[hider=Mister Terrific] [centre] [img]http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130416193954/marvel_dc/images/c/cd/Mister_Terrific_Michael_Holt_0001.jpg[/img] Name: Michael 'Mike' Holt Alias: Mister Terrific Origin: Include your character’s backstory. Tell me what their life was like before, during, and after they became heroes. This can be as long as you want it to be, with a minimum of six thick paragraphs. Make sure it doesn’t contradict the IC Timeline or any existing character sheets. Attributes: Your character’s powers, skills and equipment all go here. Michael's power is essentially a natural aptitude at natural aptitudes. Stomping Grounds: Where your character lives and operates. Give as much (or as little) detail as you want. Things such as districts, businesses and points of interest all go here. People of Note: Who’s in your character’s life? Here you should list notable NPCs, be them friends, allies or enemies. Character Goals: What do you want to achieve with this character? On what sort of journey do you want to take them? List what story arcs you have in mind for the character. Explain your goal, convince me that you’ll be an active player. I want people with the motive to really make this RP thrive through great storytelling. Sample Post: Write a reasonably sized scene ideally taken from your character’s history. Give me a good idea of what your writing style is like. If your sheet is accepted, this sample will be considered canon. Make sure to include some dialogue. [/centre] [/hider] Nowhere near finished, I'll get more work done on it tomorrow as I get off early from work experience.