[center][color=990000][h2][b]ALEXANDRA “ALEX” METCALFE[/b][/h2][/color][b]December 26th 2015 10:07am[/b][/center] Once the broadcast was over Alex pushed herself back up onto her feet, switching the television off for the peace and quiet her mother would need when she woke up. Plodding back through the small one bedroom apartment, she made into the room where her sound asleep brother was still laying. It was the day after Christmas and she allowed him to have an extra lay in for today. That was the only thing of Christmas, neither of them really got presents. Only presents Alex could afford after paying the bills for Jordan. She spent the most on him, she never needed anything and hated spending money on herself. As quietly as she could, Alex gathered a pair of black leggings, a casual white top and her old camo jacket, making her way into the bathroom to wash and change. Once dressed and ready, she gathered her things from around the room and packed them into a backpack that she threw over her shoulder. Making sure she planted a light kiss on her brother's forehead before she headed out. The fresh air was a pleasant hit as Alex walked out into the open street. The sun rays dancing and bouncing along the pathway. A clear blue sky, the vastness of it surrounding her, there wasn't a single white cloud in sight. Alex began down the road, digging into her jacket pocket for her cigarette and lighter. She carefully lit the end of a cigarette as she walked down the pavements, throwing the lighter back into her pocket. Where about's she was going wasn't clear to her. Most mornings going for a walk did her well, a pleasant way of starting the morning. Alex took a long drag of her cigarette, she thought of her brother who she left at home with their mother. This walk was going to be quick, Alexandra hated leaving Jordan with their mother, she never looked after him and Alex felt like she was only worried about getting more alcohol, not about the welfare of her kids. If their mother did she would've proved it to them a long while ago. She didn't want him seeing their mother like that. Alex may have grown up with it but she wanted the best for her brother, not having to work around a constant drunk fake of a mother. The only reason she had stuck around and carried on living with her mother was for Jordan, otherwise she would've left as soon as she was old enough. Not even after a few minutes of walking, Alex neared the local Starbucks. It was handy for their to be a coffee shop just around the corner, sometimes its just what you need in the morning. She threw the cigarette onto the floor, trending on it as she pushed the door to the coffee shop open. The sweet aroma of coffee took over her senses. The bitter, yet invitingly warm smell filled the atmosphere. The shop was pretty full with younger people and adults sitting at tables like they knew what they were doing. Alex continued to scan the coffee shop as she joined the queue of customers for her coffee.