[hider=Yosuke] [b]Name:[/b] Yosuke Tsukino [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Yosuke, in the Flesh] [img]http://i910.photobucket.com/albums/ac306/ramshiel0415/50480_full.jpg[/img] [/hider] [b]Stand Name:[/b] Sevenu Nation Ahmy! ([url=https://youtu.be/0J2QdDbelmY]Seven Nation Army, by The White Stripes[/url]) [b]Stand Ability:[/b] Yosuke's stand is six stands wrapped in one! Nah, just kidding, kinda, it's like if you made the sex pistols human sized. Six Members controlled like a normal stand, by one person. His specialty is doing things that require multiple people, like being in two places at the same time, or team tactics like restraining on and pummeling the enemy. Unfortunately, each time you damage the stand, that exact damage is given to Yosuke, meaning if you cut each member of Seven Nation Army's arm once, Yosuke's arm would be sliced seven times, with each cut having the same intensity as before. Due to this fact, Yosuke only regularly summons Seiben, preferring to keep the other five members in reserve to reduce casualties, until they're needed. One of his techniques is to "layer" his Stand in times of need, placing each Member in the same place and moving them at the same time. This means he can hit about six times as hard, but takes about six times the damage. [b]Stand Appearance:[/b] Each member of Seven Nation Army looks similar in stature, a slightly short, average looking masculine figure, with the exception of Sieben, which is a feminine figure with slender legs. No members of Seven Nation Army have faces, and they're all a dull red, with a different white symbol on each chest. Due has two I's like roman numerals, Tres has a triangle, Quatre has four horizontal lines, Five has a star, Sheist has 六 written on it's chest, and Seiben has a 7. [b]Weapon:[/b] He wields his prized black Damascus steel Katana, named "Naomi" as his main weapon, and conceals a small butterfly knife in his jacket for emergency situations. Normally though, he fights with his Stand. [b]Personality:[/b] Yosuke likes to think he's a leader. He takes charge of things, trying to be as enthusiastic as possible. He jokingly insults people routinely, occasionally himself, though he prefers to be an egotistical ass. Oddly enough though, he has great control of his actions, hiding his emotions and opinions when necessary. His poker face is great, and that's what a leader needs. A little lie never hurt anyone, right? So what was a few more to reach a common goal? He tries not to get close to people, due to the frequency in which they pass. He understands that life can leave quickly, and tries to enjoy his, while minimizing his negative mark on others. He only watches a few shows, nothing live action, as he enjoys videogames much more than any form of media. He frequents image boards in his spare time as well, to interact with people. [b]Bio:[/b] Not much to say here. Yosuke's mother divorced twice and he moves frequently, which is why he has abandonment issues. [b]Stats[/b] [hider=Completely Average] Destructive power: C Speed: C Range: C Durability: C Precision: C [/hider] [i]Courage is to become one with fear itself![/i] [/hider] Now this might be a little OP, considering it is kinda six stands in one. Please, if you want me to tone anything at all down, tell me. I won't hesitate to make any changes.