[center][color=SkyBlue]Brian Robinson[/color][/center] 5th Floor: Brian had been sitting in the corner of his 5th story living room, keeping his eyes closed and covering his ears for the last few minutes. Between the sheer rushing panic of the evacuation from the lobby and the roar of the gunship's weapons, he had been spending the last few minutes calming himself down. Once he opened his eyes, he realized that the power had gone out. Searing under his breath, he used the light from his cell phone's screen to find his headlamp in a kitchen drawer. Pleased to find that the water still worked, he pours himself a glass of water to drink. [color=SkyBlue]"Ok,"[/color] he thought, [color=SkyBlue]"that helicopter was a mixed blessing. On one hand I can't hear that massive horde anymore. On the other hand we have no power now."[/color] He drained the glass and placed it on the counter. [color=SkyBlue]"Either way, I can't hear any of those things moaning outside my door. Might as well see if I can find out what the situation is."[/color] Brian put on his windbreaker and his headlamp. As he unlocked the door [b]he heard a man shouting outside from the other side of the building and a few floors below. Something about how he was going to kill 'them' all[/b]. Brian hoped that the shouter meant the zombies, not the residents. As an afterthought, he went back into the hall closet and retrieved the machete his wife used when re-potting plants. It was in its sheathe on a lanyard. Inspecting the blade he muttered [color=SkyBlue]"Thank god Karen's not here in this mess."[/color] before slinging it over his shoulder and stepping into the hallway, locking his door behind him. He sweeps the hallway with his headlamp, looking out for others. Edit: Brian's attention snapped to the end of the hallway as he heard a glass window breaking. Shortly after he sees a large figure at the end of the hall shout "FUCK!" before pounding the wall. "How the fuck am I supposed to get out of here!". Brian puts his arms out in a gesture to calm this man down. [color=SkyBlue] "Hey, calm down. Beating yourself and the place up won't help anyone right now. My name is Brian Robinson. I live down the hall. Tell me what's wrong. "[/color] [@Paingodsson]