Cards was something Simone was good at, and he likes to play it. His opponents? Not so much. He had one a few too many time and they were starting to get curious as to how this kid was pulling this off against these veteran players. Truth be told, Simone was just kind of lucky, and used to play cards in his free time as a kid for something to do. It was when Simone nonchalantly laid down another winning hand that they got upset. He swept the pot over to himself again and shrugged. [color=orangered]"I guess I'm done. You guys have fun."[/color] Simone said as she dumped all the gold coins into his coin bag with the rest. He hadn't made too much extra, but it was money none the less. It was then he saw the knife slam down into the table. "You cheated, you think we're gonna let you leave after that?" [color=orangered]"Don't blame your lack of skill on me, I have a ship to catch and I really can't stick around."[/color] Simone shot back. "Don't you dare." Another said as he stood up, drawing a knife as well. [color=orangered]"Bye."[/color] Simone said as he took a step back, and the others started after him angrily. Sighing, he turned and ran out the door. These guys weren't worth hurting, so he'd out run them and be done with it. Just out run five angry poker players who feel cheated, he'd done worse in his sleep. He took off down the street, faster than they could follow but not bothering to go near top speed. He veered right and jumped onto the counter of a market stall, then again to it's canopy, and with a final leap to the building beside it. Now he was faster and high above the cranky cards players. Turning his head, Simone saw then falling behind and scratching their heads on what happened and it caused it him to burst out laughing for some reason. There he was, sprinting across rooftops while laughing like an idiot, way too keep low profile. He hopped off the last roof and rolled to his feet before sprinting the last stretch of the port onto the ship. At the least he had made up for the price of food. He heard a bang somewhere in the ship and just assumed it was Milly's doing, oh well.