[b]Detective Norman peered at the body on the ground, studying it he saw a taser in the mans pocket. Quickly, Norman snatched the taser from the mans pocket. Norman sighed to himself for a minute. [/b] [i]"Ugh, whats on with the smell."[/i] Norman said to himself. Norman exited the small office, with his ARI Glasses. Norman walked down the paths of the streets, covered in debris. Norman looked, around while he was, he slipped on his ARI Glasses. He walked down the streets, seeing infected bodies. [i]"What?"[/i] Norman said to himself. Norman hadn't got one night of sleep, he looked around for a place to sleep. [i]Norman, with a stink amount of not good oxygen started to hold his breath, Norman with a lot of empathy felt sorry for the people. Norman groaned, what person would do such a thing. Norman saw a newspaper, half teared. He crouched down, grasping half of the teared newspaper in his hands. He read from the newspaper. [/i] The teared newspaper, half Norman could read well, strike-through hand-writing. [s]DETECTIVE NEWSPAPER #1245 BRINGS YOU WITH PLENTY OF NEWS, THE OLD GANG, DETECTIVE NORMAN AND LIEUTENANT ARE GONE, NEVER EVER TO BE FOUND [/s] The newspaper ended there, Norman sighed. He carried the newspaper that he obtained with him, he grasped it tight with two hands. The door was locked Norman thought for a second, a child could be inside, Norman took the window way inside. Falling inside, it was like his office. He rushed to the chair, sitting inside. [img]https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRQjhx0dyOnlwom-9tEDxn858qvl82PYfrHMpKTTzPKNRTeaq5l[/img]