[u][b]Life:[/b][/u] Individual or Species (delete as appropriate) Name: Lifespan: Description: (What is the nature and behavioural habits of this/these life form(s) and its/their purpose?) Appearance: [u][b]Creation:[/b][/u] Physical or Conceptual (delete as appropriate) Name: Description: (Origin, Purpose.) Appearance: [h2][b][centre]Planet Galbar[/centre][/b][/h2] [h3][centre]Creations[/centre][/h3] [hider=Arguis] Creation: Continent Physical Name: Arguilla Description: One of the first lands to ever appear in the new world, created by the King of Knowledge. It is comprised of two countries, one that houses the Zenoth, those who live in Dusis. Dusis is a beautiful, land, filled with rolling hills, lakes, rivers, and many other defining features. This land will be tamed by the Zenoth. Sherima is the second country, it is inhabited by the Cimex, a bipedal, humanoid bug race. It is filled with lone wolves, nomads and tribes, each one at war with one another, at least until one is able to unite there country under one banner. Sherima is a dense jungle, it is extremely dark at night, and the canopy can make day, night underneath them. Appearance: [img]http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs9/i/2006/003/b/5/Fantasy_Map_by_ColorOfInsanity.gif[/img] [u][b]Life[/b][/u] Species Name: Cimex (also known as the Voidborn) Lifespan: 80-100 years Description: The Cimex were created by Arguis, and could be said to have the most complex bodily functions of all the monstrosities on Galbar. Unlike the Dyun, their savagery is not purely directed towards humans. They have not hatred for any race whatsoever, but they are extremely territorial, especially when in relation to another race. The Cimex are self aware, unlike many of the bugs on Galbar each on of the Cimex are capable of utilizing their conscious. Despite this, if the need arises, they can abandon this self awareness to become one mind with many other Cimex. Cimex are born to hunt and fight, their exoskeleton is like iron armor, but very light, they are quick, but slightly slower than the Dyun, unless Reactive Evolution take place. Some are blind, so they grow claws along them to burrow underground, and use the rock to see. They are extremely intelligent, which is what Reactive Evolution is so effective on them. Cimex are carnivorous, but don't have a preference when it come to what they will eat, it does not matter to them as long as it is not their own race. [hider=Appearance] [img]http://apollo-na-uploads.s3.amazonaws.com/1412650218226/KhaZam.jpg[/img] [/hider] Life: Species Name: Uri'Shi (Uri) Lifespan: 50-200 years Reproduction/Population: : The Uri are a race of bipedal, plant-like humanoid people. They poses some of the same bodily functions that humans do, for example, there skulls are shaped differently and there reproductive systems have 2 different functions. The Uri are both asexual and sexual reproducers, but asexual reproduction is not used to create offspring. The Uri have a life span of about 50 years, but through there form of asexual reproduction they can increase there life spans if they want to. The Uri have the ability to be reborn, it is some what complicated, the Uri use there asexual capabilities to create a seed, that seed has it's DNA encrypted in it. It is then planted in soil and the Uri himself is buried underground near or next to the seed. After about a month the seed sprouts and its roots take hold of the buried Uri's body, then, information, memories, and all important bodily organs are mapped and blueprinted. Then above ground is a sprout were a large but thin bubble is growing, this is were the new body of the Uri is grown. After a year the body is fully grown and the Uri steps out of the bubble, unfortunately not all of the memories are transferred, and there can be some blank spots in there memory. An Uri can only use this 4 times, if used more than four times, they will lose all memory of who there were and will become a "vegetable". This reproductive ability allows them to live for about 200 hundred years, tripling there life spans. If an Uri wishes have children, they have the ability to reproduce sexually with an Uri of the opposite sex. A seed is produced and is planted into the ground, it eventually sprouts and the baby Uri is grown inside the bubble. Once the baby has completed growing, the parents are there to take the new born Uri. Male and female Uri are easily distinguishable from on another. Males are larger and built up more, the skull cap is larger than the females. Females are built like human woman, petite, but have a smaller skull cap than males but there chins are much more defined. Males also have darker tinted skin and females have lighter tinted skin colors. But what really set the Uri apart from other races is there ability to use photosynthesis. This allows them to live without food for years on end if they wish to. Photosynthesis happens subconsciously for the Uri, they could be simply walking and be performing photosynthesis without anyone knowing. The suns energy is converted into nutrients in the Uri's bodies. But the Uri does not always need photosynthesis to survive, they have foods that they can survive off of and convert into nutrients in there bodies, unfortunately it may not be as satisfying of filling as sunlight. Species Culture: The Uri are constantly looking for ways to innovate and expand. The Uri believe that knowledge and combat goes hand in hand, they teach there children in the ways of fighting but also encourage them to peruse higher knowledge. Appearance: [img]http://pre02.deviantart.net/ba44/th/pre/i/2014/156/2/a/cyborg_by_fenris31-d7l6kvm.jpg[/img] Physical Name: Soul Weaving Description: Soul Weaving was a magic created by Arguis and Escre, but utilizes most of Escre's power. From birth, the Uri have been close to the Astral Home, allowing then to see the thousands of Souls that flowed into the Astral Home, they called this, the River of Souls. With this magic, they can call upon the energy of the souls. With their unique ability to look into the River of Souls, they can summon their energy easier. They can hear the whispers of the souls, all of them ready and willing to be used, at times whispering to Weavers, tempting them to use their power. A Soul Weaver uses their energy to create or manipulate matter. For example, they can call for Souls to create a ball of pure energy, they then cab request it to become a certain matter. Fire. Water. Earth. They can even utilize soul energy to smith, making their blades much sharper and sturdier, allowing them to make iron blades as strong as steel. Only a select group of the Uri population can use this Magic. Individual/Physical - Holy Site Name: Sanctuary of Knowledge - Alma'Toren - The Grand Library Might: Generates 6 Might per Turn Description: Alma'Toren stands on a beautiful floating island about the size of Hawaii. The island is inhabited by peaceful animals who live in the beautiful gardens the Arguis created, gardens that can be revered in legends. Many white marble pillars lead into the entrance of the library, walkways overlooking the gardens of the Sanctuary. Inside, marble/tile line the floors, No doors are featured, but archways instead, one long hallway leads to the huge library, filled with mosaics on the walls, showing a watered down version of the history of the gods, magically changing and updating as time goes on, with some missing pieces. The library, which is most of the building, is wonderful adorned, the floors are a lovely cream colored marble, the wall white with gold carvings and trim. Every wall is a book case, and hundreds if book shelves are placed parallel and evenly thought the room. Mohagonay tables and chairs that feel like your sitting on clouds are set up around the vast room. Mohagonay stairs lead up to harder to reach books, and the books are organized by content, making it easy to find. Their are 3 floors of books, and depending on their content, they will be stored on a specific floor. As you go through each floor, they start to lost their 'ornateness', and start to become more and more practical, but beautiful non the less. If the content is mostly common knowledge, such the Galbar's history so far, information in how to do jobs, or even advice, they will be on the first floor, which is were most of the books are. On the second floor is knowledge that not every mortal should know. The inner workings of Wi, or Soul Weaving, unraveling concepts such as love and pushing deeper into its meanings, and understanding the psyche of humans and Uri alike, even magic spells and toms, some even could call it forbidden magic. The third floor is not for the eyes of mortals, unless Arguis allows, the third and smallest floor has information about the gods themselves, their birth, the extent of their domains, and much more. This room is magically sealed from both mortals and gods, and guarded by Toren, who have the power to battle gods. If it is breached, without Arguis' permission, Arguis can remotely destroy every book in the room, or make the pages blank. Arguis has a magical connection to every single on of the books, due to his power of Literature Control, they cannot just be stolen. This Grand Library is open to all, both gods and humans alike. But they must not come to Alma'Toren with intent to destroy it, for they will not be allowed to enter. Humans can enter by using a staircase, leading into the ocean, so Humans can use boats and walk up, of use flying beast and enter. [hider=Alma'Toren][center] [img]http://tse4.mm.bing.net/th?u=http%3a%2f%2fwww.thewallpapers.org%2fphoto%2f25507%2fold-castle.jpg&ehk=dN1PZsLBZzprpjsFmDXNig&w=521&h=326&c=7&p=0&dpr=2.24375&pid=1.7[/img] Floor One [img]http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_37Kt2tgv3nI/TQFiL7ix5OI/AAAAAAAAA7w/B49AMlnH8oM/s1600/Beauty+and+the+Beast+castle+library.jpg[/img] Floor Two [img]http://img13.deviantart.net/cffa/i/2013/021/d/6/mane_hall_lupius_library_by_zese-d5s7cr8.jpg[/img] Floor Three [img]http://img10.deviantart.net/6432/i/2010/121/2/4/wakez__s_library_by_zese.jpg[/img] Toren [img]http://digital-art-gallery.com/oid/57/632x900_10721_Tao_2d_fantasy_creature_portrait_picture_image_digital_art.jpg[/img] [/center][/hider] [/hider] [hider=Astarte][hider=Magic]Creation: Magic Physical and Conceptual Name: Many names including Wi, Magic, Sorcery, etc. Description: Astarte has unlocked humanity's potential for magic. With enough training and focus, every human can now learn different types of magic (considering this type of magic has been discovered beforehand, of course), ranging from simple telekinesis to blood magic. Some people stick to one magic type, but it's possible to mix two or more together with enough cleverness in their use.[/hider] [b]Creation:[/b] Physical/Conceptual [b]Name:[/b] Necromancy [b]Description: [/b]The power to detect, harvest and control the souls of the dead. A magic granted by Astarte solely to Thulemiz and the Silent Six, this gives the necromancer the ability to insert souls under their control into dead bodies and thus raise them up to serve them. Those who are raised are completely sentient, if they have a full soul within them. However, necromancers tend to tear souls into many parts and inject those parts into many bodies, thus raising barely sentient minions to do their bidding. Moreover, stronger necromancers are capable of overpowering the undead of weaker necromancers and thus bind them to their will. Other than inserting souls into bodies or skeletons and raising them up, necromancers can also raise up wraiths, banshees, ghosts, knockers and nightmares. Very powerful necromancers who have surrendered their very lives to death can ascend into beings far more able to control the dead: Lich Lords. Lich Lords are terrible beings, capable of raising and controlling the dead with the least strain on their power. If such creatures are not stopped immediately, they will only grow in power and carry out their one, unstoppable desire: bring the purity of death to the world. Thus is the greatest chaos and the ultimate order. Lich Lords are far more capable at necromancy and can create a greater array of undead creatures. These include ghouls, vampires, wights, and they can even raise liches out of living or dead necromancers. [/hider] [hider=Escre] [u]Physical[/u] Name: Planet Cord Description: The Planet Cord provides the only route to the planet's core, and therefore the Astral Home. Gods, and Escre in particular, can use it to travel between space and the planet's center quickly. It also provides a sort of exhaust port for the Astral Home's gaseous life energy, and the sky around it is often darkened by clouds of the it, where it mingles with the air and helps slightly to maintain an atmosphere. Appearance: The Planet Cord is a huge spinal cord, fifty-five meters in diameter and seven and a half thousand meters long. Six thousand meters of its length are underground, while the remaining kilometer and a half towers above the planet's surface, reaching up toward the stars. The Planet Cord is not perfectly straight, and winds a little back and forth. The bone that constitutes it is has a soft, porous outer layer and an inner layer harder than bedrock, meaning that mortals could climb it with relative ease, but not dig into it. Like all vertebrae, the Planet Cord has a hollow, tubelike center, through which those interested in reaching the Astral Home travel. [u]Physical / Conceptual[/u] Name: Astral Home Description: The Astral Home serves as the core of the planet, filling it with life energies that other gods can utilize to aid in their own creations, and sustaining the planet from within. It is Escre's sanctum, where it is the most powerful, and where it guards with utmost jealousy. Because of the Astral Home's existence, all living things that come to be on the planet have their own spirits, and when they die, their spirits relocate to the Astral Home for safekeeping. Appearance: The Astral Home resembles a huge orb of glowing white liquid floating at the planet's very center, in a spherical cavern only breached by the tip of the Planet Cord. Nervelike roots of white energy extend from the orb into the walls, from where they extend up through the planet to the surface. These emanate life energies to the surface. If a nerve breaches the surface, it creates a Fountain of Life, a radiant white pond that invigorates those who drink from it, mortals and gods alike. [u]Species[/u] Name: [url=http://orig05.deviantart.net/6efd/f/2009/069/d/8/kelp_cutter_by_davesrightmind.jpg]Kelp Nuzzler[/url] [b]Lifespan:[/b] 8 months [b]Description:[/b] Kelp Nuzzlers feed on tiny crustaceans and mollusks that infest huge strands of kelp, and in turn, the kelp gives them a hiding spot. They are common food for Torpedo Eels, and aren't very quick. They tend to shy away from open waters, and rarely congregate in groups of greater than two. Their scale plates, soft but cohesive and flexible, can be crafted into decent clothing or waterproofing. [b]Appearance:[/b] Raccoon-sized green fish with thin scale plates, the largest of which are in its shovel-like head, which bares a great similarity to a kelp leaf. Kelp Nuzzlers have striking pink eyes on the sides of their bodies, giving them 360-degree vision. [u]Species[/u] [b]Name:[/b] [url=http://orig05.deviantart.net/6efd/f/2009/069/d/8/kelp_cutter_by_davesrightmind.jpg]Torpedo Eel[/url] [b]Lifespan:[/b] 2 years [b]Description:[/b] These second-level consumers serve to keep the population of ordinary fishes down. They themselves make for pretty good eating, if one can get around the razor-sharp spikes and fangs. Their ability to 'torpedo' means they can go into a corkscrew maneuver when swimming, increasing their speed greatly but eliminating their ability to turn. This allows for vicious surprise attacks. These things are smarter than they appear, and might work together to flush out food. [b]Appearance:[/b] Short, streamlined eels built more for swimming than winding. Their dorsal fins and heads are adorned with spiked not unlike miniature scimitars. They may or may not have dark streaks running down their sides. Males have blue fins and bluer scales, while females ahve red fins and grayer scales. Their mouths can open to an 80-degree angle. [u]Species[/u] [b]Name:[/b] [url=http://orig05.deviantart.net/6efd/f/2009/069/d/8/kelp_cutter_by_davesrightmind.jpg]Kelp Cutter[/url] [b]Lifespan:[/b] 7 years [b]Description:[/b] These grim creatures glide through the ocean on gray-green wings, watching with their red eyes. Their weight and the sharp edges on their fins means that they can cleave plant matter and flesh alike should it be unfortunate enough to be in its way. On the inside, Kelp Cutters are dark. Their meat and blood alike is inky-black, sticky, and viscous, making them practically inedible as well as giving them a defense mechanism: when wounded, their inky blood escaped and sticks to whatever attacks them, potentially blinding but at least confusing their assailants. Kelp Cutters are solitary, meeting only to mate, and lay small clutches of eggs that look like black pearls. [b]Appearance:[/b] They are much like rays, with gray-green skin, red eyes, and bladed fins. Their blood is thick, sticky, and pitch black. Their tails are barbed, but not venomous. [u]Species[/u] [b]Name: [/b][url=http://orig03.deviantart.net/e6b2/f/2009/069/8/7/spongeback_from_wayback_by_davesrightmind.jpg]Spongeback[/url] [b]Lifespan:[/b] 40 years [b]Description:[/b] These creatures patrol the waters near or above reefs, soaking in sunlight. They're pretty skittish, and will flee from large boats and bigger sea creatures with haste. Their sponges are practically ecosystems in themselves, for they contain lots of algae and commonly small organisms, even fishes. The oldest Spongebacks may even have miniature reefs on them. Those sponges are resistant to impact, but vulnerable to cutting, and aside from making good sponges, they can be used for bedding or as waterskins, for no liquid ever evaporates from the sponges. If unable to flee, Spongebacks can attack, whipping their tails around foes and trying to strangle any enemies. They can also leap out of the water for short periods, using their winglike fins to propel themselves. The fins themselves turn completely rigid if left in the sun once harvested, and can make excellent sails. [b]Appearance:[/b] Stringy blue sea-serpents about a hundred and twenty feet long when fully grown. Predictably, their backs are covered in yellow sponges. Near their heads are four large, translucent flippers. They actually have only one eye, which is in the roof of their mouths. [u]Species[/u] [b]Name:[/b] Xaroco [b]Lifespan:[/b] 16 years [b]Description:[/b] These airborne beasts hunt small land creatures, including mana worms, though without suffering any adverse effects. Though nasty creatures for normal humans to fight, they prefer not to engage in combat, and prefer dark, quiet places like caves and graveyards to roost in. There is a supercolony of them surrounding the Planet Cord on the surface, who hunt fishes during the summer and penguins during the winter, when an ice cap surrounds the bony spire. Xarocos are known for their ability to clean corpses in mere minutes and to shoot spikes from their tails in a pinch. [b]Appearance:[/b] [url=http://orig11.deviantart.net/a596/f/2014/070/e/e/eldrivore___creature_concept_by_cloister-d79rfnf.jpg]They're pretty unique, let me just show you.[/url] [u]Species[/u] [b]Name:[/b] Mana Worm [b]Lifespan:[/b] 3 months [b]Description: [/b] These things occupy the role of decomposers in the environment. They take dead tissue and process it, turning it into usable nutrient for the soil. More than that, however, Mana Worms appear to have a connection to the Astral Home. The tentacle sacs in their bodies pulse with the same liquid life energy that resides at the planet's core, albeit much less pure, hence the blue color. On death, these worms retract their tentacles into their bodies. If consumed, the raw, impure life liquid can have a host of effects on the consumer. Usually it provides healing and reinvigoration, but too much can cause sudden mutation. Drinking the mana worms' mana habitually can severely disfigure a person...perhaps, if they're lucky, even make them into an outsider. [b]Appearance:[/b] [url=http://orig12.deviantart.net/fec2/f/2014/078/c/4/aether_husk___creature_concept_by_cloister-d7as8ep.jpg]Grubby little black things with loads of tentacle sacs[/url] [u]Species[/u] [b]Name:[/b] Outsider [b]Lifespan:[/b] Infinite? [b]Description:[/b] [hider=Those who Watch]Where do you find outsiders? Even among gods, the answer is not clear, but it is this: wherever you find humans. In the cities and villages of humans, near their farms and their ports, an outsider or two certainly dwells, though more near the sea. They hide among humans, disguised, their eyes closed, and always watching. They want to be human, to have that intelligence and that drive and that wonderment at the stars, but all they feel is loneliness and unfairness. Unable to be human, they merely play at it, adopting heavy disguises and hanging around or nearby human settlements. They can mimic speech, but don't speak often. Outsiders are light and agile, able to run fast, climb high, and crawl low. Are outsiders sentient? Not in the same sense that humans are sentient. They are resistant to change, whether of their surroundings, of their hoarded possessions, or even of themselves if a meddlesome god comes calling. Above all, outsiders can [i]see[/i]. If they open their eyes, their gaze can pierce any illusion, even those created by the gods. Their understanding of divinity and the secrets of the cosmos is alarmingly sharp. If killed, their bodies melt away into ink, leaving only their eyes behind, solidified into an rubbery ball. The ball, too, will melt away quickly unless it is collected by a person. If in a person's possession, the ball begins to give off a hard-to-resist smell, prompting the collector or anyone close to the collector to eat it--though only females can smell it. Once a woman has eaten the ball, a change occurs. In the course of the next week, regardless of how much the woman eats, her body rapidly gains weight until it's up to five times her original. During this time, the woman's irises turn orange, and they, too can see through even the most divine illusions. Though hard to notice, three additional eyes grow in random places on the woman's body. Finally, in the night at the week's end, approximately three-fifth's of the woman's body mass sloughs off and turns inky black before becoming three new outsiders. Any witnesses are hunted down by the outsiders to keep the secret. After this, the woman falls unconscious, and upon waking remembers nothing of the past week. Nonhuman races like the Cimex and the Dyun can also be affected. If a female of either of those races is enticed by a ball's aroma, the change they undergo is that they develop a new eye in their torsos, at the same position and size of an outsider's. After the week is done, the epidermis of the Cimex or Dyun in question peels away, revealing that an outsider has grown to occupy the creature's entire inside. Gods can use the eyes of dead outsiders differently, should they be able to catch them. Gods can take their eyes and slot them directly into their avatars' bodies, gaining better peripheral vision and resistance to other gods' mind-powers with every eye. Despite all this, outsiders' impact on the world is rather insignificant. They're not capable of any greatness, of forming their own civilization, or any advanced learning. The are but phantoms in the world of man, and purposefully try and keep their race as secret as possible. The majority of humans will go their entire lifetimes without knowing that outsiders even exist; and perhaps, some gods will as well. [/hider] [b]Appearance:[/b] [url=http://orig10.deviantart.net/588d/f/2009/005/c/2/torthune___kobold_quarterly_7_by_michaeljaecks.jpg]An outsider[/url] [u]Individual[/u] [b]Name:[/b] The Liaison [b]Lifespan:[/b] Infinite [b]Description[/b] The Liaison functions as one of Escre's subordinates among the mortal world. It is the Liaison's responsibility to watch over humankind, both to gather information on them and the work of other gods among them, and to defend humans from the assaults of other, vicious races. The magical 'arts' inherent to the Liaison as a result of its status as a hero give it an elemental affinity for ice. It can empower its strikes with ice, both hurting and freezing what they hit, or create crude constructs out of ice to fight with. It does its very best to keep its actions, and even its existence, secret. Naturally, also due to being a hero, the Liaison is both far stronger and more agile than other members of its race. [b]Appearance:[/b] The Liaison resembles a typical outsider, but its eyes is a brilliant cyan rather than orange. [u]Order[/u] [b]Name:[/b] The Sanguine Communion [b]Description:[/b] The Sanguine Communion is a congregation of humans dedicated to the idea of preserving humanity and maintaining the world's balance to make sure that it is never thrown into chaos. To this end, its members pay homage to Escre, the Great Spirit, but do not worship it; nor do they worship the other gods. If anything, they revere the Astral Home, the sustaining force of the planet and to abode of spirits. Sanguine Communion temples are built over Visceral Seeps, and the order gathers up the lifeblood and distills it with arcane devices that only the SC controls. Once distilled, the lifeblood is a miracle healing medium, able to regenerate bones and even entire limbs. It also dissolves the body's fatigue, and can even substitute for food. However, lifeblood never leaves the system, and if it's not used to construct new tissues it can pile up, causing tumors and growth in size. Thus, removing used blood is a common practice. A member of the Sanguine Communion who has consumed a good deal of distilled lifeblood can repair and even alter their own body, breaking it down and constructing it anew. A gifted -or cursed- individual can literally erupt into a bloody explosion, becoming monstrous, for combat purposes. [b]Appearance:[/b] The members of the Communion wear varying forms of attire, but their clothes are always sleeveless, caped, and a light to dark brown with various blacks mixed in. Communion members tend to wear hats, hoods, wood masks, or a combination of said items as well. Temples of the Sanguine Communion typically have a rounded, tiered shape with stone bricks and pointy spires. [u]Transformation[/u] [b]Name:[/b] Mortemulta Escre [b]Description:[/b] This is Escre's combat forme. It can range between 150 and 400 feet tall, and is used whenever Escre anticipates fighting. In this form, Escre cannot create anything, trading all creation powers for combative ones. Despite its size and strength, Mortemulta Escre is technically a large wraith, and uses a Phantom fighting style. It can disappear and teleport in its entirety, create illusions of itself that are immune to omniscience, and from its three massive eyes release Charged Souls that seek out and burn through their targets. Furthermore, the entire halo containing the three eyes can be wielded as a massive ringblade. With its left hand it can rip spirits from the bodies possessing them, siphon energy, release Hypercharged Souls, and phase through all manner of skin to rip on the inside. In its right hand it wields a modified, giant scythe. Wherever Mortemulta Escre goes, the weather turns dark and cloudy but for a space directly overhead, from which shines an eerie purple light. [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://pre14.deviantart.net/4af2/th/pre/i/2011/170/4/9/the_magister_by_shuzong-d3jajcb.jpg[/img] [b][u]Physical Place[/u][/b] Name: (The Bastion called) Forever Fall Description: The Bastion, a floating citadel in the far-off reaches of space, in a green nebula cloud of air. It is a stony fortress, with courtyards and flowing water and white-barked trees in a perennial state of autumn. Within, past numerous arcane seals designed to teleport any godly presences that mess with them to a random point in space, and up a spiral staircase in the glassy blue atrium, is Heaven's Door - a raging spiral, bristling with dark, violent colors and streaks of scarlet lightning, and most likely capable of erasing anything thrown into it from existence. Forever Fall is one of the Seven Ardent Bastions, and its core, Heaven's Door, suggests a ceaseless cycle of hatred and self-destruction. Since the blessing of Invictus, it has become nearly impervious to the meddling of other gods, and its Deathless Warden protectors fight on nearly demigod levels. Appearance: [url=http://www.primagames.com/media/files/darksiders2/hires_04o-001.jpg]Forever Fall[/url], its [url=http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/129/8/3/warlock_by_psdeluxe-d64nrsf.jpg]female Deathless Wardens[/url], and its [url=http://th07.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2015/015/e/5/warlock_by_abelvera-d8e1fja.jpg]male Deathless Wardens[/url] [/hider] [hider=Undasis][b][u]Physical[/u][/b] [b]Name[/b]: Oceans of Galbar [b]Description[/b]: The Ocean of Galbar was formed by the God of Seas as both a way to show their power and to serve as a catalyst of their divine will in this world. Many worshipers of Undasis believe that the ocean is an ultimate incarnation of Kraken's force and Woman's love. Galbar's ocean is- for the most part- entirely salt-water, with the exception of certain points in [i]Kraken's Crater[/i]. Waves are often seen rippling their way across the surface of the water, and below you'll find an infinite mass of blue (which will be filled with fish, eels, and sealife of all sorts imaginable). Deeper down, the bottom is covered in a thick layer of sand and the occasional loose rock; no sunlight reaches this far into the depths, and as such most life that makes it's way here is strange and hardly pleasing to the eye. Only the most beloved creatures of Undasis have the power to survive so far from the hated surface. Any god may enter these seas, but they should be aware that they are descending into the territory of Undasis. [hider=Appearance] [img]http://superfunsite.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/underwater-amazing-pictures-superfunsite-84.jpg[/img] [/hider] [center]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-[/center] [b][u]Physical[/u][/b] [b]Name[/b]: Moon of Galbar [b]Description[/b]: The Moon of Galbar was, along with the oceans and atmosphere, created by Undasis. It was made through combining thousands of asteroids into one roughly spherical, rocky object of about 63 million square kilometers around ((for the record, Earth's moon is about 38)). It orbits tirelessly around Galbar, completing a cycle every thirty-three days. There is nothing of significance on the surface, but it should be said that the Moon is very "lumpy" in it's form. It is, for the most part, a very dark grey shade that borders on entirely black. Undasis- Kraken specifically- may occasionally use this as a "safe haven" on which to be away from the world while keeping it, literally, within view. [hider=Appearance] [img]http://images.fineartamerica.com/images-medium-large/the-black-moon-lupu-victor.jpg[/img] [/hider] [center]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-[/center] [u][b]Physical[/b][/u] [b]Name[/b]: Kraken's Crater [i]Also known as Galbar's Scar[/i] [b]Description[/b]: When Kraken smashed himself into the barren crust of the world directly following it's creation, he shattered it with such power that a massive mark was left forever in the earth. It is the descends deeper than any crater, trench, or canyon. When it was filled with water by Undasis it became the lowest point of the ocean- at one point going as far down as 50,300 feet (or 15,331 meters). The length by longitude is roughly 9,400 miles (15,127 kilometers) and the width by latitude is 8,100 miles As one descends, they fall more and more into the Kraken's dark realm. The Woman of the Water has no hold here, and as such there is no peace for trespassers. Even god's may find reason to fear this place, and only the most beloved of the World-Drowner are allowed to enter. It is rumored that here the Kraken has built a massive palace from which to command his armies that will rise up from the sea and conquer the world. The Sun does not cast light in the furthest depths of Galbar's Scar, and as such it is home to some of the strangest life the world- and Undasis in particular- has to offer. The creatures who inhabit this realm are monstrosities of the most eldritch fashion, and must be explained in another place. [hider=Appearance:] [img]http://i.ytimg.com/vi/fmdWfFAyJ1k/maxresdefault.jpg[/img] This is an artist's abstract interpretation, as it is difficult to see the Crater from above as anything but a giant, continent-sized dark spot on the world's oceans [/hider] [b][u]Species[/u][/b] [b]Name[/b]: Sea Ants Sea-ants Seants [b]Lifespan[/b]: 15 Years [b]Description[/b]: Sea-ants came about when Undasis, Astarte and Vestec captured a small number of Vowzra's ants and transformed them to survive in an undersea environment. They share many traits with their distant, land-based cousins; they have strong and powerful jaws that can lift up to twenty times the Sea-ants body weight, they scavenge relentlessly for any meat or plant matter that may be found, and they live in vast families led by a "Queen" that births all members of the hive. The "legs" of Sea-ants can serve as both paddles when traveling through the depths, and as digging claws when pushing away seafloor sand to create a suitable home for themselves and their hive-members. To achieve this purpose, the ends of their feet curve to the left and create a "cup" shape- the cups catch water easily when swimming, and scoop up dirt for digging. Also like the inferior land ants, Sea-ants have a habit of unintentionally spreading nutrients and cleaning waste left by other creatures- thus making them vital to any sort of complex undersea life to come. [hider=Appearance] [img]http://www.wallhd4.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/ant-animal-hd-wallpaper-3.jpeg[/img] [/hider] [center]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-[/center] [b][u]Species[/u][/b] [b]Name[/b]: Vestecian Sea-ants Vestecian Sea Ants Vestec's Seants [b]Lifespan[/b]: 15 Years. But, compared to their more peaceable cousins, they are extroadinarly likely to die in conflict [b]Description[/b]: Only a few moments after the above Sea-ants were created, Vestec brutally corrupted them into a mockery of their former selves. The are now strictly carnivores. Furthermore, they have no more "Queen", rather, every female in the group is forced into a form of reproductive slavery in which they must give birth to periodically, or be killed and eaten by the other Vestecian Sea-ants. Vestec's ants do not create hives of their own: instead, they wait for a hive of non-corrupted Sea-ants to toil away at making a suitable tunnels system, and then the Corrupted Ants viciously attack. They rarely lose, due largely to their superior pincers and the twisted tentacles arising from their backs. Sea-ants who survive the Vestecian onslaught are quickly hunted down and eaten. [hider=Appearance] [quote=Rtron's description] The ants on Vestec's body began undergoing a notable change. Their bodies became more streamlined, built for moving quickly underwater, and their pincers grew larger and decidedly sharper. Tentacles arose from their backs, ready to grasp anything within reach. [/quote] [/hider] [center]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-[/center] [b][u]Species[/u][/b] [b]Name[/b]: Colossal Sea Ants/Sea-ants/Seants Krakenian Sea-ants/Sea Ants/Seants Kraken's Ants [b]Lifespan[/b]: 15 Years [b]Description[/b]: Unlike the other two forms of mutated Undersea Ants, Kraken's Ants have little to no connection with the land-dwelling insect that first comes to mind as one hears the word "ant". No, these are more like something out of a nightmare. They were created by Kraken in response to Vestec's ants. They grow anywhere between 8-16 feet long and 5-10 feet tall, and survive primarily in and around the cusp of Kraken's Crater. They are [url=http://www.biology-online.org/dictionary/Hypercarnivore]hypercarnivorous[/url], their diet consisting mainly of the meat of whatever animal they may find (octopus, squids, and other cephalopods are by far their favorites), and the various fungi that grow around Kraken's Crater. These creatures swim at an average of about forty miles (sixty-five kilometers) an hour. [hider=Appearance. They are very "unique"] In the place of legs they have grown large, red-coated, seashell shaped fins built for paddling through the seafloor. Rather than two antennas, they possess a thick coat of extremely small and sensitive hair-like tentacles spouting from their back. These tentacles possess the ability to sense vibrations in the water, so as to detect approaching prey or potential mates. On the other hand, they have retained the segmented body and insectoid facial features. [/hider] [u][b]Species[/b][/u] [b]Name[/b]: Devourer Fish [b]Lifespan[/b]: 15-25 Years [b]Description[/b]: Devourer Fish are one of the most well-known breeds of "sea monsters". They- along with StormHunters, Terrorfish, and Mighty Sharks- were created by Undasis to terrorize mortals who entered his domain. They are the apex predators of the mid-Crater area (about 30,000 feet deep), where they struggle to search for food but rarely fail to consume their prey once it's been found. Devourer Fish are close relatives to the [url=http://animals.nationalgeographic.com/animals/fish/anglerfish/]Angler Fish[/url], and have many of the same habits (including the unusual mating habits). Angler Fish have a natural "lantern" on their head, the light of which lures prey into their waiting jaws. Devourer Fish, on the other hand, have a similar natural lantern- the main difference being that Devourer Fish are imbued with a strong magical element. Their lanterns are able to create any illusion needed to pull in their prey; someone lost in the bottom of the ocean may see it as a light to lead them out, a sailor with a sinking boat will believe it's another ship coming to rescue them from a watery grave, a dying man sees it as a healing force of the gods, and so on. Devourer Fish are very dangerous in this manner, anything one desires they will imitate until you swim right into their grasp. It's far too late by the time the trap that's been set is discovered. [hider=Appearance] [img]http://hdwallpapersfit.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/sea-monster-wallpapers.jpg[/img] [/hider] [center]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-[/center] [u][b]Species[/b][/u] [b]Name[/b]: StormHunter [b]Lifespan[/b]: 200-300 Years [b]Description[/b]: Like the Devourer Fish, StormHunters are closely tied to mystical forces, which they use for hunting their prey. Unlike the Devourer, StormHunters do not wait and lure their prey in. Instead, they actively hunt their prey at the absurd speed of ninety miles-per-hour (one-hundred-and-fifty KPH) by invoking the sea to push them faster, and they have been granted the powers to stir up the forces of water at will. They possess an extra organ molded on to the back of their brain, which forms a bond with the elemental forces of the world (particularly that of the ocean and air) and is used at will to spin the waters into a whirlpool, cause lightning to strike it's prey during a storm, or bring rain down from already cloudy skies. It should also be said that they are normally among the most difficult creatures to slay (to kill one of these is to be hailed as a hero by many), and are several times worse during storms. StormHunters serve the purpose of guarding those parts of the ocean furthest from land. They are Undasis' last resort to terrify mortals, and they are generally considered to be the most fatal of Kraken's monsters, even more so than the ever-dreaded Mighty Shark. Only a select few brave men and fools approach them willingly. [center]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-[/center] [u][b]Species[/b][/u] [b]Name[/b]: Terrorfish [b]Lifespan[/b]: 50-100 Years [b]Description[/b]: Terrorfish are perhaps not as dangerous as a StormHunter, but they are nearly as terrifying. There is no magical elemental powers to these creatures, there is no cunning lure, there is simply brute strength. Terrorfish swim at an average speed of thirty miles per hour (fifty KPH). They have no known mystical powers, but they do not need them. The lack of magic is easily made up for by an impeccable sense of vision above and below water, the strength to crush iron with their tentacles, an ability to smell prey from over almost a hundred miles away, and a merciless attitude. There is no room in their mind for anything more than eating and destroying, and they favor land-creators who enter the sea. They were created with the express purpose of attacking sailors or deep-sea fishermen. Kraken desires people to enter the water, of course, but he does not want them to do so without certain knowledge of the dangers that may be waiting for them. Kraken is, after all, an embodiment of the sea's bipolar force and rage. [hider=Appearance] [img]http://pre00.deviantart.net/bf2b/th/pre/i/2012/259/5/0/kraken_unleashed_by_papercutillustration-d344cgc.jpg[/img] [/hider] [center]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-[/center] [u][b]Species[/b][/u] [b]Name[/b]: Mighty Shark [b]Lifespan[/b]: 40-80 Years [b]Description[/b]: All fear the Mighty Shark. They are in many ways identical to "Great White Sharks", with the obvious exception being that they can grow up to be several miles long. They feed their massive bodies by inhaling the water around them (as whales do), sucking in whole schools of fish, squid, eels and whatever or whoever is unfortunate enough to be near them. Like the Terrorfish, they have no mystical powers, but they do have a taste for human flesh and blood. [hider=Appearance] Fear it! [img]http://th04.deviantart.net/fs70/150/f/2010/237/e/b/Giant_Shark_by_Ironmaster99.jpg[/img] [/hider] [center]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-[/center] [b][i]The First of the Krakenian Demons[/i][/b]: [b][u]Individual[/u][/b] [b]Name[/b]: Rune [i]Also known as[/i]: The Mystic The First The Grey One [b]Description[/b]: What was once a whale has been blessed with an unfathomably small but powerful portion of Undasis' divine mystic powers. Rune, as with all other Krakenian Demons, has lost all sense of individuality, self, animal instinct, and sexual desire. What it has gained, however, is worth so, so much more; it is the Demon of magic, it has developed masterful powers over the elemental and mystical forces of the world. Not being sentient, it of course doesn't understand the strength it wields so easily. All it knows is Kraken's will, and if Kraken demands that it fight, then it can and will use all the raw magical power at it's disposal to crush it's foes. It can summon fire, wind, water, and earth to it's aid, and it can attack or defend with bolts of pure mystic energy. Rune can cancel-out most magic being used by the enemy with relative ease, and it can even use the energy from an enemy's spell to it's own ends, if it so needs. [hider=Appearance. It's the gray one in bottom right corner] [img]http://static1.squarespace.com/static/535adf45e4b0cd207ffc69c5/t/542c8060e4b093783746b64c/1412202592796/kraken-sketches-brynnmetheney[/img] [/hider] [center]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-[/center] [b][i]The Second of the Krakenian Demons[/i][/b]: [b][u]Individual[/u][/b] [b]Name[/b]: Impetus [i]Also Known As:[/i] The Forceful The Strong One The Purple [b]Description[/b]: Impetus is the most physically strong of the four original Krakenian Demons, and the most resistant. All the Krakenian Demons can move at underwater speeds of hundreds of miles an hour, but this one is the only one able to utilize that gift of speed as a weapon: When Krakenian Demons travel, they do not do so in the physical. They "fade" out of this world and exist solely in the spirit for a brief time before popping back into reality at a new destination. This connection to the spirit world is one reason they are known as "Demons" (implying a connection to the ethereal), and it is why they can transport themselves three-hundred miles away in only an hour or so. Impetus is the only Demon able to manifest this power in the physical realm. In other words, when he pops back into reality he maintains momentum and uses himself like a spear. From the perspective of an enemy, this would be like suddenly seeing a monster appearing in front of you and running itself into you, head-on, at several hundred miles per hour. Furthermore, Impetus has extraordinarily strong jaws and near-impervious skin. That is not to say it's invincible by any means, but it would require a true hero of the gods to slay it and all it's brethren. [hider=Appearance. Purple one, bottom left corner] [img]http://static1.squarespace.com/static/535adf45e4b0cd207ffc69c5/t/542c8060e4b093783746b64c/1412202592796/kraken-sketches-brynnmetheney[/img] [/hider] [center]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-[/center] [b][i]The Third of the Krakenian Demons[/i][/b]: [b][u]Individual[/u][/b] [b]Name[/b]: Phrenic [i]Also Known As:[/i] The Catalyst The Mental One The Blue [b]Description[/b]: It should first be stated that Phrenic is in [b]no[/b] way a truly sentient being. Kraken has bestowed him with a great sort of intelligence, but not the same sort that may be found in a humans. This mental prowess is more animalistic, more instinctual. It knows how to respond and strategize in conflict- it's only real purpose in life, but it could never learn to speak or achieve a higher level of thinking. As with the other Demons of it's kind, it is nothing more than a semi-intelligent living weapon. Phrenic is highly telepathically linked to all other Krakenian Demons, and as a direct result is able to "hear" all their thoughts and relay those to the others. If Rune notices an enemy quickly approaching to the right, Phrenic will immediately hear that information and relay it to all the others, so that they may [i]all [/i]prepare to fight. Another example: if Impetus is about to use ram himself into the enemy, Phrenic will hear that and relay it to any other Demon around Impetus, so that they may avoid being caught in the cross-fire. But there are some drawbacks. For The Catalyst, anyway. It is wholly blind, deaf, scentless, has no taste, and cannot feel physically or emotionally. Phrenic was made to be less of a living thing and more of an object. Phrenic sees, hears, learns, tastes, and feels all though the thoughts of others. If Impetus bites an enemy and tastes its flesh, then Phrenic "tastes" it also. If Rune is stabbed, Phrenic "feels" the stab alongside it. The reason for all of this is so that the Four Demons may stay in contact at all times. If one is attacked, they will all know immediately through The Catalyst. This instantaneous contact greatly aids them in combat. If Phrenic were to die, the Krakenian Demons would have no form of communication whatsoever. [hider=Appearance. Blue one, top left corner] [img]http://static1.squarespace.com/static/535adf45e4b0cd207ffc69c5/t/542c8060e4b093783746b64c/1412202592796/kraken-sketches-brynnmetheney[/img] [/hider] [center]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-[/center] [b][i]The Fourth of the Krakenian Demons[/i][/b]: [b][u]Individual[/u][/b] [b]Name[/b]: Reverend [i]Also Known As:[/i] The Devout The Spirit One The Red [b]Description[/b]: It is because of Reverend that the Krakenian Demons are able to "fade" into a spiritual existence at times, and why they are so difficult to kill. Reverend's very presence strengthens the souls of his fellow demonic creations, ensuring that any enemy will be hard-pressed to harm them enough for their souls to leave their bodies. It is impossible to [i]truly[/i] kill one of the Krakenian Demons so long as Reverend lives. You see, Reverend has the innate ability to cage souls to this plane of existence. Should Rune, Phrenic, or Impetus fall, he will curse their souls to haunt the area of their death like ghosts until their bodies are healed. There are only two real ways to stop this: - You can burn the bodies to ash, thus making it impossible for them to return to their own physical being. You should be warned that this will not solve the problem entirely, as their ghosts will haunt the place of their death forever. -You could kill the Reverend. This will allow the bodies to decay naturally and the souls to be freed. Kraken can always make more demons, but not entirely the same as these original four. If they are all slain- Reverend included- then they will never appear in this world again. If neither of these things are achieved, then the Demons will eventually return. Then they will return again, and again, and again, and so on until someone burns the bodies or kills the Reverend. [hider=Appearance. Red one, top right corner] [img]http://static1.squarespace.com/static/535adf45e4b0cd207ffc69c5/t/542c8060e4b093783746b64c/1412202592796/kraken-sketches-brynnmetheney[/img] [/hider] [center]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-[/center] [u][b]Species[/b][/u] [b]Name[/b]: The Mer [i]A.K.A.:[/i] Mermen/Mermaids Mer Undasis's Chosen (used derogatorily) Scales [i]Added upon IC developments:[/i] The Alchemists [b]Lifespan[/b]: Seventy-ninety years [b]Description[/b]: (What is the nature and behavioral habits of this/these life form(s) and its/their purpose?) [hider=River Mer V. Ocean Mer] Undasis first crafted the Ocean Mer from the bodies of Sviebarden men and woman. They are far from human in appearance and can only breath saltwater, but they have amazing telepathic abilities and swim at top speed of 30 MPH that more than make up for their losses. When they speak they possess deep, masculine voices. River Mer, on the other hand, were created as a catalyst of relations between Merkind and Mankind. They are not hybrids by enemy means, but they certainly look and behave the part: they have weaker telepathic abilities than Ocean Mer and more human features. Their hands are not as noticeably webbed, they are capable of breathing both fresh and salt water, and they seem to lack the speed known that the Oceaners are so well known for. General these are less concentrated in population and more spread-out than other Mer. A note: River Mer also live in lakes. Sometimes they will be referred to as "Lake Mer". There is no difference between a Lake Mer and a River Mer. Also: Aestus, the hero, is neither a River nor an Ocean Mer, but a cross-breed of both. [/hider] [hider=Marriage, Gender Roles, and Children] [i]Marriage:[/i] The average Mer is adult at the age of seventeen, but it is normal to be engaged before fifteen. The actual marriage will not, of course, take place until they reach adulthood, but at the point they have promised and engaged themselves, it is set in stone. The only way out of a promised engagement is if one dies (which sometimes occurs, under more than unusual circumstances) Mer Marriages are absolutely sacred. Divorce of any kind or any reason is prohibited. There is no such thing as divorce. Mer, when married, each imbue a bit of their own magic into a biral stone and give it to the partner, so that a piece of them will always be carried by the other. [i]Gender Roles:[/i] Although both Mermaids and Mermen are allowed equal rights in every sense, it is generally encouraged that woman are homemakers and advisers while men are providers and leaders. The main exception to this is magic: if you are a trained wizard, none of the rules, marital or otherwise, apply to you. [i]Children:[/i] As should be fairly obvious, Mer do not have near the same reproductive systems as our human friends. I'll spare you the horrible, horrible details of Mer mating. Instead, I'll give you the horrible, horrible details of Mer childbirth: Mermaids lay an average of 4-8 eggs about the size of their heads after a six-month fetal period. Mer are able to swim, feed themselves, and use rudimentary telepathy directly after being hatched, but they need parents to look after them, as they cannot find the food on their own. There are disturbing amounts of reports on abandoned newly-hatched simply swimming around in circles until they die of starvation or exhaustion. [/hider] [hider=Personality and Life] [i]Personality[/i] Mer are a highly emotional and surprising people. Although they can, at times, exhibit crushing logic and reason, they are primarily ruled by their emotions. This is especially true for Mer in large groups, as they telepathically sense eachother's feelings and that, in turn, arouses similar feelings in them. This means that thoughts in Mer society work almost like a virus. If a Merman is angry, and he goes home to his wife, she will telepathically pick up on that and become angry too (even if she does not know why). The wife may then go outside and meet a stranger, who will become angry from her anger, and he will go home and cause his family to be angry simply with his presence. Therefore, the emotion spreads like a disease until many, many people have been "infected" with anger, even if nothing valid technically happened to trigger that emotion, other than meeting someone already exhibiting it. [i]Life:[/i] Almost half of the Mer population live in the great city of Concentus- the largest grouping of homes and structures to exist at the time of writing. Mer in the city, like the fish in an ecosystem, all work for themselves while still benefiting the greater whole- often without noticing it. The have a system of currency based around "Pecuna", the equivalent of a single unit of currency. Concentus is based around a Capitalist society, where the pursuit of wealth is valued and expected. The rest of the Mer live outside of the city, in small villages or, although somewhat rare, alone. Concentus is much to big and heavy to easily move around, but these smaller towns are often built on semi-buoyant submerged platforms that may be pulled by domesticated Giant Squid or sharks. A Mer will build the platform from a mix of coral, sand, biral (of course), and fish scales. Then they will build their home on top of it and have animals pull it to achieve locomotion. The reason they go through all this trouble to keep themselves mobile is simple: fish. They often follow schools of fish so that they have a constant supply of prey items, and some Mer have even rigged giant baited nets on the exterior of the homes, so that fish will get caught inside as the platform floats along, removing the need for hunting or even leaving the construct. [/hider] [hider=Worship] The Mers were at first created only as worshipers of Undasis, for whom they have only ever built one temple. One temple that is several kilometers wide and able to house thousands at once. Other than that, most Mer keep small areas of worship in their homes, preferring to pray to the Sea God in private. With the recent release of Biral Manipulation and Alchemy, a very large number of Mer have taken to also praising Astarte, who they often hail as "The Sea's Sister", because she reportedly told Sanctus that she was like Undasis' sister. They don't simply see her as an incarnation of magic, however, but also as a sort of unpredictable one. When making a fictional story (as Mer often do) Astarte is most often depicted as random, indecisive, and chaotic- she speaks in riddles and offers hidden advice in her strange behavior. [/hider] [b]Appearance[/b]: [hider=Ocean Mer] These are an uglier and fishier breed than those found in rivers, but do not let their appearance deceive you- they are not monsters. [img]http://i42.tinypic.com/2zee6ph.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=River Mer] River Mer have less jarring appearance than their cousins, and may even be found attractive at times. [img]http://arkadyroytman.com/drop/Sketchbook/2010/bl_MermanSK.jpg[/img] [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Vowzra] [u][b]Life:[/b][/u] [color=ed1c24]Species[/color] Name: Ants [color=ed1c24]Lifespan:[/color] 20 years [color=ed1c24]Description:[/color] Ants were the very first living creatures to come about. They were created in order to maintain the Oxygen cycle along with trees. Other than that, they are vital in preserving various life cycles, and the existence of other creatures would be impossible without themas they clean up the environment and improve soil quality. To help them with cleaning, ants have incredibly powerful jaws called mandibles which allow them to lift up to twenty times their weight and break items apart to carry them to the colony. Some are carnivorous while others leaf-eaters, making them among them ultimate scavengers. By creating colonies, defecating and bringing food back to the colony, ants unintentionally aerate the soil and introduce extra nutrients into the earth,thus increasing its quality greatly. Further, ants are a vital pollinator, without which many flowers would die out. Overall, these little creatures are incredibly important for the development of advanced life on Planet Galbar. [hider=Appearance][img]http://www.peterandpaulspestcontrol.com.au/files/media/thumbcache/011/c11/60b/ant.jpg[/img][/hider] [u][b]Creation:[/b][/u] [color=1a7b30]Physical[/color] [color=1a7b30]Name:[/color] Trees [color=1a7b30]Description:[/color] Trees were created by Vowzra as the first non-sentient living creations, excluding the Planet Galbar itself. They are a vital part of sustaining and advancing life, as they produce oxygen, improve air quality, preserve and increase soil quality and conserve water. Trees also filter air by removing dust and absorbing gases dangerous to life, such as nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide and carbon monoxide. Trees also preserve cool conditions by absorbing the heat of the sun, and they preserve heat by acting as a barrier for winds. Further, tree roots hold the soil in place and prevent it from collapsing while the entire tree provides a potential home for various future creatures, both above and below ground. And it cannot be forgotten, many trees also produce sweet fruits which animals can eat from, and their leaves also provide food for ants and many other future creatures, something Vowzra does not need his all seeing eye to know. [hider=Appearance][img]http://wallpaperest.com/wallpapers/jungle-fantasy_552827.jpg[/img][/hider] [u][b]Life:[/b][/u] Numerous Species [color=ed1c24]Name:[/color] Animals; The Animal Kingdom [color=ed1c24]Lifespan:[/color] Varies from a few minutes to hundred of years depending on species [color=ed1c24]Description:[/color] Animals are the product of Vowzra's knowledge, Escre's imagination and the Guardian of Life's pure power over Life. Their combined created over 10 million species of animals, all designed to live, reproduce and create an enormous, self-sustaining ecosystem on Galbar. Animals range in size from no more than a few cells to organisms weighing many tons, such as the colossal squid. The most numerous species of animals are, without any doubt, insects. Groups such as mollusks, crustaceans, and nematodes are also especially diverse, while mammals are a very little in number when compared. Find [url=http://lib.colostate.edu/wildlife/atoz.php?letter=ALL]here[/url] a far from exhaustible list of animals one can expect to come across. [hider=Appearance] [img]http://biblebro.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/animal_spirits.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.sealifeweymouth.com/images/main-images/mobile-main-images/creatures-montage.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.tattoostime.com/images/123/insects-tattoos-designs.jpg[/img][/hider] [u][b]Life:[/b][/u] Species [color=fff200]Name:[/color] Humans; Vowzra's Children; Mankind [color=fff200]Lifespan:[/color] Up to 120 years; average of 70 [color=fff200]Description:[/color] (What is the nature and behavioural habits of this/these life form(s) and its/their purpose?) Humans were the first intelligent beings to come into existence, along with their Outsider cousins and protectors. They are beings of extreme intelligence and can learn and adapt very quickly. With time, they are able to learn and develop without the intervention of the gods, but divine intervention would certainly speed up their development. Already, upon being created, they are capable of feeling loss and anguish at being separated from the Heavens - though they cannot quite put their finger on these emotions, what they mean and why they are so. Humans are naturally pack animals, and it is not unusual to find that many of them live in groups and look out for one another. They are still nomadic in the extreme, however, unprotected and very vulnerable. While they have great potential, it is originally untapped and they can grow in any direction depending on the will of the gods. [hider=Appearance][img]http://i.imgur.com/AVyaLeS.jpg[/img][/hider] [u][b]Creation[/b][/u] Conceptual [color=f7976a]Name:[/color] Home [color=f7976a]Description:[/color] Mankind was, in the beginning, nomadic and unsettled. They let their feet carry them where they wished and at the end of the day, they slept beneath any tree or in any cave they could find. The closest thing to 'Home' they had were the heavens and the strange feeling of loss and homesickness they felt at not being one with it. As man was gifted with the concept of society, however, and Vowzra sided their development, they came to understand the concept of home and settlement more clearly. Rather than dwelling in any cave around or sleeping beneath any tree, they now wished to create a permanent, more fixed abode. They wished to live with others - their family, surrounded by their society. [hider=Appearance][img]http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-95R2mz4Dtok/TbcihlWg6ZI/AAAAAAAAA5c/3_iurX-7Sgs/s1600/Bamboo%2Bhut.png[/img][/hider] [u][b]Creation[/b][/u] Conceptual [color=39b54a]Name:[/color] Friendliness [color=39b54a]Description:[/color] This is a pro-social set of behaviors causing humans to lean towards being pleasant, agreeable, interested in others, genial, empathetic, considerate, and helpful. This set of behaviours manifests in people in varying ways, but generally, they are more trustworthy, straightforward, altruistic, compliant, modest, and sympathetic. Further, this set of traits causes people to lean more towards honourable behaviors and take offense to not responding to friendliness with friendliness. As a result, things like dueling, though negative, are also seen as a part of this pro-social set of behaviours. [hider=Appearance][img]http://s3.amazonaws.com/rapgenius/1343265225_caveman.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.trionz.co.uk/blog/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/caveman-trion-z.jpg[/img][/hider] [u][b]Creation[/b][/u] Conceptual [color=f7976a]Name:[/color] Choice and Free Will [color=f7976a]Description:[/color] It matters not the pressures of society, all people are individuals and can do as they wish. They all have a choice between doing what they wish and doing what is best for society, or doing something else entirely. They are in all ways free. Should Ug wish to hunt the deer instead of the mammoth, that is Ug's choice. Should Ug wish to rule over his tribe with an iron fist, or to usher them into a bright new age with compassion and mercy, that is the choice of Ug and no one else, and it is the choice of those beneath him to obey him or not. As it stands, all men have the faculty of the mind, a blessing from Vowzra which no race has been blessed with by a god, and it would indeed be a most grievous crime against the god who created them and their own selves were they not to use that faculty to do something so simple as make their own decisions and guide their own lives to their ultimate, chosen and Fated purpose - and Fate, as one who sees as Vowzra sees, is just as fickle a thing as Time. [hider=Appearance][img]http://www.shiawisdom.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/Free-Bird.jpg[/img][/hider] [u][b]Creation[/b][/u] Conceptual [color=39b54a]Name:[/color] Common Sense [color=39b54a]Description:[/color] Common sense is a shared set of values, existing in a society, nation or perhaps an entire species, which influence the manner in which the aforementioned perceive, understand and judge things. These are known by all and there is little debate needed over them. Further, common sense relates to one's ability to judge a situation and their standing with others at a given time - one knows, for instance, using their common sense, that if he is talking about his discovery of green apples while receiving evil glares from all those gathered, it is wise to quickly wrap up and not mention this discovery in such a meeting again. Further, using common sense, one knows that climbing onto a branch which is awfully thin would probably lead to it breaking and a very painful fall for them. It is one of those all too human traits which makes Mankind who they are, and gives them that little edge over all the creatures in the world who are far too serious and superior to think themselves in need of common sense. [hider=Appearance][img]http://s3.roosterteeth.com/images/SgtDestroy4a41b3ffb2da9.jpg[/img][/hider] [u][b]Creation[/b][/u] Conceptual [color=f7976a]Name:[/color] Learning, Knowledge, Debate and Discourse [color=f7976a]Description:[/color] Humans are, by their nature, a very curious species. They have an insatiable lust for knowing. Mankind is built to learn, they are designed to hoard knowledge and utilise it to their advantage, and to continue to build upon their learning and knowledge so long as they are able to. What's more, humans have a desire to prove that they are the best at learning and that they know the most, they have a desire to debate with others, learn from them, and prove themselves to be, ultimately, the most learned amongst the learned, the ones with the utmost knowledge. And knowledge is power, and power is the great desire and wish of all Vowzra's children. This grants humanity the ability to learn and discover new things without the help of the gods. With this, they are truly independent creatures, although the rate at which they learn things is significantly slower than if they had divine help. It matters little, however, humans have their language and their minds, and they have their precious, precious knowledge. They need nothing more! [hider=Appearance][img]http://cherryfantasy.premiumcoding.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/post-image-10-370x260.jpg[/img] The Seeds of the Tree of Knowledge are Sown within Mankind[/hider] [u][b]Creation[/b][/u] Conceptual [color=39b54a]Name:[/color] The Way [color=39b54a]Description:[/color] A list of characteristics which the ideal human should possess, a code made up of twenty four virtues known simply as [i]The Way[/i]: [list] [*][u]Attentiveness[/u] [*][u]Benevolence[/u] [*][u]Coachability[/u] [*][u]Circumspection[/u] [*][u]Prudence[/u] [*][u]Conscientiousness[/u] [*][u]Creativity[/u] [*][u]Imaginativeness[/u] [*][u]Curiosity[/u] [*][u]Discernment[/u] [*][u]Discretion[/u] [*][u]Foresight[/u] [*][u]Honesty[/u] [*][u]Truthfulness[/u] [*][u]Humility[/u] [*][u]Sensitivity[/u] [*][u]Understanding[/u] [*][u]Objectivity[/u] [*][u]Parsimoniousness[/u] [*][u]Perceptiveness[/u] [*][u]Moral Understanding[/u] [*][u]Studiousness[/u] [*][u]Tenacity[/u] [*][u]Rationale[/u] [*][u]Wisdom[/u] [/list] All humans must aspire to have these virtues, and one who has them all is most certainly a sage! [hider=Appearance][img]http://projectbebold.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/wise-old-man.jpg[/img][/hider] [u][b]Creation[/b][/u] Conceptual [color=f7976a]Name:[/color] Morals and Conscience [color=f7976a]Description:[/color] A normative understanding by each community of what is right and what is wrong, and the accompanying feeling of happiness at doing what one believes is right and guilt or shame at doing what is wrong. Morals go hand in hand with Free Will and mankind's ability to make Choices, before making choices between right and wrong, good and evil, it is important that people first [i]know[/i] what is right and what is not, what is good and what is not. In addition to this knowledge and ability to make the decision, having a Conscience ensures that the decision does not come without an immediate emotional punishment or reward - doing what one knows to be right results in feelings of happiness, gladness and general contentment. Doing what one knows or believes to be bad, on the other, results in feelings of sadness, irritation, frustration, self-hatred and restlessness. Morality and Conscience is a defining feature of Mankind, and will inevitably guide the way they progress. [hider=Appearance][img]http://static.comicvine.com/uploads/scale_small/0/40/711130-112808_86953_homer_simpson_super.jpg[/img][/hider] [u][b]Creation[/b][/u] Conceptual [color=39b54a]Name:[/color] The Common Good and Civic Virtue [color=39b54a]Description:[/color] The concept that what is beneficial for all members of the family, society, nation or the world is the ultimate 'good'. Moreover, the good and welfare of society, or the greater whole, is far above welfare of the individual. One who has Civic Virtue is one who takes up these ideals and acts on them in their everyday life. When they spend, they put the greater benefit of the whole over their own, individual benefit from spending. When they work, they put the progress and advancement of society before their own personal advancement or gain. These are people who see with an eye on the long-term of all, rather than the short-term of the individual. It is with these kinds of people that lasting and powerful civilisations and nations are built. [hider=Appearance][img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/7/70/Jacques-Louis_David_-_Oath_of_the_Horatii_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg/800px-Jacques-Louis_David_-_Oath_of_the_Horatii_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg[/img][/hider] [u][b]Creation[/b][/u] Conceptual [color=f7976a]Name:[/color] Spirituality, Meditation & Enlightenment [color=f7976a]Description:[/color] Mankind's lusting after learning and pursuit of knowledge is not satisfied with merely mundane or material knowledge. It is simple enough for one to learn and discover things with what they can sense with their sight, hearing, touch, taste and sense of smell, but there is a great beyond. There is a world within a human which dwarfs anything to be found without. Within the human soul lie the answers to questions far beyond the comprehension of the senses; in the soul lies wisdom and the great light of the brightest knowledge. Man lives life as a flower, and only when he contemplates the universe and his own self does the flower bloom. One must sit for long, contemplate and empty the mind so completely until the self is as one with the Celestial Above, the one true Whole. One must let their spirit roam freely beyond the confines of its physical bindings. One must seek to have the flower bloom fully and to become spiritually as one with Celestial Above even as they walk on the physical plane. [hider=Appearance][img]http://soul-sciences.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/spiritual-awakening-flower.jpg[/img][/hider] [u][b]Creation[/b][/u] Conceptual [color=39b54a]Name:[/color] Spiritual Energy Nodes [color=39b54a]Description:[/color] Knowledge of the Spiritual Energy Nodes allows humans to utilise their innate magical power, granted to them by Astarte. This magical power, unique to humans, can be channeled and used in many ways, and Spiritual Energy Nodes is one such way. Use of these Nodes requires one to be spiritually aware and to hone their spiritual and mental focus with many years of meditation and contemplation, as well as tenacious and uncompromising practice and training. Channeling their magical energies - or Wi as Mankind has come to call it - allows one to control and mould their surrounding to their Will. Humans have utilised this power to advance their telekinetic abilities, and they have become truly powerful Wi users in this regard. Powerful humans, who have trained in the ways of Wi are capable of uprooting massive trees, lifting great boulders, and forcing swathes of foes away, or even lifting themselves up and thus giving the impression that they can fly. Further, there are many humans who, along with these mighty telekinetic abilities, are capable of using their Wi in other ways, such as hardening their body or in some way influencing the bodies of foes. Those secondary Wi abilities are, as of yet, rudimentary and best, and humans require many years of study before they can further discover the wonders of Wi. Divine intervention would, of course, greatly accelerate the rate at which they discover these wonders. While Wi is a mighty ability indeed, it takes many years for one to master it, and still more to increase the pool of Wi one can immediately access. Pro-longed use of Wi can drain an individual, leaving them weakened and unable to utilise their powers until they are rested. This can prove most dangerous if one has their Wi reserves depleted in the midst of combat. Humanity must either find some way of vastly increasing each individual's Wi reserves, or ensuring that their martial strength does not rest solely on Wi. [hider=Appearance][img]http://static.comicvine.com/uploads/original/11111/111112793/3047125-heart-chakra.jpg[/img] [img]http://pre09.deviantart.net/46d7/th/pre/f/2014/246/b/1/end_hostilities_by_rhineville-d7xtvd9.jpg[/img] [/hider] [u][b]Life/Creation[/b][/u] Individual/Physical - Holy Site [color=39b54a]Name:[/color] The Living Tree, The Tree of Light, Orabil [color=39b54a]Might:[/color] Repaired with 12 Might; Generates 6 Might per Turn [color=00a651]Description:[/color] A colossal tree, one kilometre in diametre and twelve kilometres in height. A humanoid face is present in the trunk of this mighty tree, with a beard of bark and lips closed tight, and eyes - when they open - which shine with a green radiance. The tree has a golden glowing aura to it, meaning that even during the night it is visible. The aura, however, does not brighten the area around it, strangely enough. This tree is a powerful site, within a radius of five hundred kilometres around it, all is peace. Hatred cannot be called up within the chest and the hand which would otherwise kill, maim or destroy is simply unable to do so. Creatures are filled with compassion and mercy for one another and all is utter peace. Even predators, like lions, tigers and bears, do not hunt due to the immense compassion they feel for those creatures which they hunt, and those very same creatures that they hunt would be seen, to the shock and awe of observers, offering themselves before these predators as food. Orabil itself is a living being of immense knowledge and wisdom. It can lend this knowledge and wisdom to any who come seeking, but its sealed lips and eyes open for those who are worthy and have proven themselves thus. Given its connection with a few nerves of the Astral Home, Orabil is also, to an extent, more or less one with Galbar's beating heart. Being near or within the radius of the tree also has various physical and mental healing qualities. These get stronger the closer one gets to the tree, and touching it is said to give every person who does so a personal, unique epiphanic experience. [hider=Appearance] [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v375/ReiAndUkyo/TreeofMana.jpg[/img] [img]http://img15.deviantart.net/ce1c/i/2012/156/2/e/forest_by_noahbradley-d52duwy.jpg[/img][/hider] [u][b]Creation[/b][/u] - 6 Khookies Conceptual [color=f7941d]Name:[/color] Vowzra's Victors [color=f7941d]Description:[/color] A large Order of 500 individuals (400 humans and 100 Uri) dedicated to the gods, and who go after the god of Time who created the first forms of life - ants and trees. It is made up of hundreds of loyal adherents whose base is the Mountain's Crown, a large, well-fortified mountain monastery located in the Southern Mountains. The monastery has a smithy, a meditation garden, a storehouse, a library, training grounds, and is surrounded by high walls of stone and metal, guarded day and night. The also has two top secret underground escape routes leading a kilometre away from the monastery. Vowzra's Victors are specialised in the use of weaponry and Wi, and they were the very first to domesticate horses. They are rather famous for their metal armour, which covers them from head to toe, much like it does an Alma Igna, and the surrounding mountains provide ample metals for Rejys' smithy. They are also famous for the various weaponry Rejys' inventive mind - no doubt a blessing from the Fiery One - has managed to come up with. This includes swords, maces, axes and spears, with shields being a common sight on some. The Victors are a staunchly loyal and religious bunch, they have faith in all the gods and truly believe that they are protected - whether it is by the Celestial Above, the Chaotic One, Our Mother of the Wi or others. They follow them all and do their bidding as it best deserves to be done. Years of meditation, contemplation and rigorous study have also given them increased mental capacity, focus and skill with Wi, and so too has their enthusiastic following of The Way and Stoicism. On the battlefield or in the temple, these are warriors famed, models of human character and morals, and unmatched worshippers of the gods. [hider=Appearance][img]http://web.archive.org/web/20130907060936im_/http://wallpapers77.com/wallpapers/fantasy_art_knights_warriors_horses_hd_wallpaper-1280x800.jpg[/img] [img]http://web.archive.org/web/20140110185306im_/http://www.free-hdwallpapers.com/wallpapers/abstract/7724.jpg[/img] [/hider] [u][b]Creation[/b][/u] - 2 Might Conceptual [color=00aeef]Name:[/color] Vowzra's Victors; The Hallowed Hundred [color=00aeef]Description:[/color] The hundred most loyal, veteran and unbreakable members of Vowzra's Victors, known as The Hallowed Hundred. These are individuals who are mighty in their own right, but who are, together, utterly unconquerable. They have honed both their minds and bodies to their limits and beyond. Their loyalty is absolute, their wrath is mighty, and their power unmatched. While normal Victors refer to each other and are referred to with the honorific 'Brother', those of the Hallowed Hundred refer to each other and are referred to with the honorific 'Battle Brother' to distinguish them. Battle Brothers of the Hallowed Hundred usually have decorated and more personalised armour and weapons. They also usually have names for their foremost weapon and share a unique and intimate bond to it, viewing naming and using it as a way of honouring the Fiery One of the Forge. Zerabil, though the leader, is also referred to as Battle Brother and his status as Prophet and Son of the Celestial Above does not make him above questioning or challenging. Obedience to him, however, is favoured, and challenging him on a point or a command is only allowable in reasonable situations or when he gives an absurd order. These individuals are all blessed by Zerabil, making them rather unique from others - for they never age. [hider=Appearance][img]http://orig08.deviantart.net/6bb4/f/2013/224/8/f/_smash__gaizka__battleaxe_bearer_by_ruanjiajiacg-d6hwobz.jpg[/img] [img]http://img14.deviantart.net/0fc7/i/2010/055/c/e/samurai_knight_by_yutori_custom.jpg[/img][/hider] [b][u]Creation[/u][/b] Conceptual [color=9e0b0f]Name:[/color] Stoicism [color=9e0b0f]Description:[/color] A way of life aimed at leading one to happiness by achieving the truly ‘good’ things in life, what are called ‘Virtue’. The supreme ideal of Stoicism is a combination of ‘Wisdom’ or moral insight, ‘Courage’, ‘Self-Control’ and ‘Justice’ which includes upright dealing with other people. By following the supreme ideal and achieving it, a man becomes truly self-sufficient; that is, immune to suffering and bad fortune. ‘Virtue’ is a personal characteristic, not one bestowed by class or position: thus, even a slave who has achieved ‘Virtue’ is free, because no man, not even a king, can affect him. Stoics believe in that, as all people live in a singular community under more or less similar conditions and restraints, all have a duty to live in conformity with the community. There are two main principles; 1) resigning oneself to Fate and; 2) living life according to nature’s laws. Although resigning oneself to Fate seems to mean that one should not try to improve the future, this is not correct: stoics put a high value on public service, for instance, or striving to better oneself. In the case of stoicism, resigning oneself to Fate means that one should not set too high a value on cursory, transient thing. By avoiding a fixation on the unimportant, man can find true inner peace and unshakeable contentment that does not rely on possessions or fortune. By accepting that things come and go, this contentment and peace will withstand the obstacles of ambition, luxury, and—most importantly—greed. As for living life according to nature’s laws, this can mean generally conforming to society, but is also deeper as a key tenet of stoicism is ‘questioning convention’. Living according to nature’s law are two-fold: [list] [*]Training oneself to live with only the bare necessities. A man should know how to live with just basic food, water, clothing, and shelter. “Set aside now and then a number of days during which you will be content with the plainest of food, and very little of it, and with rough, coarse clothing, and you will ask yourself: ‘Is this what one used to dread?’” [*]Stoics insist on developing the gift of reason. One must perfect their sense of reason to conquer their devastating inner emotions: grief, pain, fear (of death, especially), and superstition. Reason allows one to escape from and discipline their passions, understand that ‘nothing is good or bad, only thinking makes it so,’ and to generally accept the mind as a greater source of truth than the body or emotions. Stoics are famous for their idea that ‘the shortest route to wealth is the contempt of wealth.’[/list] [hider=Appearance][img]http://orig15.deviantart.net/de0d/f/2015/091/6/4/archon_by_gakgggak-d8nyfqz.jpg[/img][/hider] [u][b]Life/Creation:[/b][/u] Individual/Conceptual [color=9e0b0f]Name:[/color] Zera; The Ram of Time; Vowzra's Steed; Time [color=9e0b0f]Lifespan:[/color] Timeless [color=9e0b0f]Description:[/color] Zera is the manifestation of Time within the bounds of the Universe. An ethereal being, it is as one with the flow of Time and is capable of appearing anywhere in the Universe, at any point in Time. It is entirely possible, due to this, for two manifestations of Zera, or even more, to be present in the same place and at the same time. A mighty being indeed, Zera is capable of completely disappearing between the folds of Time or, much like Vowzra, into the very fabric of existence, meaning that other beings are unable to detect it or capture it. Moreover, being Time incarnate and Vowzra's steed, Zera has various divine capabilities such as the ability to bless and curse, censure and praise. Those who have Vowzra's favour may even be granted Zera as a steed for a given amount of time, giving the rider and those allied with them various temporary buffs - such as instantaneous healing, increased speed and so on (temporary because once Zera leaves, the wounds return and if one received a killing blow, they would die.) [hider=Appearance][img]http://pre04.deviantart.net/3eb0/th/pre/f/2012/072/9/5/phantom_ram_by_chronicole-d4sp0cp.jpg[/img] [img]http://img14.deviantart.net/944f/i/2011/297/5/0/patron_saint_of_vines_by_hibbary-d4dt0ta.jpg[/img][/hider] [u][b]Creation:[/b][/u] Conceptual [color=aba000]Name:[/color] Vowzra's Victors; The Seers of the Silent Six [color=aba000]Description and Appearance:[/color] An elite elite branch of Vowzra's Victors made up of six Outsiders. Hikat and Greyus display leadership qualities while the other four - Dreyus, Alfid, Zarkin and Vyngis. A member of the Silent Six is referred to by others as 'Silent Brother'. Like other Victors, they are extremely well disciplined and have tremendous Wi capabilities - if anything, the fact that they are Outsiders appears to make them more well-attuned and capable Wi users than their human cousins. Moreover, the Silent Six have been blessed by Vowzra with a unique set of abilities, these being the ability to become invisible to the eye, but also to hide their presence completely. Combined with their innate difficulty to detect, this makes them nigh on impossible to find, even for low level gods. In addition to this, the Silent Six are capable of teleportation, and can cross vast distances in instances. This has limits, of course. They cannot, for instance, teleport from one planet to another as such would require Wi reserves which they simply do not have. Having been enhanced, the Silent Six have bodies which are far tougher than the normal Outsider. Their skin is tougher and their bodies are hardier and more muscled. Their armour covers them completely, though there is in the centre of the breastplate an orb-like glass which conceals what is behind it but allows for the great eye behind to see clearly from within. The glass is harder than normal glass, but remains the weakest point of the armour, and each of the Seers has a different coloured chest glass. Hikat has a red one, Greyus a white one, Alfid a green one, Zarkin a golden one, Vyngis a purple one and Dreyus a blue one. At their sides the Seers have [url=http://pre15.deviantart.net/c22f/th/pre/f/2014/135/8/6/sword_of_ecthelion_by_horhesoloma-d7ign0c.jpg]viciously curved short-swords with an extra long grip for two-handed use when necessary.[/url] In their hands they usually wield [url=http://santegantonbudokai.a.s.f.unblog.fr/files/2009/06/naginata.jpg]naginatas[/url] with a the vicious naginata blade at one and and a spearhead at the other. [/hider] [hider=Ferghus] Creation: Physical Name: Pyrkagia Description: The most legendary of legendary hammers, the first creation to be smelled by Ferghus, God of the Forge. With it, one can use it cause mass fiery destruction or to repair whatever needs to be repaired. It can cause fiery explosions on impact, or it can repair broken objects on impact. Its form will, of course, change to suit the purpose it is.being used for. Appearance: Varies. However, it's main form is [url=http://previewcf.turbosquid.com/Preview/2014/07/06__13_24_34/blacksmith%20h2.jpgca7ab9f5-f9c0-4553-9c6b-12764e5ad317Large.jpg]this[/url]. [u][b]Plane of Existence[/b][/u] Name: The Forge (how original) Description: At the moment, there's not really much to it. In one corner of this square room, there is a forge. Within it lies a magical fire that never dies out and can change temperature and size at Ferghus' will, although it may need a little coaxing with an air blower. There are multiple racks within it for placing multiple projects into it. On the walls the forge is connected to, there are display cases for holding the various products of forging that Ferghus will one day create. There are also a few tables nearby, holding other various blacksmith tools necessary for the job, such as tongs, chisels, saws, etc. A small pool of water also exists, presumably to cool metal when appropriate. Last, but not least, is the anvil. Made of metal, of course, but the anvil will not wear down, no matter how long it gets used for. [b]Life:[/b] Species (debatable) [b]Name:[/b] Arma Igna [b]Lifespan:[/b] Unknown, estimated to be in the hundreds. [b]Description:[/b] These beings, created by Ferghus, are living flames placed inside highly durable suits of armor, which are infused with plasma as well. They are designed to spread the name of Ferghus and the way of the forge. Currently, only 10 are known to exist. However, each of these beings are capable of summoning the tools of the forge, as well as a warhammer to defend itself. They can even summon a complete forge and anvil at will, as well as desummon them at will. If necessary, Ferghus has also granted them to use the flames within themselves to fight. This mainly involves shooting fireballs and streams of fire from their hands and their visor. [b]Appearance:[/b] These beings have been given the form of a [url=http://amandaforester.com/images/knight.jpg]full body suit of armor[/url]. They also glow where the gaps in the armor are, possibly as a result from the plasma infused within them. Creation: Physical Name: Magma/Lava Description: Melted rock within the planet Galbar. As one would expect, the pressure created by the heat of the magma caused some... cracks on the surface of the planet. [hider=Appearance] [img]https://40.media.tumblr.com/4231291cd241e2ea70956591de7e7fe2/tumblr_mwkolt3a6k1r3lecgo3_500.jpg[/img] [/hider] Creation: Physical Name: Mt. Vulcan Description: The first volcano to be born on the planet Galbar. Located somewhere on the eastern coast of Arguilla. Incapable of erupting, as Ferghus has decided to harness the power of the lava it uses for his forge. Contains a path from the outside to the Forge itself, blocked only by a metal door.[hider=Appearance] [img]http://www.palladium.travel/files/country_obj_img_gal/country02456300src.jpg[/img] [/hider] Creation: Physical Name: Volcano Forge Description: A forge created by Ferghus. Located inside Mt. Vulcan, where the Avatar of the god Ferghus will reside. Uses the magma from the volcano and the water from the ocean to forge. Appearance: Looks quite similar to the Forge in Ferghus' plane of existence. Anvil, forge, tools, racks, stands, etc. Of course, there is the aforementioned magma and water from the volcano and ocean. [/hider] [hider=Vestec] [u][b]Creation[/b][/u] Physical Name: Blade of Chaos Description: Created by Vestec, while the world was still a barren wasteland, this weapon currently has only one desire. To cause as much pain and suffering as possible, and it gives that desire to the wielder. It can also shoot bolts of pure chaos energy out to destroy whatever is in it's path. Appearance: Changes based on wielder. It could go from sword, to axe, to mace, to bow, etc [s][u][b]Life[/b][/u] Species,[/s] [b]Extinct[/b] [s]Name: Dyun Lifespan: 100 years(though, this is if one lived a peaceful life, since they don't, it's more often going to be like, 60 years tops.) Description: The Dyun are a violent race. They only respect strength, and hate humans with a passion. In their eyes it is their distant cousin's fault that they were turned int the monsters they are now. Thus they hunt down the fledgling humans, brutally killing any the can catch. They're faster than humans, their four legs propelling them forward at a terrifying pace. They rely on savage fury and speed to win them fights, their strength being merely equal to most humans. Their diet is purely meat. Preferably human meat. As evidenced by their appearance, they can go years without food. They have a surprisingly sharp sense of smell, using it to their full advantage when hunting the humans they hate. Appearance: [hider=Dyun][img]http://pre01.deviantart.net/13c3/th/pre/i/2012/363/2/e/__dark_earth___humanoid_creature_by_sbwomack-d5plv9b.jpg[/img][/hider][/s] Creation: Conceptual Name: Slavery Description: Vestec taught his chosen villagers, those of Garakai, that they need not do the work themselves. They could bully, beat, and force those weaker than them to farm and build for them, generally doing whatever the Garakains demand. To ensure that nothing is poisoned, or shoddily made to result in the death of slave masters, a watchful eye is kept over the slaves and anyone caught doing so is immediately taken away and then slowly tortured to death while the other slaves watch. [hider=Appearance][img]https://westernrifleshooters.files.wordpress.com/2012/09/shackles1.jpg[/img][/hider] Creation: Physical Name: Fortifications Description: Vestec taught the Garakains to build defenses for when people inevitably come to reclaim their captured loved ones, or when they are simply attacked by the Dyun and the Cimex. Thus the village of Garakai is defended by wooden walls and wooden towers, which will be upgraded as technology improves. [hider=Appearance]http://thumbs.dreamstime.com/z/ancient-wooden-watch-tower-fortification-14695266.jpg[/hider] Creation: Physical Name: Chaos Dragons Description: Chaos dragons are more of a faction than a race. They can include all of the species of dragons, but once a dragon is brought into the group, they undergo a physical change. Chaos dragons are all thickly muscled, with sharper and longer claws and teeth, their magics naturally being turned towards combat and destruction. Their personalities are warped too, to become more cruel and vicious, violent and evil. [hider=Appearance][img]https://lh4.ggpht.com/hd-eAXp6ot9KpkKC23AlzkrqfnEAijC-1hKcEIo-7_BniHHTkS6ZeBDdXVTUQgeAVA=h900[/img][/hider] Creation: Physical Name: Living nightmares Description: If a creature has an imagination, it fears what the unknown, typically the dark, hides. Monsters lurk in every shadow, every crack of a twig is a horror. Vestec merely gives them a real reason to fear the night. If a horror has been imagined, it will eventually be created in the night. If you imagine there's a human who wants to drink your blood lurking in the shadows, when night falls, it shall be so. These creatures depend on someone's imagination, and belief of them, to exist. If nothing sentient in the world fears or imagines or believes a blood sucking human exits, then it shall not exist when night falls. All these monsters cannot exist in the light of the sun, for it banishes the fear of the night. [hider=Appearance][img]http://payload2.cargocollective.com/1/5/171371/2340670/Afraid_of_the_Dark2.JPG[/img][/hider] Creation: Conceptual Name: 'The other side of the coin' Humanity's evil. Description: Vestec showed humanity that they didn't have to follow Vowzra's 'Way'. Being selfish and cruel could be just as powerful. Crime. Rage. Lust. Hate. Suspicion. Racism. The list of what Vestec gave humanity when he showed them the power of giving into their darkness is inexhaustible. If it's something terrible that humanity can do, Vestec showed them how. [hider=Appearance][img]http://www.quotehd.com/imagequotes/authors18/edward-morrison-quote-if-there-is-true-evil-in-this-world-it-lies-in.jpg[/img][/hider] [u]Life[/u] Species Name: Vork Lifespan: 70 years Description: Vork are massive creatures, growing hundreds of feet high. However, despite their terrifying appearance, they are no more dangerous than cows, and about as intelligent. Unless you provoke them, or accidentally get stepped on by them, they will wander around eating trees or wooden houses in a pinch. Typically, they're gentle giants, but can be trained into beasts of war. They are incredibly strong, capable of tearing apart iron walls with their bare hands, and when they charge, horns down, they kill just about anything in their path. Appearance: [img]http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/192/1/2/frontline_assault_beast_by_davesrightmind-d56mx6j.jpg[/img] [u]Life[/u] Species Name: Bodi Lifespan: 20 years Description: The Bodi are unintelligent pack animals. They are incredibly durable, able to survive in just about any environment and able to eat just about anything as well. They're very docile, easily trained and easily spoiled rotten. Appearance: [img]http://digital-art-gallery.com/oid/44/r169_457x256_8853_Beast_of_Burden_2d_fantasy_creature_beast_picture_image_digital_art.jpg[/img] [u]Life[/u] Species Name: Anju Lifespan: Infinite? Description: The Anju are based off of the Outsiders, but where the Outsiders watch the Anju interfere. They can shapeshift (changing their form down to the tiniest detail), disguising themselves not only from those they live amongst, but the Outsiders they hunt. Unfortunately, to shapeshift into anything they have to first consume what they want to change into. To turn into a human they have to consume a human, a Uri a Uri, and so on so forth. They're ambush predators, hunting down their prey through their sense of smell, using one of their natural magics(shadow manipulation), and terrifying speed, to attack suddenly and unexpectedly before their prey can react. If they can't kill their target immediately, they have an acidic, paralyzing, venom that can be directed either through their teeth or their claws. Unfortunately they can only do this twice before having to wait several days for their venom to refill. They're rather fragile, and can't win a one on one fight. Their strength lies in causing discord amongst the civilization they lived in (their other magic), and striking from the shadows. Once they sniff out an Outsider, the Anju who found it will stalk said Outsider until it can kill the Outsider. They reproduce in a similar way to Outsiders, but it's far more parasitic. They implant an animal, or sentient creature, with a bit of their blood, and the creature eventually turns into another Anju. Appearance: [img]http://arania.kamiki.net/contestentries/Frantic%20Flame%20Anju%20copy.jpg[/img] [u]Creation[/u] Physical, island. [b]Name:[/b] Vestec's island (will be changed when Roxan names it.) [b]Description:[/b] Vestec created it to give him and Astarte to experiment on humans...and then forgot about it until recently. [b]Appearance:[/b] Unassuming, it has developed on it's own as an island should. Palm trees, animals, sand, etc. [u]Creation[/u] Physical, personal plane. [b]Name[/b]: The Changing Plane [b]Description[/b]: Vestec created it to prevent Escre from interfering as he corrupted and tortured two outsiders, and created the Anju. He keeps it in mind just in case. [b]Appearance[/b]: It changes chaotically and whimsically, just like it's master. Nothing is ever the same in this personal plane. Physical, Order Name: Iron Legion Description: Those who drank from the Corrupted Visceral Seeps, and those Sanguine Communion members near them, were either corrupted or killed. Those who were corrupted had all but their internal organs turned into a living metal. They can mold and shape this metal into whatever form they desire(like walking metal Prototype main characters), able to grow more by eating other metals and make their own living metals stronger in the process. Unfortunately, no mortal body can sustain this. The longest they'll live after becoming an Iron Legionnaire is ten years, and that's if they don't spend most of their time fighting and using their powers, which will bring it down to five years, and don't get killed in said battles. Metal can still be pierced, melted, or frozen. And they still have internal organs that are depressingly necessary to living. Appearance: Their appearance varies, but they're quite easy to spot. Just look for the mortals made of pure metal. Physical, Magic Name: Shadow Magic Description: Shadow magic is a magic that originated in the Anju. It is what one would it assume it to be. The manipulation and creation of shadows. All basic practitioners can draw shadows to themselves, hiding them from their enemies sight. Masters in the art can create objects of pure shadow(strong as steel and usually corrosive), and even teleport through shadows (note: Limited by what they can see and time of day. You can't step into a shadow and appear halfway around the world.) Appearance: [url=http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/fairytail/images/a/a5/Shadow_fist.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20111117194106]In action[/url] [b][u]Creation[/u][/b] Physical, Magic Name: Vistoc Description: The manipulation of the four basic elements(fire water earth air), and their subsets (lightning, ice, metal, gases, etc.). Powerful wielders of this magic can call down entire natural disasters, or even combine them (fire tornadoes, oh noes!) Appearance: [url=https://hdwallpapers.cat/wallpaper_high_contrast/elemental_sorceress_magic_girl_abstract_hogh_contrast_hd-wallpaper-154679.jpg]Practitioner[/url] [u][b]Creation[/b][/u] Physical, Magic Name: Dimok Description: Mind magic. Illusions, mind control (and all it's various subtler forms), confusion, so on so forth. Appearance: [url=http://media.wizards.com/images/magic/daily/arcana/504_image6.jpg]Control[/url] [u][b]Creation[/b][/u] Physical, Magic Name: Chaos Magic Description: The magic of chaos. It always appears as a rapidly changing colors, and there is no sure way to tell what throwing chaos magic at something will do. It could cause your target to explode, eviscerate themselves, melt, simply die, go insane and bark like a dog, attack their allies, and so on so forth. Chaos magic is, well, [i]Chaotic[/i]. Masters can direct it, as in keep it in one area like a Chaos storm, and build basic things out of it. Barriers, cages, that type of stuff. Appearance: [url=http://marktedin.com/FullMagicJpegs/24_GripofChaos.jpg]A storm of Chaos[/url] S[hider=Rovaick] Creation, Species Name: Rovaick Lifespan: Varies from species to species (Will explain in individual sub-species) Descriptions: [u]General Race traits[/u] -Can eat anything. If it exists, the Rovaick can eat it. -Strong Jaws and teeth, tough digestive track. The Rovaick can bite through and eat the strongest of materials. Their jaws are incredibly strong, as are their teeth. So long as it’s attacking the inside of their digestive tract, it’s difficult to damage it (Basically, if they’re eating glass it won’t hurt them but if you shove glass into their throat it still hurts. Probably kills them too.) -Can see in pure darkness. Born in the dark, they can see in it. -Can’t lose their way. Rovaick can unerringly retrace their steps, should they ever get lost. General Culture: They all obey a council made of equal parts Trolls, Tedar, and Azibo, for fear that any one ruler would force the other species to worship their God. The Goblins are content to let the other species handle the ruling business. [u]Goblins[/u] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/66/a9/12/66a91229dc2a852c46e63b67ab1b63ca.jpg[/img] Lifespan: 20-50 years. How common are they: [s]Fucking everywhere[/s] Absurdly common. If you’re near a Rovaick settlement, you’re gonna see them. Most Revered God: Ferghus. Culture: Goblins follow whomever is the biggest and the baddest amongst them. [u]Species traits[/u] -Promiscuous. To make up for their simple mindedness and their relatively short lives, Goblins breed incredibly fast. -Master Miners and Smiths. They can mine like no other(indeed, they enjoy it) and can make the very best of whatever it happens to be. Mithril, Steel, Bronze, so on so forth. -Not too bright. They’re a very simple race. This leads to a lot of mine flooding and being eaten by local wildlife. [u]Trolls[/u] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/b3/97/e6/b397e6997df2c6dceef10050c2744825.jpg[/img] Lifespan: 60-100 years. How common are they: Common. They primarily reside in Rovaick settlements, and make up most of their populations. Most Revered God: Arguis. Culture: Trolls generally decide social status by who is the better merchant. The more money you have, the more important you are and the more likely you’re to be their leader. [u]Species Traits[/u] -Natural merchants. For whatever reason, trolls are naturally charismatic and naturally have a head for mercantilism. [u]Tedar[/u] [img]http://nerdworthygames.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/916x992_1793_Mountain_Troll_2d_fantasy_monster_troll_beast_warrior_picture_image_digital_art.jpg[/img] Lifespan: 100-160 years. How common are they: Uncommon. They’re primarily wandering with their herds, or locked in their workshops. Most Revered God: Escre Culture: Tedar typically live by themselves or in small groups. The leader of said groups is decided through surprisingly peaceful deliberations. [u]Species Traits[/u] -Strong. Tedar are one of the strongest humanoid races out there. -Shepherds. For some odd reason, Tedar have a way with animals, able to calm and tame them with ease. -Craftsmen. Where Goblins are good at making things, Tedar are the ones who come up with the designs and the aesthetics making everything look good. [u]Azibo[/u] [img]http://cache.desktopnexus.com/thumbseg/887/887611-bigthumbnail.jpg[/img] Lifespan: 200-250 years. How common are they: Rare. If you see one, and it’s not on the battlefield, you’re probably not where you should be. Most Revered God: Astarte Culture: Who is the strongest mage? That’s their leader and then it goes down from there. [u]Species traits[/u] -Mages. They are the only Rovaick who can use magic. There are several different mage types, that can be told from what armor the Azibo is wearing. If they’re wearing bone armor, they can summon spirits from Vestec’s personal plane and turn them into eldritch monstrosities to slay their enemies (courtesy of Astarte’s teachings). If they’re wearing stone armor, they can manipulate the elements, especially earth. If they’re wearing dark metal armor, they’re using Kuro’s Wi and a slight bit of the Iron Legion’s magic to attack and manipulate their armor. If the Azibo is wearing a mere cloak, they use Dimok. If their armor is patchwork of all previously stated armors, they’ve managed to master all of them. They’ve also developed a black magic that any Azibo can use called “Igregora”. Quite simply, they manipulate the subject’s body and energies, giving them incredible strength, speed, toughness, and generally just make them better at killing things. Unfortunately, it also often turns the subjects into rage monsters that hate everything and only want to kill. Fortunately, they can use it briefly in the battlefield for less of a buff but also less insanity. Dark Blessings, basically. [u]Ogru[/u] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/76/ee/54/76ee54c98b2c52dc67c9c1df5617679a.jpg [/img] Lifespan: Varies. Some die immediately from the Igregora, others live centuries, and still others live mere seconds. How Common are they: Ultra Rare. If you see them, you’re being attacked by the Rovaick and should probably run. Most Revered God: None. They hate everything and that includes the Gods. The only ones they obey are the Azibo, and that’s from fear alone. Culture: Beat the hell out of each other until one gives in and acknowledges the other is stronger. [u]Species Traits[/u] -Bred for War. The Ogru are Tedar with a birth defect that leaves them with missing limbs, usually hands. The Azibo take these children and use Igregora to it’s full powers upon them, allowing them to attach steel or stone limbs and make them terrifyingly strong, fast, and resistant to damage. They also force the inbred fear and obedience of the Azibo into them, so the Ogru obey [i]someone[/i]. -Hate filled. Ogru hate everything. Be it child or warrior, animal or warbeast, if they can they will destroy it. [/hider] [hider=Chaos Knights][u]Creation:[/u] Physical, Order [b]Name:[/b] Chaos Knights [b]Description:[/b] The Elite infantry force of Garakai. Numbering in 1000s (fluctuates due to war with Brightwood), and armored in black Mithril armor mixed with dragon scales (a method the Twins designed with the help of Vistoc users and Dragon Adepts), they're trained in Vistoc, Chaos Magic, various combat strategies, and Ialu's (Telekinesis) and Kuro's (body enhancement) Wi. There's a group of about 150 (fluctuates due to war with Brightwood) called Chaos Sorcerers who are less good at combat than their brethren, but in return are better at magic and have more magic at their disposal. Specifically, they have Dimok, Necromancy, Shadow magic, and the Igergora [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://th00.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2011/233/2/7/warriors_of_chaos_by_majesticchicken-d47f3w6.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Crimson Tears][u]Creation:[/u] Physical, Order [b]Name:[/b] Crimson Tears [b]Description:[/b] An Order of Assassins under Sakimi, the Crimson Tears 100 members are compromised primarily of human and Anju, with the odd Uri thrown in. They use stealth and speed(both conventional and magical with Shadow Magic and Kuro's Wi for speed specifically) to eliminate their targets. If it's someone like an Iron Legion member or a Sanguine Communion Monk, the Tears have developed various substances to eliminate them. Iron Legion? Substance that makes their blades superheated to cut through that living metal. Sanguine Monk? Substance that turns lifeblood into acid. So on so forth. So long as you pay them, they'll attempt to kill anyone or anything. [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://orig05.deviantart.net/cbaf/f/2012/226/d/4/crimson_tear_order_skyrim_armor_1_by_zerofrust-d5b18ex.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Wrolfin Furies/Brightguard][u]Creation:[/u] Physical, Order [b]Name:[/b] Wrolfin Furies/Brightguard [b]Description:[/b] This Order, known as the Wrolfin Furies in Sviebard and the Brightguard in Brightwoods, has one singular purpose. To eradicate Chaos, wherever it is, be it undead or mortal servants. They're trained in all magics except for Dimok, Shadow magic, Chaos Magic, Necromancy, and pretty much all of the Azibo magics. They're powerful combatants, wielding Kogleri to it's fullest against their chaotic foes. The Wrolfin Furies number in the 2000s (fluctuating due to the war against Thulemiz.), due to being the only really effective fighting force Sviebard has, and the Brightguard numbers in the 700s (due to the war with Garakai), due to the Dragon Adept's prevalence. [b]Appearance:[/b] Wrolfin Furies [img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/B5s2zC4CMAATSrn.jpg:large[/img] Brightguard [img]http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/powerlisting/images/1/16/Art-%D0%BA%D1%80%D0%B0%D1%81%D0%B8%D0%B2%D1%8B%D0%B5-%D0%BA%D0%B0%D1%80%D1%82%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%BA%D0%B8-fantasy-Black-knight-950754.jpeg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/492?cb=20150702045549[/img] [u]Creation:[/u] Physical, Order [b]Name:[/b] Wrolfin Furies/Brightguard [b]Description:[/b] This Order, known as the Wrolfin Furies in Sviebard and the Brightguard in Brightwoods, has one singular purpose. To eradicate Chaos, wherever it is, be it undead or mortal servants. They're trained in all magics except for Dimok, Shadow magic, Chaos Magic, Necromancy, and pretty much all of the Azibo magics. They're powerful combatants, wielding Kogleri to it's fullest against their chaotic foes. The Wrolfin Furies number in the 2000s (fluctuating due to the war against Thulemiz.), due to being the only really effective fighting force Sviebard has, and the Brightguard numbers in the 700s (due to the war with Garakai), due to the Dragon Adept's prevalence. [b]Appearance:[/b] Wrolfin Furies [img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/B5s2zC4CMAATSrn.jpg:large[/img] Brightguard [img]http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/powerlisting/images/1/16/Art-%D0%BA%D1%80%D0%B0%D1%81%D0%B8%D0%B2%D1%8B%D0%B5-%D0%BA%D0%B0%D1%80%D1%82%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%BA%D0%B8-fantasy-Black-knight-950754.jpeg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/492?cb=20150702045549[/img] [/hider] [hider=Kogleri][u]Creation:[/u] Physical, Magic [b]Name:[/b] Kogleri [b]Description:[/b] Kogleri is an Order Magic. The opposite of Chaos magic, explosions happen when they collide. It can be used to heal or rejuvenate allies, create barriers to protect, bless weapons to cut through Chaos servants or Undead easier, or simply sent at the servants of Chaos. It should be noted, this magic can't hurt anyone who isn't a servant of Chaos or Undead. A Kharigit will be unaffected by a blast of Kogleri. [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://media.wizards.com/images/magic/daily/rc/rc267_sphereofsafety.jpg[/img][/hider] [/hider] [hider=Sauranath] [b]Life[/b]: Dragon Eggs (Dragons) [b]Individual or Species[/b] (delete as appropriate) There are too many species to list, they come in "[i]Chromatic[/i]", "[i]Liang[/i]", "[i]Primordial[/i]", and "Primal",[i]"Metallic"[/i], varieties. Chromatic dragons are dragons named after their colors, like Red, Black, White, Green, etcetera. Liang dragons are oriental dragons, frequently powerful cloud, rain and water dragons, like flying, slithering snakes, giants, only they possess arms, hands and claws, they are frequntly smarter than other dragons. Primordials are much closer to the Stars, Star dragons, Crystal dragons, Light dragons, Dark dragons, Moon dragons, Sun dragons and other kinds of dragons. Primal dragons are based on lizard like qualities. Tyrannosaurs and dinosaurs that have dragon like qualities. Basically, Primal dragons are dinosaurs, but their like the "Legendary", or "Dire" type of dinosaurs. More ferocious and powerful physically even than dinosaurs. They typically lack fire and elemental breath but they can breath poisonous gas, have poisonous bites, and spite out venom and highly corrosive acid. Metallic dragons are the Gold, Silver, Copper, Brass, Bronze, Platinum types. Platinum type dragons have high leadership qualities and are fortunate enough to have numerous kinds of breath. Metallic dragons tend to have very hard scales compared other dragon types with some notable exceptions. [b]Name[/b]: [b]The Dragons[/b] [b]Lifespan[/b]: Immortal (As in having a limitless life span, not invincibility) [b]Description[/b]: They all have purposes. Most exist to spread knowledge, some exist to test other dragons. Some exist to test mortals. Crystal dragons, for example, exist to acquire both knowledge of non magic and magical knowledge. Golden dragons exist to guard villages, towns, cities, maybe countries, etcetera. [b]Appearance[/b]: Way too numerous to mention. All are some variant of dragon of the folktales, fairy tales, and prehistoric dinosaurs. [b]Creation[/b] [b]Name[/b]: Dragons [b]Description[/b]: Dragons were born as living stars, breathed out of the Arch Dragon Lord's mouth at the beginning of time. [b]Appearance[/b]: [url=http://imgur.com/aA385dG][img]http://i.imgur.com/aA385dG.jpg[/img][/url] [b]Life[/b]: [b]Name[/b]: Erstakh (The Brood Layer) [b]Lifespan[/b]: N/A [b]Description[/b]: Erstakh is the only dragon's "City". It is far larger than any other society of dragons in the world. Erstakh is in the center of Orabakh, a huge continent named after Orabil in the dragon tongue. Orab the first four words of Orabil and "bakh" ((Tree World)). Erstakh means "Many Wings". [/hider] [hider=Sveiand] Physical/Conceptual Name: Galbar’s Tilt Description: Galbar is now tilted on its North/South axis as is visible by the Polar Cord being ‘off’ like a spinning top. Appearance: It's a tilt... Physical Name: The Shattered Sea Description: The Shattered Sea is the ice cover spreading from the Polar Cord at the north of Galbar and its vicinity. The ice pack will undergo a regular seasonal cycle in which ice melts in spring and summer and then increases during fall and winter. The Summered Shattered Sea is about 50% of winter cover but the ice around the Polar Cord survives from one year to the next growing ever thicker. Appearance: Sans boat. [img]http://www.cankler.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/Cankler-Science-Antarctic-Ice-Sheets-Melting-Faster-Than-Previously-Thought.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Ull'yang] [b]CREATION[/b] [b]TYPE:[/b] Physical [b]NAME:[/b] Hyper Photosynthesis [b]DESCRIPTION:[/b] An upgraded form of the Uri's innate ability, Photosynthesis, Hyper Photosynthesis allows an Uri to call upon the power of the sun, forcibly increasing the amount of sunlight they generally absorb, allowing them to have a temporary, but otherwise huge increase in power and speed. There are three stages to HP. At first, the Uri is only able to harness the power of Hyper Photosynthesis in order to enhance their speed, and that only for a small amount. This stage is also called, "The Steps," signifying that the practitioners still have a ways to go in perfecting the power. The next stage, also called "The Door," sees the practitioners able to increase their speed to double the amount a Step can, as well as being able to start increasing their strength and raw power. The reason why the second stage is called "The Door" is simply because its a bottleneck of sorts. For a second stage practitioner to advance to the third and final stage, they will have to spend long periods of time, training both their bodies and minds; and that too doesn't necessarily guarantee that they will be able to break through. Those that do manage to break through though... Now, those will find themselves able to increase their speed four times the amount a mere Step can, as well as being able to increase their strength to double the amount a Door can. Third stage practitioners are also called "Ascendants." Of course, as with all powers, there are bound to be some side-effects. With this power, the side-effects are more or less straight forward. The use of the power wears on the body and so, extended rest is needed in order for it to heal and recover. Also, as practitioners progress further up the stages, the resting period lengthens. While its true that Steps recover quicker than Ascendants, their bodies do not go through the same strain as an Ascendant's body does. Resting periods can vary from stage to stage and amount of strain on the body. [list] [*][b]STEP:[/b] [i]12 hours - 1 day.[/i] [*][b]DOOR:[/b] [i]1 - 2 days.[/i] [*][b]ASCENDANT:[/b] [i]4 days to a week.[/i] [/list] [b]APPEARANCE:[/b] On the activation of the power, the Uri in question is covered in light. [list] [*][b]STEP:[/b] [i]A bright, yellow light.[/i] [*][b]DOOR:[/b] [i]The color changes too orange, as well as becoming dimmer.[/i] [*][b]ASCENDANT:[/b] [i]Now the color is a deep, sanguine red but keeping the same brightness as the previous stage.[/i] [/list] [i]Note: When Uri are corrupted, their Hyper Photosynthesis becomes stronger, but also damages them and requiring double the wait time to recover from. If they use Ascendant, their body usually falls apart and they die.[/i] [/hider] [hider=Roxan] [u]Creation[/u] Physical/Order [u]Name[/u] Dragon Riders [u]Description[/u] Bonded Dragons wait for years until they are nearly hot to the touch to hatch, and the right person touches their egg (anyone read the Inheiritance Cycle?). Once born, the Dragon and Rider develop a mental bond, and the dragon selects their own name. [u]The Bond[/u] -They have to establish a mental link, then train and grow together and all that jazz. -Their link has no limitation, so if a dragon on Galbar but the Rider is in space, they can still chat mentally. -They feel each other's pain, though with training they can block this. -Instinctively know where and how far away each other is. [u]The Rider's Abilities[/u] - Being Bonded increases a Rider's speed and strength, and regeneration abilities, without the aid of magics. -Allows them to take on specific traits of dragons(Dragon scales for extra protection, sight, smell, flame/crystal/wtf ever breath, they can't grow wings or claws though.), but take away from their dragons with this(I.E a dragon whose rider is using sight has weaker sight than a normal dragon, weaker scales if their rider is using scales, and so on so forth.) -Grants the magics related to their dragon. For example, fire magic with Ruby Dragons, Wards and shield magic with Crystal dragons, or water/ice magic with Sapphire Dragons. -Gives them extra resistance to mental domination and tricks (two minds against one!) - The longer the Rider is bonded to their dragon, their ears start to become pointed, like an elf's, and are more pronounced, the longer they are Bonded. [u]The Dragon's Abilities[/u] -They have extra resistance to mental domination and tricks (two minds against one!) -The ability to change into human form, for when they can't follow as dragons. -Can have their scales grant even more protection, but their Riders move less. (I.E, to get more protection, they have to make their rider more vulnerable) -Stronger magics (whatever their magics are) -Increased regeneration, when their rider is healthy but they are injured. [u]Appearance[/u] Any Dragon, any Race, armor varies based on which nation/group they serve. [/hider] [hider=Ialu] [hider=Ialu's Zealots] [b]Name:[/b] Ialu's Zealots, Immortal Warriors [b]Description:[/b] A holy order that comprises about 2,000 of the humans in Arguilla and rules over the remaining 2,500, this is the reincarnation of the Strong Tribe that was the demigod Ialu's holy order in the days of old. Though only a few are actual descendants of Strong Tribe hunters or warriors, enough survived for the order's magic to continue. Aside from the Strong Tribe's method of telekinetic attacks and traditional Wi, they have encountered and gained knowledge of Vistoc, lifeblood for its healing properties, and (to a much lesser extent) even Dimok. While the Strong Tribe were mainly hunters at heart, the Zealots are trained as true warriors. After their exalted leader Ialu vanished, the Cimex began to invade. What remained of humanity retreated south into the mountains of what was once called Orab, and they used the rugged and defensible terrain to their advantage and rebuilt. Fully expecting that the Cimex will one day look to drive out humanity for good and claim the mountains for their rich minerals, the ruling class (remnants of the Strong Tribe) began to recruit others into their order and transform it into a mighty army of true soldiers. A combination of paranoia, fear, desperation, and experience allowed them to create an extremely disciplined and trained fighting force, although they have barely ever tasted combat. Still, they are most likely the largest and most formidable holy order in existence and they stand ready to once again serve their master upon his long awaited return. They live as a monastic order that rules over many small villages in mountain valleys and on the coastline, protecting them in exchange for food and supplies. Ialu's Zealots found the abandoned fortress of the Mountain Crown and have expanded and fortified it even further to serve as their headquarters, though they also maintain many smaller forts and watches along the various mountain passes. Every path, trail, and pass through the Cimex lands into the valleys is trapped and guarded by countless vigilant eyes. [b]Appearance:[/b] Thanks to a deal Ialu struck with Sauranath some time before the two vanished, they are regularly given the scales and bones of dragons so that they can craft armor. Though they do not work metal, through some limited trade with the denizens of Brightwood across the sea many of their soldiers are able to acquire Mithril Steel weapons as well. [hider=Zealot Footsoldier] [img]https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRYdCs8NmruOHlaImLzx2HQX6XKSLHYyzi1M3voIgmVI0kP2gF3[/img][/hider] [/hider] [/hider]