[color=0072bc]"Its almost done. Soon let us rise together on the field of battle and bring them to the murky abyss"[/color] Sakuya muttered to herself as she finished her gunpla's "backpack". The model itself was standing tall its hands resting on black cane of sorts. Around its shoulders as well was draped a black cape that covered a majority of its body making it seem more like it was some kind of dark knight. It had a overall feminine shape to it with its gentle curves and small shoulders with high heeled feet. It was indeed something unique. [color=0072bc]"Soon"[/color] Sakuya muttered again not paying attention to others that was staring at her since she was practically in a trance like state. Finishing the "backpack" unit she set it aside and took of the cape of the gunpla and she started to sand down the back creating a node of sorts in which she placed two custom extra "tanks" into the back. Stopping she placed back the cape and added the "backpack" unit. Looking at she smiled in terms of display it was pretty unique that was for certain. Beyond that it lacked weapons but this was on purpose it had the two grapple claws on the unit a "cane" and twin beam guns also on the unit hidden that can be flipped out for use and storage. It also contained a small hidden GN drive for a custom "Trans AM" effect it also had tanks for extra speed and underwater fights just in case. The only thing she wanted to add was some drones for it having seen something similar before in gunpla championships some unremarkable ones drones that swarmed and defeated the enemy or in some cases did minor repairs upon the suit.