More players wanted! This RP is always open for joining!! [url=]OOC[/url] Check it out! If your into any of the fandoms below, then this RP could be for you!! The vampire diaries Being human Teen wolf the secret circle Grimm wolfblood witches of east end Percy Jackson AHS: Coven lost girl beautiful creatures wicked lovely true blood hemlock grove supernatural the gates bitten the originals blood ties harry potter twilight buffy charmed And a whole bunch of different animes/mangas ____________________________ _________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ Montaville is a small town, located in Vermont, its surrounded by forests, and green pastures. Montaville could be considered one of those charming new England town you see in travel magazines, but a fresh coat of paint, and some sprucing up would be necessary. Off the beaten path and not connected to any major highways or roads, its not a place many people know of, or come across often. Quint, quite, and traditional would be three words to describe it. 45 minutes to the nearest Walmart and McDonald, Montaville has no chain stores or fast-food places, just mom and pop stores, and the local diner. And like all small towns Montaville has its secrets, some even the local [i]humans[/i] have no idea about... Hidden from the rest of the world, and the town itself is another town, invisible to the humans and non-magics. A town with-in a town if you please. On the surface there is Montaville: An average little new England town, population of about 3,936 people. Underneath the surface hidden from the human eye is 'Tellmore' a hidden world of fairytales, and nightmares. Vampires, Werewolves, Fae, Witches, and magic. Montaville is a place were the supernatural type flock. Tellmore is home of the prestigious Gringore Academy, and everything is build upon a magic rift, so its shrouded in an abundance of magic. Gringore Academy - Has only been around for about 60 years now. Its a place for all races with abilities to learn how to manage them, to be safe, and to also educate themselves. They can take regular classes as well, but the main focus is on their abilities and how to be live in human society. Its more like a college, and their are dorms if you want to live in them. Gringore Academy is the first school for only supernaturals. [hider=Playable Races] [hider=Human] Humans have no magic. They have no idea about the supernatural world, and consider it all stories and myth. I'm assuming you understand what a normal human is. [hider=Magic Able Humans] Humans with natural born abilities are rare, and typically have a supernatural ancestor somewhere up the family tree. In most cases the ancestor was a witch, demi, or one of the fae. On the other hand sometime a human can be given a ability as a gift/curse from a god, or other supernatural. A Human with an ability is called an ESPer, or gifted. [u][b]Mediumship -[/b][/u] [i]Communicating with spirits/ghosts/dead.[/i] Some humans if brought back to life through CPR/Defibrillator can gain this ability. Some are born with it, but its seen as more of a curse then a gift. The people you see on TV boasting and showing of there "powers" are just con artist. Spirits/ghosts only stay in our world if they have unfinished business, don't know their dead, were violently killed, or have strong lingering emotions/attachments to someone or an object. their is no friendly casper, and being able to see and talk to spirits is not very fun. [b][u]Aura reading -[/u][/b] [i]Can see energy fields surrounding people, places and things.[/i] The meaning of the aura varies from ESPer to ESPer. Some see the Aura of emotions, others see health, or some see relationships. [b][u]Lie Detection -[/u][/b] [i]To detect when another is lying; only catches untruths not lies of omission.[/i] Most humans with this ability have no idea they have it. The can tell when someones lying, but they get this through a feeling. Like clairvoyance, its a kind of perception. [b][u]Telepathy -[/u][/b] [i]To read another humans thoughts, [u]or[/u] to transfer thoughts/emotions into another's mind.[/i] Its very very rare to be truly gifted with this ability. [b][u]Pyrokinesis -[/u][/b] [i]Manipulation of fire. [u]or[/u] creation of fire with ones mind.[/i] This gift only present itself to someone in extreme distress or madness. (think of the movie 'Carrie'). More questions on this PM me. [b][u]Telekinesis -[/u][/b] [i]The ability to move solid objects with their mind.[/i] This ability takes quite a bit of practice to master. Heavy lifting is almost impossible, and one must train their mind like a muscle. [b][u]Magic Sight -[/u][/b] [i]Ability to see the supernatural, and they can see past glamours, and invisibility magic.[/i] Runs in families, and is a genetic ability. A lot of the time is skips every other generation. Many people with this ability can find through their lineage a connection with the one of the ancient hunter families. ---The ancient hunter families: Deveraux, Huo, Korikov, Wellesley, and Jager. (more info on Hunters in separate Tab.) [b][u]Precognition - [/u][/b][i]Premonition and precognitive dreams. Perception of events before they happen.[/i] Many people have a very tiny bit of this. Have you every had a strong since of deja vu? That would be it. But to be a true Precognition ESPer, your abilities are a lot more then that. In history many people with this ability were known as Oracles. Seeing future happenings through dreams, a lot of the time its just unimportant thing. Some even have the ability to see the past by touching objects/people. -- Many ESPer's can learn/dabble in alchemy and basic witch magic. [/hider] [hider=The Hunters] For centuries hunters have placed it upon themselves to police and hunt the supernatural population and to protect normal humans from the unknown threat around them. Hunters train in hand-to-hand combat, firearms, shotguns, crossbows, melee weapons, tracking, tactics, and other things such as lock picking, computer hacking, and car jacking. Hunters typically pass their knowledge onto their children. Knowledge of the supernatural and mythology are also vital to their training. They are naturally athletic, observant, and possessors of uncanny instinct for people and their personalities. Hunters have the ability of 'Magic sight', making them able to see supernaturals, past glamours, and invisibility magic. They also have a kind of "sixth sense" that alerts them to the presence of supernaturals. Hunters have adrenaline induced powers of [i]slightly[/i] superhuman strength, durability, agility, reflex, speed. Their natural aptitude for fighting, and keen instincts keep them alive when up against powerful strong supernaturals. [hider=Ancient Hunter Families] The ancient families are the earliest known hunters families, active in the first century AD all around the world. They are also the most famous, and respected of the hunter families. Their are hundreds of other families, and branches of hunters. These are just the most well known and powerful. The families place various agents throughout the world whom hunt and terminate supernaturals. [b][u]Huo[/u][/b] - They originate from China. Some of the best fighters are from this family. As of the last 100 years they have branched outside of Asia. They like to consider themselves superior to all other hunters. Their training is the most thorough and brutal of all the families. They even own/run an academy in Japan, for all young hunters to come and train, in exchange for a five year contract to work for the Huo family after graduation. -- The Academy is called 'Mamorimasu Gakuen' (aka Protect Academy) [b][u]Korikov[/u][/b] - They originate from Russia. They dislike the Deveraux family, and their rivalry has been going strong for longer then anyone can remember. Many consider Korikov as the worst type of hunter. They are ruthless, xenophobic and sadistic hunters, who savagely torture and murder supernaturals, as they believe all supernaturals are abominations. They kill baby nymphs for goodness sake. [b][u]Wellesley[/u][/b] - They originate from Western Europe, but 230 years ago they came on the first ships to the newly founded Americas. Their base of operations is in New York City. The Salem witch trials was their doing, as they thought to used the Christian religion and the mass hysteria to their advantage. They had wanted only witches to burn but it got out of control, and they could do nothing to stop the crazy people burning humans at the stake. Of the 20 people burned at the stake only two were actually a witches. [b][u]Jager[/u][/b] - They originate from Germany. They mainly only go after vampires, lycanthropes, and witches, But if they come across a threatening supernatural they will go after it. An small disowned branch of the family that refers to their self as the brotherhood(act like a cult), were a big part of the Nazi regime in the 40s, they are the shame of the Jager family. [b][u]Deveraux[/u][/b] - They originate from France, and only hunt supernaturals that are doing harm to the humans. They don't have prejudice like most hunters, and have a handful of peace treaties with the different supernaturals. Basically they only go after murders and law breakers of the supernatural world. The fair trial police kind of hunters. They even like to work with Supernaturals to track the 'bad ones'. They are well versed in witches laws and hunt down the rule breakers to bring back to the witches counsel for judgment. [/hider] [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Vampire] There are two ways to being a vampire: -- 1. You can be born a vampire if both of your parents are vampires. After being born, a baby vamp ages rapidly (physically, and mentally) until they appear the age of eighteen, then they age normally until around 25-35 years old, when aging stops. Female vampires can only have 1-2 vampire births in their entire lifetime. A vampire is born with a faint heartbeat, that beats once every five minutes, once they stop aging their heart also stops beating. Many born vampires like to think/call themselves pureblood, and consider turned vamps as less. rapid ageing is 3 month is like 1 human year. example: 12 months after birth, a vampire would appear around four years old. --- If you need help with aging just PM me. 2. The other way is to become a vampire by being turned. This requires the vampire to drain a person of their blood until they are near death, and then to feed/inject their vamp blood into the victim. it is a 50/50 chance that the victim survives the change and becomes a vampire. Once someone becomes a vampire, their heart no longer beats and their ageing stops. ------------ Diet: A diet of fresh blood is necessary for a vampire to survive. The type of blood the vampire drinks depends on the vampire. Human blood will make them the strongest, and is the only thing that can satisfy the hunger. After biting and feeding from a human, a vampire typically manipulates the humans memory into forgetting, and the fang marks heal in less then five minutes. To manipulate someones memory requires vamp venom, so mind manipulation only works after being bitten, and has to be done with the venom in their with-in about 4-8 hours. The use of blood bags is becoming more common as of the last decade. Vampires can live off animal blood too, but its the equivalent of a human living of vitamins, and protein powder. Animal blood taste like cardboard, chalk, or bitter medications like NyQuil. The only way to determine whether or not someone is a vampire is when they are feeding - their eyes turn sort of red/violet color, and their fangs come out. Although blood is required to survive, vampires can eat and drink normal foods as long as they have a healthy diet of blood. ------------ Vampires have heightened strength, speed, sight, smell, taste, and hearing. Vampires are not bothered by garlic, 'holy' water, or silver. They are mostly immortal, as in they can live forever, as long as they aren’t killed. They do not sleep. To kill a vampire you must decapitate them, burn them to ash, or stake/inject them through the heart with Hemlock poison. Sunlight can hurt vampires, causing their skin to burn. Direct exposure for to long (about two hours) will result in death, the body burning away and turning to ash. - Witches can charm things like jewelry to combat this vamp weakness::see below ------------ Daylight Charms: With the help of witches magic, vampires can go out in the sun through the use of a charmed object. This item it typically a piece of jewelry. No matter the item, it has to be worn by the vampire at all times to be immune to the sun. It is more common in Asia for tattoo ink to be charmed and then the vampire tattooed. Some more tricky witches charm things like lotions, so a vampire has to keep coming back and pay for more. They can not enter someones home without an invatation[/hider] [hider=Lycanthrope/Shifter] AKA as a werewolf is a person with the ability to shapeshift into a wolf. There are two types of werewolves. The Shifters, and the Lycanthropes. 1. A shifter is born to at least one shifter parent. They can shift into their wolf form at will, and are blessed with advanced healing, a very heightened sense of smell, and higher strength, hearing, and speed then a human. Their first shift happens around puberty, but the other abilities are apparent before that. They normally live in packs, and are protective of their own. Shifters are known to hate the Lycanthrope, and consider it their duty to hunt them down. Shifters mate for life. They run bit warmer than the average person, and have a heightened metabolism, so they can put away large amounts of food without gaining weight. 2. Lycanthropes are a cursed race of humans. They are a near-extinct species of individuals who unwillingly transform into large, fearsome and extremely hostile wolfbeast on the night of the full moon. A human with the Lycanthrope gene, has to kill a human in order to trigger their werewolf gene. It does not matter if the kill was accidental or intentional. If a Lycanthrope causes the death of a human, the cursed gene will be activated. Most people have no idea they are of the Lycanthrope bloodline, and can live there whole life without triggering the transformation. Lycanthrope's are typically more aggressive and quick to anger then your average human, they also are naturally athletic and strong. On nights of the new moon (no moon) they become weak, and lethargic. If a human/fae/demi/witch survives a Lycanthrope bite then they become a shifter-Lyconthrope hybrid - Basically they became a shifter but on the full moon they become wild beast. ------------- The believed history of werewolves - It is believed that Werewolves have been around since ancient Greece. Their origin story is that of the Lycaon and Zeus myth (google it). Lyconthropes bloodlines coming from 'Lycaon the cursed', and Shifters coming from 'Nyctimus the spared son'. ------------- Werewolves are not immortal, which means they can be injured or die from mortal wounds. And the age only few months slower then humans. Wolfsbane is a plant that inhibits the ability to heal, as does silver. Silver is poisonous and causes severe pain/burns when touched. Hunters have used them as arrowheads and bullets for centuries when hunting werewolves. As they are mortals they can be killed with any severe blow to their body. However, silver directly to the heart can kill them instantly.[/hider] [hider=Witch] Witches are their own race, not humans with magic. Called witches, castors, or magic-bloods, these terms are used for both males and females. Their appearance is like every average human, though some have eye colors like purple, pink, orange, grey, etc. ------------- Witches are mortal and their lifespan is exactly that of a humans. The die like all humans. (e.g. age, decapitation, disease, heart-failure, blood-loss, suffocation, etc.) The excessive over use of magic can lead to disorientation, nose bleeds, unconsciousness, and if taken to the extreme, death. It is against witch law for a witch to kill another witch. It is punishable by death. (burning at the stake) ------------- Many are apart of, a coven (also called a circle). Typically these covens are made up of family members, and relatives. There is also quite a few covens made up of friends, or like-minded witches. Covens are necessary for teaching the next generation, for passing down their knowledge and skills. They also come together for ceremonies/rituals, such as celebrating 'all hallows eve'. While a witch's individual magic is strong and strengthens with training and practice, a coven has collective magic and is extremely more powerful. The head of the coven is usually the eldest, or the one with the strongest magic. ------------- Witch magic comes in the form of - Spells, potions, tarot cards, rituals, scrying, hexes, palm reading, runes, and charms. Witches keep their personal spells and potions recipes in their own spell book (also called a Grimoire, book of shadows, or Incantus). Every spell book is different, as they vary greatly. Many books are typically passed down through parent to children, and edited and added to over many generations. The success of a spell will depend on if it is cast properly, and the power of the witch. Any person, substance, or thing that prevents a witch from giving full attention to their spells can hinder a witch from effectively pulling off magic/spells. A distressing emotion aroused by impending danger, evil, pain, etc., whether the threat is real or imagined; the condition or feeling of being afraid could sometimes cause a witch to involuntarily block their own powers for a short time. [hider=Specializations] At the age of 13 a witch chooses a specialization to focus on. Its advised to choose one you show natural affinity with. Many witches are well rounded in their magics, but some show more talented in one particular area. [b][u]Sanabit[/u][/b] - Able to heal injuries, and wounds. This is done by assuming the injury into their own body and then healing themselves. They can also take a injury/pain and give it to another person. Knowledge of anatomy, and the systems of the body are necessary. Through skin to skin contact a Sanabit can find exactly what Ills someone. Can't cure disease or illness, but they can repair the internal damage the disease causes. [u][b]Adaquare[/b][/u] - Can control and manipulate water in all its forms (vapor, ice, liquid). They can also change water from one state to another easily. They can breath under water. [u][b]Mortifero[/b][/u] - Able to communicate/control spirits and ghosts. They can conjure them back to the world of the living into fresh corpses. They can put someone in a stasis death like coma. They can see how someone will die. [b][u]Naturalis[/u][/b] - Specialization in witchcraft basics such as spells and potions. They study in the history and creation of spells, potions, and all witch magics. Well rounded, this is the most common specialization. [b][u]Ignis[/u][/b] - Ability to create and manipulate fire/heat to ones will, and some can even generate and direct lightning. [b][u]Quaestum[/u][/b] - Able to reveal the truth hidden inside of people or secret intentions just by looking at the person's face. They can also unlock forgotten memories, and find hidden/missing things. [b][u]Terreni[/u][/b] - The power to control plant-life. One can cause plants to grow, and revive withered plants. They can shape and manipulate plants, including wood, vines, plants, grass, and parts of the plants, such as leaves, seeds, and flowers. They can also channel energy from the earth for spell casting. They have the ability to manipulate earth and rock in all their various forms, including lava, though solid rock is much easier to manipulate then mud and magma. Sand is practically impossible to manipulate as they must focus on each individual grain of sand. [b][u]Intelligere[/u][/b] - Ability of omnilligualism. Capable of instantly speaking and understanding any language fluently. Code braking, and understanding meanings behind someones words. [b][u]Propheta[/u][/b] - The ability to see the past, present, and future. Specialization in the magics of divination. [b][u]Monemur[/u][/b] - They control and manipulate air. They can purify air, and take the breath from someone lungs. [b][u]Fingumas[/u][/b] - Able to create illusions, making things look like others, without it being real. They also can control others dreams while they are sleeping. They also can put people to sleep, and cause drowsiness by closely blowing into someones face. [u][b]Tempestas[/b][/u] - able to influence the weather. They can modify the temperature of the environment, control all forms of precipitation, humidity and moisture. They can generate lightning. They can also dissipate such weather to form clear skies. The extremely gifted few can incite tornadoes, thunderstorms, blizzards, and hurricanes. [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Fae]Fae is a really vague collective term, that encompasses about a dozen species that fall into the [i]other[/i] category. This includes fairies, djinns, pixies, mermaids, gorgons, nymphs, and so on. Fae are born not created like vampires. When two different kinds of fae have a baby together, that child will only take after one parent. So if a nymph woman and a pixie man have a child, that child would be ether a nymph or a pixie, not both, not a mix of the two. If the fae parents are the same type of fae then of course their child will be the same type as them. There are no hybrids or halfling Fae; offspring will ether take after one parent or the other, no mix (unless otherwise stated). Some fae species are more dominate then others. Offspring of a fae and human are rare but typically the child ends up as a gifted human/ESPer. All Fae are allergic to Iron. It is like poison/kryptonite to them, and they will not go near it. [hider=Fairy] Fairies look like very beautiful humans, but with pointed ears and shimmery skin. They posses longevity but are not outright immortal; they typically live to be about 400 years old. They never appear elderly, but they do keep aging as time goes on, become more wise/mature looking, and their hair begins to gray around the age of 300. their skin instead of wrinkling becomes more fragile and papery looking. When a fairy dies a corpse is not left, just a sparkling powder (aka fairy dust); the body just disintegrates. Fairies love attention and admiration. They also enjoy frolicking and dancing. They like sparkly things and sweets. They can generate and control light with their minds/hands. The light varies in color, from blue to golden. They also have the power to leech physical energy from an object, creature, or other energy source, which they can use for themselves or transfer to another. When using their powers, their hands will glow, or during more intense use, their entire body will glow. They can generate a translucent force-field out of energy. The force-field, like an actual solid, can be used as a protective barrier/shield from all magic. Fairy Blood is like a drug to supernaturals. Drinking just a drop or two causes euphoria, hallucination, and hyperactivity. Taste like honey. If a human baby between the ages of 0-3 months old is touched by a fairy, that baby turns into a fairy. [/hider] [hider=Pixie] They are winged, humanoid, people. Their wings are very thin and look fragile, but are not as they seem. Their wings resemble that of a insects ([url=]pic[/url]/[url=]pic[/url]), and are very soft like silk. Wings are used for flying and a way to show ones age, for the more worn looking wings the older the pixie. Pixies always look like they are between the ages of 17-25 years old. Pixie are naturally mischief and full of malice. Many like to spend time pulling pranks on humans. They are very fond of the witch race. They hate being mistaken as fairies. When angered they are extremely dangerous, they can cut you with their razor sharp fingers, their bodies can heat up to about 500 degrees, and their spit is like acid on skin. A bite from a Pixie is lethal to all supernaturals except witches. They can change the size of oneself while preserving correct body proportion. The can become as small as 1 inch tall, and as large as 7 feet tall. They live to be about 250 years old, and are otherwise very mortal. [/hider] [hider=Nymph] Nymphs can create, grow and cause all kinds of special properties to plant life. They can speak to animals. They are considered minor nature deity, and are typically bounded with a particular location or landform, such as a forest or lake. They are immortal as their life is solely based on their environment. -- A Nymph living in forest (among abundant nature) will live endlessly, right along side it. A Nymph living in a concrete jungle will age and die at the same rate a human might, albeit a little slower. They are completely attuned to nature, and if the land they are bound to is sick, then they thus become sick. Angelic-like Human appearances. They have noticeably angular features, and are generally slim, Graceful, and elegant. They are vegetarians, believing that all forms of life should be respected. Though eating and drinking are not necessary to sustain life. They normally never leave the place their born, and stay living happily among the other nymphs. The other races consider them air-headed, naive, and bubbly. Nymphs emotions are less complex then all the other races. They can only feel one or two emotions at a time. There are some matters which are usually beyond their comprehension. Complex Emotions and tact, in particular, are difficult for them to grasp, so often a Nymphs will state out loud something which would normally be politely avoided by other races. [/hider] [hider=Reaper] AKA Grimm, Death, or Shinigami. A reaper looks human, the only difference being the hair color varieties. A Reapers hair can be black, white, or gray/silver. Reapers are an independent solitary kind of people. They favor wearing the color black. They consider Vampires to be abominations. They have the power to take life and give life to anyone they choose. However, when a life is resurrected, a life must end. Reapers can alter [i]human[/i] perception to make themselves appear any way they want. They can fly, and can teleport anywhere they have been before. Invisibility, and changing into a non-tangible ghost form is also something they can do. They can go to and from the underworld to the land of the living whenever they please. They live by feeding of the essence of dead souls. When finished feeding they help guide the soul to the underworld. Souls of suicide victims are like a poisonous sickness to a reaper, and if eaten can kill them. When around them it causes weakness. They are immortal-like and can live up to 5,000 years old. [/hider] [hider=Gorgon] They look like humans, except for their hair which is made of snakes. Normally they keep their snake hair wrapped up in scarfs, and fancy fabrics They have a a split tongue. Looking into the eyes of the hair snakes causes the looker to turn into stone. They can morph the bottom half of the body into that of a snakes. They are carnivores, and their jaw is like that of a snakes. They can swallow a watermelon whole if they wanted. Gorgons are very vain and prideful race, they dislike anyone more attractive then them, and are the mean girls of the supernatural world. There are no male Gorgons, only female. A gorgon can only give birth twice in their lifetime. Gorgons always breed gorgons. Births are typically of multiples (i.e. twins, triplets, etc). They live to be about 300 years old. [/hider] [hider=Merfolk] They reside in unknown places in the deep ocean. They live in beautiful underwater cities. They have been seen by humans in before. They Have a Human head, arms, and torso, but the tail of a fish. Enchantingly beautiful, there skin looks silver underwater, and sometimes have hues of blue and grays to them. There eyes come in every color imaginable, but the most common is blue, grey, green, brown, black, or violet. There hair comes in red, white, silver, blonde, browns, and blacks. Their lifespan is the same as a human. They swim fast, breath underwater, Can communicate with aquatic creatures, their bodies can endure extreme cold and water pressure, they have enchanting beautiful voices that can, if they want, bewitch, and enchant the mind of humans, normally the opposite sex. Ultimately leading the person to drown. Merpeoples tears turn into priceless gemstone called Orpyru, as Merpeople live underwater, these tear-gems only occur when they are outside the water when crying. - Orpyru - Is the rarest gem in the world. It is a color-changing gemstone: its hue shifts from clear to different colors depending on the light it's exposed to, and the temperature. Merpeople can also weave an extremely valuable material called Gloss, it translucent and beautiful, normally used for wedding veils, gowns, and can be burned in fire to make it hotter and the flames become white. There blood is silver and is said to taste like olive oil. Merblood is known to cure all poison, Their typical age of death is unknown to everyone outside there race. It ranges between 90-110 years old. They stay hidden from humans and supernaturals as over centuries they have been hunted/captured for their blood, and abilities to create gloss and Orpyru. They can leave water, and walk on land with legs if they stay dry. (think H20 or the movie splash) [/hider] [hider=Weevil] Also known as Leprechauns. They can live to be about 150 years old. A Weevil Has gold-dusted skin, and bird like eyes. But they can us glamours to appear human. They are a kind of trickster fae, and love to make deals; they twist the deals to their advantage (Think Rumpelstiltskin). They also feed off a human's luck, thus causing the victim to become unlucky. This feeding is not a necessary thing, as they can sustain themselves on regular food, but is done for fun, and accumulating luck to use for themselves. They also can bestow individuals with luck. They are extremely cunning, greedy, and enjoy partaking in mischief. They horde gold, gems, and other valuables, but what they really like most of all is rare magic items. Crossing them is a thing to avoid as they have refined a grudge to a fine art. Weevil's are bound via an old witches spell. This spell works to summon and trap a Weevil. They cannot get free from the spelltrap until the person who summoned them is granted three wishes. However, Weevils are cunning tricksters, they often twist the wishes around so they turn out poorly. It is a very rare spell though, and not many people can get their hands on it, as many Weevil's have done what they can to find the written versions of the spell and destroy them. [/hider] [hider=Cervian People] AKA Cervi or Cree They look like any other human, and have the same lifespan too. Cervian people have a physical manifestation of a their soul, called a Syxtar. A Cervian and their Syxtar are one being, the death of one results in that of the other. It is physically and emotionally painful for them to separate too far from each other. Death usually follows such separation due to the severe trauma. During the childhood of a Cervian, their Syxtar can shapeshift into any kind of animal. These childhood changes are due to emotion, need for a protection, or simply the Syxtar's whim. When a Cervian reaches puberty, their Syxtar settles into a permanent animal form. This form represented the personality of the Cervian. Touching someones Syxtar is taboo. Cervian people have the abilities of night vision, and Pain Immunity. [/hider] [hider=Djinn] AKA Genies, Dust Devils, Jinns, or Wishmasters Djinn are like human beings, they are both free-willed and can also be good, evil, or neutral. Djinn's occupy a small parallel realm to that of mankind. A place they call '[url=]Borkas[/url]'. They are extremely magical beings able to grant wishes. Guardian Djinn's are like priestess/priest, and they are guardians of the fountain of youth, the well of wonders, and magic mirrors. (Messing with guardian Djinn is a very bad idea, they will curse you to become a Sealed Djinn) They typically take things very literally. There are only 6 unbreakable djinn laws/rules. Braking these rules causes a Djinn to become Sealed. 1. You Cannot kill another Djinn 2. You cannot grant more then three official wishes a person. 3. You Cannot make people fall in love, or take away their free will. 4. You cannot grant a wish of raising the dead. 5. You cannot use your wish granting magic for yourself (this one has quite a bit of loop holes) 6. You cannot grant a wish to make someone die. Djinn's should never ever drink Alcohol. It causes their magic to go wacky. They become rather wild, as their personally becomes unmanageable, and chaotic. There emotions are intensified a 100% and self control flies out the window. Crazy, until the alcohol wears off. A manic Djinn is not something you want to witness. Pompeii was caused by a drunk Djinn, and so was the Helike Tsunami and Earthquake. Djinn's can bare children with any humanoid species/creature. You can only be born a Djinn if your mother is one. So if a Djinn woman and a witch man have a child, that child would be a Djinn, the same species as the mother. If a Djinn man and a Fairy woman have a child, the child would be a fairy. Djinn's are extremely knowledgeable about all the different magics in the world. They are made of smoke, but typically like to stay in their solid human looking form. Djinn's age slower them humans. Five years in a human lifespan is equal to one Djinn year. Djinns are mortal. There first five years of life are accelerated as the grow up just as fast as a human, but once they reach five years old there aging slows. So an eleven year old Djinn is the equivalent of a seven year old human. A thirty-five year old Djinn is a equivalent to a twelve year old human. ---PM me if you need help with the ageing. [u][b]POWERS[/b][/u] - They can fly/float, turn invisible, grant wishes, teleport, change their size, control smoke, eidetic memory, shape shift, and can speak/read/write all languages. ---------------------------------------- Bound, Unbound, Free, Cursed, and Sealed [i]Bound[/i] - Djinn's become bound to a receptacle (usually a genie lamp/bottle), when a Dijinn's powers fully manifest, between the ages of 20-35 years old. The receptacle becomes a personal portal between 'Borkas' and all other realms. Though the receptacle cannot reside in 'Borkas', so they are hidden/kept in a different parts of our world. [i]Free[/i] - A free Djinn is one that has yet to become bound and gain their full power. These are the young Djinn. [i]Sealed[/i] - Guardian Djinn's can curse any humanoid species to become a sealed Djinn. For regular Bound Djinn If their receptacle is found and rubbed by a human, the receptacle becomes a prison of sorts to the Djinn, which they cannot leave without the certain events happening (rubbing the lamp, command from their master, etc). They are sealed, the portal ability does not work any longer, and the Dijinn becomes a servant/slave to the person who obtains the receptacle. The Dijinn stops ageing, and gains semi-immortality when sealed. They grant there master three wishes and they are stuck in the receptacle until another new master comes along, and this goes on and on for centuries. If a Djinn brakes one of the Djinn laws, they automatically become sealed. There are only three ways out of being sealed. 1 - The master wishes you free - Doing this turns the Djinn back to bound. 2 - The Master wishes to be a Genie - The master takes the place of the Djinn. The Djinn becomes Unbound. The Master becomes a sealed Djinn. 3 - The receptacle is destroyed. - To destroy a receptacle is almost impossible. The Djinn becomes Unbound. [i]Cursed[/i] - Are not originally of the Djinn species. They have been cursed by Guardian Djinn. Turning them into a Sealed Djinn. If one of the three ways [i]out of being sealed[/i] happens they return to whatever they once were (Human, werewolf, Fae, witch, etc.) and are transported back to wherever they came from. [i]Unbound[/i] - Djinn's that have become unbound from their receptacle loose a great amount of their power, and become mortal again. [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Demi] Demi or demi-gods are people born from one human parent and one parent that is a god. These gods can vary depending on their mythology origin. Norse, Egyptian, Greek, Roman, are just a few to choose from. Since one parent must be a human, these demi-gods cannot be born from another type of supernatural race. Their non-god parent must be human, though they could be a ESPer. It is strictly forbidden for the child to see their parent who is a god. They must live with their human parent, or be given to someone else on earth. If the parent that is a god is a female, upon birth, she must give the child up to the human parent or to someone on earth who will raise the child. Powers, weaknesses, strengths, and other qualities vary depending on the god the Demi originates from. Any powers the Demi has will come directly from the parent that is a god, and should be relevant to that god domain/powers. Demi-gods are all mortal. And their lifespan is the same as a human. And because demi-gods are mortal, they can basically die the way a human could. [/hider] [hider=Dragon] Other then the following, Dragons are Human in appearance. Eyes - Come in all colors of the rainbow. Many have vertical [url=]slit pupils[/url], or [url=]no pupils[/url] at all. [url=]Heterochromia[/url] is not very rare to see in the Dragon race. Skin - Under moonlight Dragon people have a slight glow to there skin. On nights of the new moon (no Moon in sky) Dragoth skin glows silvery, and a pattern of scales [url=]appears[/url], until the sun breaks the horizon. They can shift themselves into their dragon form. Which is a [i]Humanoid[/i] appearance, with sharp teeth, horns, claws, scales on limbs and back. In this form they have bat like dragon wing that can be used to fly. Only in Dragon form can they breath fire and fly. -- Not like the dragons you see in picture books. ---------------------- Blood - Dragon Blood is blue in color and is also the most deadly poison in the world. Dragons are not affected by any poisons. They are semi-immortal. They have a typical life span of around 90 years. When they die, they are regenerated or reborn again. There dead body slowly turns to ash over a period of five days, and then among the ashes they regenerate into a newborn baby. This is not reincarnation, they are still the same exact person, but they regress back into a newborn. Around the age of five they start regaining memory of there past. Dragons have ten lives, and after the tenth they die for good and are not reborn again. They are only able to have children during their tenth life cycle. They are cold blooded in the same way as reptiles. They are known for being fast, agile, very flexible, with quick reflexes and can Camouflage like a Chameleon. They are flexible as in Elasticity to the max, meaning they can stretch, deform, expand, or contract their body into any form imaginable (like a rubber-band). [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Character Sheet] Appreance: (Real pictures only, or a very detailed description. NO anime/drawings/art.) Full Name: Nickames/Alias/AKA: Age: Gender: DOB: (date of birth, or just birth year) Occupation: Race: (for witches include specialization here. Same goes for ESPer's ability, they only have one.) Hair Color: Eye Color: Height and Build: Other Appearance: (What their other/true form looks like. Scars, tattoos, etc. Quirks and habits. Sound of their voice. anything. if nothing just delete this part) History/bio: Family/Relationships: Other/Extra: (anything I missed to put in, anything you wish to add) [/hider] [hider=RULES] 1. No god-modding etc. 2. If there is a problem, or you have questions just PM me. I like to help! 3. Follow the site rules. 4. Make sure to read every post that is [b]bold[/b] made by the GM, as these are IC updates/news/happenings in town. 5. Quality vs quantity. 6. No double posting please. If you have more then one character, use colors. 7. If you need to take a break/hiatus please inform the me in either a PM or in the OOC. Your character will saved and if you wish can be NPC while your away. 8. If you do not post in the IC for over 7 days your character will become an NPC, you have 7 more days after that to reclaim them, if you don't they become adoptebles/NPC. Warnings will be sent via PM. 9. Wait to be accepted. When you are accepted [i]I'll[/i] post you CS in the Character tab 10. You can play up to 3 characters. Have fun! [/hider] -------------- PLOT -- Center around the supernaturals, and humans in the town of Montaville/Tellmore, and the Gringore Academy for supernaturals. -------------- [hider=NPC] NPC are available to make into your own character. Just PM Emma. [hider=Dorothy Nolan] Name is Dorothy L. Nolan -- maiden name Blackery She is an Intelligere witch. about 67 years old Was head of Gringore Academy's Language department util five years ago. She retired to commit herself completely as head of her family coven. She is a very smart, serious, and prudent Woman. She has one younger sister, who has three children, and 2 grandkids. Dorothy has one son, and one daughter. Both in their last 30s early 40s. Her Son has two children, and Her daughter has four. Dorothy's Husband died ten years ago in a car crash. He was a sanabit witch named Howard Nolan (all of her grandkids, her own children/spouses, her sisters and family are available to make into your own character.) She runs a herb/spice/tea shop in Montaville. Her Store is called 'Blackery Spice'. It has been in her family for 80 years. [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Accepted Characters] [url=]Alice Keller[/url] - Emma [url=]Clover Clayburn[/url] - Narcotic Dollie [url=]Aedan O'Conner[/url] - Yahtzee [url=]Soren Greene[/url] - JarlSurf [url=]Triton Kokes[/url] - SomeoneSomewhere [url=]Brianna[/url] - irridence [url=]Ariel Holmes[/url] - ramblingbard [url=]Jackson Holmes[/url] - ramblingbard [/hider] [hider=Adoptable/Wanted] [b][u]Adoptebles[/u][/b] - are abandoned characters that are available for you to claim and play as your own. ------------------ [b][u]Wanted Ads[/u][/b] - Are NPC characters other players want in game, such as friends/family/rivals of accepted characters. If you would like to place an Ad please PM a [i]basic[/i] CS to me. [hider=Konrad Keller] Appearance suggestions: Jay Ryan, Jared Padalecki, Jamie Dornan, Ryan Kwanten, or David Oakes. Name: Konrad ___ Keller Age: 97 Race Vampire (Turned age 27) Things to know: Born in Germany into a Jewish human family. Oldest child of four. Lived in England since he was about 18 years old, work on ships in Portsmouth England. Became good friends with a retired sailor named Alec Thomas. Who would later share his home to Konrad's sister and mother. Can speak french, English, and German. spent the years 1941-1943 looking for his family, after he found out they were deported to death camps during WWII. Found Alice and his mother at a camp in Poland in 1943. Was able to covertly get them out and to his safe house, and later send them to his friend Mr.Thomas house in Dover England. Konrad stayed behind to keep searching for his little bro Hugo. All this after learning his father and sister Wilhelmina had died. After the war ended and the camps were liberated, Hugo was still missing. Konrad went back to England. Developed a drinking habit, as he continued to search for Hugo, reading through death camp logs/papers. Turned into a vamp in 1947, by a man name James Stuart. Konrad trusted James, and they where friends. He was also falsely under the impression that James was Alice's fiance/husband. James explained that Alice had run off one night to find Konrad and her family. So after turning Konrad into a vamp, they searched for Alice throughout England, and France. Reunited with Alice in 1948. Alice would later explain the truth about James to him. (look to Alice CS.) Konrad and Alice stayed together for many years until 1955 when the finally found out what happened to Hugo as they came across his death recorded. Konrad became very depressed and left in the middle of the night, leaving only a goodbye note to Alice. They would not see one another again until 1990, when Alice moved to Tellmore/Montaville. ------ Father - Frederick Keller - deceased 1941 age 48 - dehydration/Heart attack Mother - Lucille Keller - deceased 1973 age 75 - old age Younger Sister - Alice Susanna Keller - Alive Vampire age 95 Younger Sister - Wilhelmina Keller - deceased 1941 age 16 - gas chamber Younger Brother - Hugo Keller - deceased 1944 age 17 - TB outbreak in death camp ------ Check out 'Alice Keller' under accepted CS for even more info. Or PM Emma [/hider] [hider=James Stuart] Name: James ____ Stuart Age: 200 Race: Vampire He is attractive, charming, and cunning. But also unbalance and kinda a psychopath. He was born a Vampire 200 year ago. His older half brother is George Stuart. He is obsessed with Alice Keller, and turned her into a vamp in 1944. Holding her captive for over a year. He likes to refer to Alice as his dear girl, my girl, and My Alice. He turned Konrad Keller into a vamp in 1947. Knowing this would upset Alice. He has major issues. Killed his brother George in 1957. He regrets it, but wont let anyone know that. Arrogant and sarcastic, showing little to no regard for human life and using whatever people he can get his hands on as his personal playthings. Very impulsive vampire, known for his self-destructive behavior and his devious, sadistic mind. Think Spike from Buffy the vampire slayer meets Damon Salvatore for the vampire diaries meets Tate from AHS, meets J.D. from heathers. --------- Check out 'Alice Keller' under accepted CS for even more info. Or PM Emma [/hider] [/hider]