Guinevere's intended peaceful morning had been whisked away alone with yesterday's. [i][color=bc8dbf]I really have no luck during the beginning of the day...[/color][/i] First a dream killing flower had magically appeared on her pillow and now one of her close friends had disappeared. Thanks to being the daughter of the mayor, Guinevere was first to hear all the details. It wasn't long before she had established a plan. Sitting around waiting for search parties would drive her insane. No, of course she'd search for Alixanna herself. Due to Guinevere constantly visiting the clinic because of various wounds, the two had established a close friendship. She was actually the only female friend Guinevere had. Guinevere couldn't stay long around other girls her age with their talks of romance and marriage, she would go faint before long! Alixanna was not only extremely intelligent but kind as well, something Guinevere admired of her. After packing a bag of clothes, food, and other random supplies needed, Guinevere dressed in her armor and attached her sword at her hip. Just in case, Guinevere also wrote a note explaining her plan and not to worry for her father. If the man thought she had been kidnapped too, Guinevere didn't even want to think about it. It was just best to tell him she was fine. Signing it, Guinevere began the first part of her plan. [b][color=bc8dbf]Step one. Find Varric.[/color][/b] What adventure wasn't complete without your best friend? Plus, Varric's magic, while annoying at times, was powerful and would be a great asset to the mission. Thankfully, Marion Dawnleaf had happily told Guinevere where Varric could be found, in fact, she had been a little too excited to tell her. Making her way to the tavern, Guinevere made sure to look like she belonged. Sneaking around town would only cause suspicious and it wouldn't be long before her father found out. She knew he'd eventually figure his daughter was missing but she just wanted that time to be after she had been long gone. Thanks to the current town meeting, the tavern was fairly and empty and not even Varric's mother was here. Extremely grateful, Guinevere walked up to Varric's room. [color=bc8dbf]"Varric?"[/color] She called out knocking on the door, [color=bc8dbf]"Your mom told me you were still sleeping, I'm coming in, okay?" [/color]She called out before swinging open the door and stepping into his room. Huge mistake. Instead of one man snoozing away, there were two. Neither wearing their nightclothes. [color=bc8dbf]"Oh my. Oh my. I didn't see anything, I... Oh god, I saw everything!"[/color] A red blush covered her entire face as she shut her eyes tight. Turning around, she raced straight to the door, hoping to escape this nightmare. Instead, she smashed her against the door and fell backwards, crashing to the floor. A spur of curses escaped her mouth. It wasn't surprsing to find Ezra with Varric, Marion had already hinted at them the night before but she hadn't expected to see them this close together-literally. This seriously wasn't happening. [i]Please tell me this isn't real. Pinch me someone.[/i] Guinevere opened her eyes only to leave Varric's wretched bedroom, scarred for the rest of her live. New plan! New plan! [color=bc8dbf][b]Step one. [s]Find Varric.[/s] Find Aldric.[/b][/color]