Kimi did not enjoy blindfolds. At all. For one thing, they ruined her makeup. For another, she couldn't tell if a serial killer was kidnapping her or if she was being sold into some human trafficking scam or… heck, anything! The further she got from Maya's apartment, the more she was regretting going through her sister's mail in the first place. No way this whole thing was gonna be worth it. But she was smart, right? She could work her way through this. She'd managed to charm the large man who'd first come to pick her up with a smile, but couldn't convince him to let her get by without the stupid blindfold, and now she had [i]no[/i] idea where she was. They'd even taken her can of mace and pocket knife at the airport. Eventually, the taxi she was riding in came to a stop and Kimi heard the door open. She held out her hand expectantly, and her driver (who'd introduced himself as Gary) awkwardly curled his fingers around it and helped her out of the car. He guided her forward and she heard the sound of rusted hinges screeching as doors opened. Oh great. A sketchy warehouse. Just what this situation needed. They walked through and the doors shut behind them. Gary undid her blindfold and Kimi blinked against the light. The scene around her did not inspire confidence. The large room was bathed in the sort of lighting that made you look sickly no matter what complexion you had, and there was some tacky counter in the center, filled with… office supplies? What? Most concerning of all though was the Dr. Frankenstein sitting just behind the counter. Kimi looked up at Gary to see him shift uncomfortably. Glancing down at her, he blushed and snapped his eyes back up to the other man. "That'll be quite enough Gary, thank you," the doctor said, rising from his seat. Gary gave a short nod and practically ran to a door lining the far wall. "You must be Miss Baker, yes? So lovely to meet you." Kimi decided very quickly that she didn't like his voice. Or his smile. But she put on a cheery face anyway, beaming at him. [color=lightpink]"It's nice to meet you too, mister… I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name,"[/color] she said with a tilt of her head, letting her smile turn bashful. [color=lightpink]"Or… what any of this was about, really,"[/color] she giggled. [color=lightpink]"I guess it kinda all went over my head."[/color] His eyebrow twitched at her words, and he was still for a moment before replying. "Oh, not to worry Miss Baker," he said, "All your questions will be answered as soon as everyone's here. As it stands, you're the third to arrive. Come along to the back room. You can meet the others." Alarms rang in Kimi's head. Why the heck did he not want to tell her his name? But before she could say anything else, he'd turned towards a door, clearly expecting her to follow behind him. She hesitated for a moment before doing just that, sure to stay at least an arm's length away from him. Just in case. Inside the back room stood two men, noisily scarfing down some cookies. Were… these the other "winners"? These were the people they'd picked along side her? Indignation started bubbling up inside of Kimi. They'd better have been going for diversity to think she should be grouped together with these two. Honestly, they were hardly impressive. Except maybe if you counted how many crumbs it was possible to catch on the front of a shirt. (It should be noted that at this point Kimi had completely forgotten that she hadn't [i]actually[/i] been selected for this.) "Chester Garrett, Gerald Calhoun," the man said, his voice cutting through the sound of their munching, "meet Miss Maya Baker." Oh right. She was Maya. "I'll let you all get to know each other while we wait for the rest," he said. With one last smile, he turned and walked out the door, locking it behind him. Great. [color=lightpink]"Uhm…"[/color] she started, not sure what to do. [color=lightpink]"Hi."[/color] She gave a sweet smile and a little wave. You couldn't go wrong with that. [color=lightpink]"So… do you two have any idea what this is about?"[/color]