[center][img]http://th01.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2013/059/1/4/fellowship_by_wlop-d5whj5o.jpg[/img][/center] [hr] [center][h3][color=Orange] Heaven's Eye[/color][/h3][/center] [hr] [center][color=gold][i] " Long long ago in Nereland, the pious human built a great tower to show respect to their goddess Nera. Goddess Nera was deeply moved by human piety; to reward them, she opened a door at the top of the tower. This ethereal door connected to another world known as- [b]Heaven's Eye[/b] " Soon after, visitors began descending from another world known as: The Feathered One's. These people of the feathered ones soon opened an alliance with the human race. They brought varied precious materials to this world, and began to teach mankind the ways of steel-making...Agricultural improvement, And language among other things. Human society grew in leaps and bounds thanks to these feathered friends. To show mankind's gratitude, they gave the feathered ones a beautiful name-- [b]Angels[/b] However...Humanity's weakness was greed, and it never seemed to end. They kept asking for more, until... One day a man named Grult had killed a colony of Angels. Slaughtering them for game and when word soon reached the king of Angels he was enraged and swore to obliterate the disgraceful human race. [/i][/color][/center] [hr] [i] Now humanity is at brink of extinction and humans attempt to fight back. This story will revolve around six players during the war will gather in attempts to neutralize the effects. Both Angels and Humans will team up to stop the war against humans and angels. Will you join? [/i] [hr] [h3]Races[/h3] [b]Angels|[/b] These Angels are taller than humans. Bearing wings and also having a hovering crown above their heads. These angels are known to be smarter and yet weaker. Though there technology is more advanced and thus having an advantage over the war. [b]Humans|[/b] The ones who caused the war. Shorter than the angels they bear nothing but there hearty souls. The humans are actually 'dumber' than the humans without the proper guidance of the Angels. [b]Elf|[/b] Shorter than humans they are the passive among the war. They are prone to be agile and lighter. But they are the weakest out of all the races. |There are different types of elves| [b]Sirens|[/b] Half human, half fish they are extremely passive. They live beneath the tides and stay away from all troubles. They are known to shift shapes constantly but are rarely seen to do so. Sirens are neutral within the war and their existence is seemingly unknown. [hr] [h3]Character Sheet[/h3] Appearance| Name| Age| Race| Gender| Personality| Biography| [hr] [b]Remember! You can have futuristic items![/b]