[b]"Ah... Hazumi. I was not aware that you had these students now. I apologize."[/b] Karnage entered the room covered in bits of cannibal blood. After getting Fenrir out of his non-existent hair Karnage painted the previous room in gore, luckily none of it belonging to Karnage or the kids. He was rather curious however to see Hazumi come in and take over his job. He suppose he shouldn't make any complaints, but normally someone of her caliber wouldn't be bothered with what amounts to pest control. But he wasn't one to question orders from her or the headmaster either, so Karnage took back his shotgun and looked at the students. [b]"Off with you now. I am sure our commotion has scared off any vermin that has the intelligence to flee. Anything else I shall purge, as is my duty. Thank you for your help as well. I shall reward you justly once I am finished here."[/b] Karnage collected the charms he gave to the students and bowed out. He went about placing them around the building to ensure no more minor demons roost here. Hopefully within a month or so the academy would finally have reason to make use of these buildings, or tear them down. That'll be one less tedious task for Karnage to have to deal with in the future.