After the introductions were finished, Galren looked to the moogle as he entered the room. After Cid and Greg were done with their bickering, he heard Cid ask his question to the room. [color=a36209]"To me the situation calls for a leader who is more than capable of settling squabbling among party members. Who believes oneself qualified for this position?"[/color] [i]“Hmm”[/i] Galren thought to himself. [i]“I’ve never led a band of people before, but if no one else speaks up..”[/i] he thought, but kept silent for now. He’d have preferred to walk wherever he went, to experience the world under his own feet, but he understood that he would have taken much longer than the others to reach their destination. There were only a few times that he had ridden a chocobo, and that was out of absolute need. Galren turned his head as Koji left the room. He seemed to be an isolated warrior, which Galren respected. He looked at Cid, the then Greg, raising his hand a bit in front of him.[color=6ecff6] “If you need a leader, and no one else thinks that they are qualified, I will do it”[/color] he said with an air of confidence in his voice. He knew, at the very least, he could traverse any language barriers that might be presented on their journey. [color=6ecff6]“I will be waiting at the stables”[/color] he said. Afterwards, he turned and walked out the door, heading back through the bustling market towards the chocobo stables. He used the time before the others gathered to check his satchel, making sure that he was stocked with rations, and a few potions, as well as some small camping gear.