[@mcpop9] [color=0072bc]"I present to you the "AB-002 - Abyssal Gundam - WO Class"[/color] Sakuya stated as she marveled her finishd product. Hearing the comment that Dani made caused her to smirk a bit [color=0072bc]"I was always a fan of the abyssals this is just my rendition of one. Though it is still incomplete I want to craft mini hell drones for her later and I have a system I want to install that if works will just cause people to hate her more."[/color] Sakuya stated after all gunpla is freedom and not a lot of people would understand how this gunpla would work and or knock off as less than worthless. [color=0072bc]"She lacks firepower sticking close to the source material she would have her cane and hidden beam guns. Though with that said her cane holds many secrets and though she lacks weapons she can more than make up for it."[/color] Sakuya finished as a large chesire grin spread across her face.