 -Grenades: B-Type M3x3 -Melee: Combat Knifex2 Personality: James very reliable person, who will, despite his smart assness, always have your back. He's also an optimist, preferring to see the best before he sees the worst. Bio: Born to a butcher and waitress, James grew up learning how to chop up and find the best picks in meat when he wasn't at school or military training. His father was proud of his son, who excelled as a marksman in his training, was passing all his classes with at least a B+, and was taking to being a butcher so well. He also somehow managed to stay out of trouble despite his quips at teachers. However, as it grew closer to his 18th birthday, James put some serious thought into joining the military instead of just becoming another militia bumpkin. He spoke for hours on end with his mom and dad on the matter, his mother in strong support and already envisioning her son in a uniform and his dad, while disappointed his son wouldn't immediately take over the family business at the Strongarm Butcher Shop, suggested he try to reach a rank of a Non-Commisioned Officer, such as Sergeant. The day of his 18th birthday, James enlisted and passed his advanced training with flying style, if not spotlessly. His record had at least four different times when he'd smarted off to his Drill Sergeant. Having served for six years, he's never quite made it past Lance Corporal because of his mouth. Most recently, his smart mouth got him attached to the Gallian Militia. He made a joke about his unit's captain with the captain right behind him. RP Sample: Lance Corporal James Hunt stood at his post guard the central communications area and, despite his best efforts, let loose a yawn, prompting PFC Hendricks, James's companion for the day to elbow him in the gut. "Come on, Corporal, I'm the one supposed to yawn after being at this all day. Wake up." Corporal James looked over at the PFC and yawned again, just to get on the PFC's nerves. Hendricks's response was to elbow the Corporal even harder. With a chuckle, James looks at the PFC again and slams his own elbow into Hendrick's gut, making the PFC double over. "And miss all the uneventful stuff that goes on during communications guard detail? What ever woul I do without you Hendricks?" Shaking his hea scornfully, James leans back against the wall again and watches people come and go. Lieutenants, Majors, Colonel Majors, all these important people and not one cared that the Lance Corporal and the PFC were bickering. "Besides, Captain Riserre only put us here becase he's got a massive stick up his ass. Even Major Derald has issues with him." At this point, PFC Hendricks was giving the universal sign of stop as the Captain was right behind James. "Look at me, I'm Captain Riserre and I think I can rule my unit with an iron fist. Lance Corporal Hunt, you get all the boring assignments because I don't want you taking my job. And while you're at it, take Hendricks with you, he's too dull to make good company." James laughed and Hendricks facepalmed as Riserre cleared his throat, which had James standing at attention quickly. "So you think I'm worried about you taking my job do you?" James quickly shook his head in the universal sign for negatory and the Captain laughed and walked away. James turned and slugged Hendricks in the arm. "Thanks for the warning, jack ass." Hendricks shrugged and went back to watching people going in the communications center. "I tried to tell you Captain Smart Ass." [hr] Name: Jerus Jericho Age: 23 Gender: Male Race(mermaid, wingly, human.): Human Dragoon Spirit: Violet Weapon: Hand-and-a-half sword and dagger Appearance: Red hair with a subtle hint of black, making it darker than normal, lean, muscular build, earned from years working in fields and helping the blacksmith, 5' 10" tall, with blue-green eyes Personality: Jerus is a quick wit with a subtle serious side, often making light of situations no matter how grave they are and always will to lend a helping hand. The only time you see him be serious is when someone's life beside's his own is in immediate danger. Is also quite the chivalrous gentleman. History: Jerus was born the son of a blacksmith in the city of Fletz in Tiberoa. Most of his youth is reminiscant of working in the forge, helping his father both make and repair armor, weapons and even house hold items. When he wasn't doing that, he went and helped his friends work in the fields, whether it be tilling, planting or harvesting, he'd do it all. This led to a very athletic young man. When he turned 18, he set out on his own, his father having taught him the basics of how to hold and use a sword and dagger in combination. In the words of his father, "Just a sword keeps you from always hitting and just a dagger means you get too close. The two together are a perfect balance." Keeping those words in mind, he's traveled ever since, unable to find a suitable place to become a blacksmith and, while he enjoyed helping with it, he wasn't meant to be a farmer. As he's traveled, he's grown more and more proficient with his chosen weapons, having been taught a little more by soldiers and guards on their down time.