There were a lot of rumors floating around about things happening to people on caravans last year, but it didn't bother Van any. Why? Because some of the people spreading these rumors were some of the same people who spread other ridiculous rumors. Like that one about a girl in the well, that one was quickly debunked, but it didn't stop them from telling and spreading new rumors. So no, Van didn't pay any attention to these rumors, and neither did his family (if they thought for even a second that they might be true, then they'd never let him leave). While Van loved his family, sometimes they could smother him a little too much. It wasn't always easy being the baby in a family of all women. To be honest; that was part of the reason why he was doing this. He wanted to spend some time away from his family, so that he could experience life without them hovering over his shoulder. So because of that, he was currently in the courtyard of the castle. He found the turnout to be rather disappointing, considering how vital a caravan was to a town's survival. "[color=f7941d]I'm suddenly worried about the future of my home[/color]" he sighed