I'm signing up! [hider=Ram Jam][u][b]Name:[/b][/u] Ramses "Ram Jam" Jamison [u][b]Age:[/b][/u] On the border between 17 and 18, soon-to-be if not already a high-school graduate depending on what season this RP takes place in [u][b]Gender:[/b][/u] Female [u][b]Appearance:[/b][/u] [hider=Ram Jam and Black Betty] [img]http://i.imgur.com/uzyNuOa.jpg[/img] [/hider] [u][b]Stand:[/b][/u] *[b]Stand name:[/b] Black Betty *[b]Stand appearance:[/b] Black Betty takes the form of a girl not much older than Ram Jam who shares some of her physical characteristics. However, where Ram Jam is blonde and dresses primarily in white clothes, Black Betty has black hair and dresses in black clothes, like a mirror image of Ram Jam. *[b]Stand ability:[/b] Black Betty is one of the rare Stands with a personality, will, and agenda all its own. However, as it cannot exist independently without Ram Jam like other Stands such as Anubis, Black Betty is very protective of Ram Jam, and will frequently come to her aid without being called. The primary ability of Black Betty is its hawk-like precision and the ability to summon two muskets, one for Black Betty and one for Ram Jam, to be exchanged and wielded as they see fit. These muskets will never run out of ammo (although they must be reloaded) and fire bullets that can be guided mid-flight and travel arbitrarily faster or slower as Ram Jam demands, meaning they can easily pierce and continue through several targets and even solid objects or strike slowly and nonlethally. Black Betty also seems to increase Ram Jam's reaction time to bullet-timing levels, both to allow her to guide her bullets and to compensate in some way for Black Betty's absolute lack of defensive abilities, making her something of a glass cannon. *[b]Stand stats:[/b] **[b]Destructive power:[/b] D **[b]Speed:[/b] B **[b]Range:[/b] B **[b]Durability:[/b] E **[b]Precision:[/b] B **[b]Developmental Potential:[/b] E [u][b]Weapon:[/b][/u] Musket [u][b]Personality:[/b][/u] Ram Jam is a smart, upstanding young woman with a pronounced sense of justice and empathy for others. Black Betty, on the other hand, is the opposite of every one of those things. Ram Jam grew up fantasizing about the romanticized glory days of the Old West, where puckish rogue lawbringers and lone wanderers brought peace to towns being terrorized by outlaws at the end of a gun barrel. She made it her ideal to be a hero like them and stand up for the little guy, bringing peace and justice to the world. This has made her into a very headstrong and stubborn girl who frequently gets herself into regrettable situations she could have avoided had she only had more wisdom than she had smarts. Black Betty can be considered her dark side or evil twin in this aspect. Whereas Ram Jam goes out of her way to care for others, Black Betty cares only for herself, and by extension Ram Jam. She's mischievous, underhanded and pragmatic, and is willing to lie and cheat to get what she wants. Whereas Ram Jam represents the ideal of an Old West cowboy who stands up for the law and upholds peace and justice, Black Betty represents the reality of an unscrupulous 19th century rogue less motivated by respect for the law and more by respect for themselves. Despite this, Ram Jam and Betty still get along like bickering sisters, with Ram Jam frequently having to apologize and clean up Betty's messes. [u][b]Bio:[/b][/u] The daughter of a Japanese woman and an American soldier stationed in Okinawa, and that's all I'm gonna say for now (I wanna get this sheet up before any other gun Stand users show up). [u][b]What is courage?:[/b][/u] To become one with fear itself.[/hider]