[hider=Grace Tylin] [img]http://i.imgur.com/8W3BxTW.jpg[/img] [b]Appearance:[/b] Tall for a woman of her age, but not overly so, at 5 foot and 9 inches. Slim build, but strong. Shoulder length pink hair, usually tied back in pony tail. Attractive facial features. [b]Name:[/b] Grace Tylin [b]Biological Age:[/b] 27 [b]Best skill:[/b] Small Guns [b]Good skills:[/b] Stealth & Energy Weapons [b]Personality:[/b] Explosive, quick to anger, quicker to act. Grace is generally friendly but when upset or angered it would be wise to avoid her. despite her short fuse she does not act without thought, her military training has given her the ability to make split second decisions in combat and heated situations. she is a self proclaimed "girly girl" which is apparent from her appearance. [b]Biography:[/b] Grace spent seven years in the US army as a sniper. She was good, but not the best, relying on her stealth more than her accuracy. After leaving the army at the age of 25 she moved to a career in personal security, becoming a bodyguard for one of the richest businesswomen in Atlanta. She spent all her free time now in the gun range improving her accuracy with anything she could get her hands on but her specialty was still the rifle,but without the military discipline her stealth abilities suffered slightly. "Who needs stealth in the city anyway" was always what she joked with her old army buddies when they were in town. When the nukes hit and people were heading for the vaults she was to be left behind, apparently saving the life of her ward multiple times was not enough to secure her a place by her side in the safety of the vault. Too her surprise it was her father who saved her from the nuclear fallout. Her father had left her and her mother when she was a child, moving to DC for work with the government. she had not seen him since. When she was told she would not be going to the vault with her employer she had went to her own apartment to wait out her inevitable doom only to find a note stuffed under the door. [i]"Dear Grace, I know I have been absent for most of your life, and that your probably hate me for it, but this has not stopped me thinking about you everyday. I have been working for Vault-Tec for the last 5 years and I have managed to secure you a place in Vault 47. I was also able to get a position in a vault for your mother in Vault 34 in Nevada close to where she lives now. Do not worry, in the vaults you and your mother will be safe. Love Dad"[/i] She was stunned, it was possibly the first time in ten years that she froze up. The hesitation didn't last long however and her quick mind soon kicked into action, she ransacked her apartment grabbing anything she thought useful and stuffed it into a rucksack. finally she put on the locket her mother had given her, the one she had never worn, and dashed out the door. the vaults were closing soon and she had to make it to 47. thankfully this was not the same vault her employer was heading to, so she could possibly make a fresh start with her new vault family. that was the idea wasn't it? [b]Equipment:[/b] Hunting Rifle, Laser Pistol, Vault 47 jumpsuit, Pip Boy, Ammo for both guns. a gold locket with a photo of her father (only she knows what is in the locket) is the only thing remaining from the things she brought from her apartment. [/hider]