[center][h3]Talia[/h3][/center] The nervous bearing of the woman, coupled by her large revolver, and her questions about some kind of gunshot spread throughout the apartment building like wildfire.[b] When the Inquisition Footmen would come by later, they would get her description, a short woman with even shorter hair, who was well-muscled, and could possibly be the shooter of Benji Novak. [/b] However, this knowledge would not effect her for several more hours, so she went unhindered about her business. When she reached the next apartment building, there was a commotion on the first level. A burly man was pounding on the door to an apartment, yelling at someone to come out. If Talia entered, she would see the machinist that Benji was going to meet, Jameson, a man commonly seen in the R&D section of the Novak mansion. He had a halo of frizzy white hair, which had tufts flying all around his head, and a pair of goggles commonly found in workshops on his head. He apparently recognized her, and ran towards her, grabbing her by the shoulders, pulling her inside, and locking the door behind them. [b]In a hushed voice, he said, "Talia, was it? I've seen you at the Manor. No time for pleasantries, though. I- I think that whoever killed Ben, he-he's after me." Voice shaking, he pleaded, "Don't let them get me, too! I can- can't end up like poor Ben!" [/b] [center]---------------------------------------------[/center] [center][h3]Daniel[/h3][/center] Up on the roof of the building, Daniel was alone, the chill wind blowing. The sketch would have consisted of the Inquisitors standing around the bodybag, barring anyone from entry, as several higher-ups examined the body. The picture could go either way, in terms of propaganda. It could convince the people that the Church just murdered someone, and was trying to cover up the evidence. The other thing that he needed to consider was that it might convince them that the Inquisitors were doing a fine job, and working hard to find out the murderer. If he went to the Resistance's Propaganda Division afterward, he would've shimmied back down the pipe, and headed down the street to the market, but veered sharply right on a barely-used street, about three blocks from the marketplace where Benji was shot, that probably counted more as an alley, rather than a street. A two-story house was the only occupied building here, and a light shone from the upstairs window, even though it was heavily boarded and shuttered. The door was locked and barred, surprisingly secure, for a supposedly abandoned building, but Daniel had a key. Inside, there was a printing press, with desks scattered about the room, and papers strewn about. About half the desks were occupied with several men, hard at work, scribbling out leaflets, articles, and even an underground newspaper. The stairs to the second level were in the back corner, and upstairs, there would be a gaslamp-lit room, with an editing table in the middle, chairs set around it. [center]------------------------------------------[/center] [center][h3]Cassius[/h3][/center] As she passed an outdoor fountain with a statue of Chrysos, winged god of prosperity, another cleric, dressed in slightly brighter robes than her, hurried to her. Her name was Carina Gellantara, and she had made First Light, around the same time as Barbara. She was a dark-skinned woman, with beautiful curled hair, brought back into a ponytail. Her eyes were lined with golden kohl, painted in an intricate pattern, a marking of her service to the goddess Ar, lady of light. Most clerics were just representatives of the Pantheon in general, like Cassius, but a few felt called to serve a god or goddess in particular, like Carina. As she reached Cassius, she hugged her tightly smiling, and said with a quizzical look, "Hey, have you seen Barbara? She didn't come to the morning service today. I know that you don't spend much time up at the Temples, but did she come this way, or something like that? I'd like to know if anything's wrong." [b]The morning service wasn't required for First Lights, but it was highly unusual that one would miss it, especially Barbara, who was quite devout. [/b] Frowning, Carina said, "I have to go to my goddess' Temple, and perform afternoon rites, but after that, I'll be free to look. How about you? You open anytime today?" [center]--------------------------------------[/center] [center][h3]Larson[/h3][/center] The street kids began to scatter, until they saw that this... vulture-like man had a tight hold on their boy, Adam. Taking an aggressive stance, they tried to look tough, even though they saw that the man dressed like a clerk had well-defined muscles, even if he was quite lanky. "Yeah? Well, let Adam go first, and we might tell ya." The leader of the group spoke up, arms crossed. If Larson let go, the olive-skinned boy pushed Adam behind him, making sure that the dark man couldn't touch his 'brother'. "Well, y'see, that clock tower over there? There was a flash of light, from the top. Then, we heard the BANG, and the fancy-pants over there bought it." He said this with a morbid grin, miming a gun against his temple firing, and then held out his hand. "Now the money." As soon as he got it, or if Larson refused to give it to him, he would say, "Let's split, boys!" And then the entire gang would scatter, running to an alley which counted barely as a crack in the wall. Whatever Larson had decided to do, he would be stopped by an Inquisitor's tap on his shoulder. A thick, heavyset man, his ebony skin, which was even darker than Larson's, was barely visible under his goggled helm. "Might I ask what you were saying to those boys, sir?" He was clearly worried for the boys' well-being, and regarded Larson with suspicion. There were several.. weirdos that hung around here, this late in the evening.