[b]New York City May 12th, 2015 2:11 A.M.[/b] The streets of New York City are a buzz with the people of the city. Cars crowd into packed streets causing standstill traffic jams. Clubs have enormous crowds surrounding them. Bars have patrons stumbling in and out. Restaurants pack wall to wall. People, on this night, are just trying to forget their troubles. It is the kind of night that should be memorable, but most will not be able to remember it in the morning. The stars are visible from the countryside but the city lights block them out. There are no clouds in sight, no chance of rain. Underneath the city the subway system is rumbling as trains swiftly travel beneath the city streets. But there are some areas of the city that are dark. Some areas where there is no light, no partying, no life. Well almost no life. Deep down in an abandoned section of the subway system there sits a station, emptied long ago. A group of men stumble into it from the stairway. A street light above the stairs lets in just a small amount of light. The only other source of light in the station is the men's phone lights. They are drunk. They chat. They joke. They laugh. They are enjoying themselves thoroughly. One of the men sets off on his own, just a few feet away, to relieve himself. The light from his phone barely illuminates the area. His friends slowly set off towards the stairs, trying to return to the streets above. "Wait up" the man calls out. A faint growl sounds from the shadows near the man. He writes it off and continues to pee. The sound comes again, but a little louder this time. The man zips his pants and slowly begins to back away. The third noise is not a growl but a muffled yell, from the man as he disappears into the darkness. His friends turn around to where he was standing and curiously start towards the spot, trying to find their friend. They stand in a small circle, looking for their friend. His phone rests on the ground, a small crack in it. A flurry of growls surround the men. Within seconds the group of three turns to two. Something, a black mass, lunges from the darkness and pulls one of the men back into it. The two remaining men start towards the light. They are shouting for help. Another swift second accompanied by a swift movement from the darkness. The duo turns into a single man standing helplessly in the darkness. His phone dies. The light goes out. [B]Background [/b] These are troubled times. A great discord is brewing in the shadows. All around the world events are occurring that are keeping ordinary people glued to their television screens. In the West, the United States, racial issues have torn a hole in the fabric of the country. Police versus the people. Blacks versus whites. It is all the same. Africa has been struck by another plague, the Ebola virus. In England people crowded to see the Royal Wedding and then, once again as a baby was born. Civil wars are constantly breaking out in what was once the Soviet bloc. Earthquakes, tsunamis, and other natural disasters have been tearing families and nations apart. And as this happens, every second is captured by an incredible number of different media outlets. Newspapers have become obsolete in this technological age. Once again, as stated earlier, people are glued to their television screens. But what is the purpose of all of these images being forced into the masses? Some say it is to hide the true nature of politicians. Some say it is to hide deeper conspiracies. The latter is correct. Many people believe in any number of conspiracies. But there is one conspiracy that, not even the wildest theorist, has any idea about. In the early 17th Century, King James I, King of England, created a secret organization of soldiers. Their purpose was simple, investigate reports coming out of smaller villages of, to be put bluntly, monsters. This organization existed in England all the way up until the late 20th Century before it was disbanded. In the early 21st Century, it was reformed in the United States. The mission was the same except for on a global scale. This organization fights a battle behind the scenes to save the fabric of humanity from creatures that mean to destroy all that is good. The modern day soldiers of this organization are very well trained and equipped just as well. They need to be. Recently however, the soldiers, named Agents, have been taking on cases around the world and not returning. Seemingly harmless cases, one in a hundred, but the result is almost certainly death. Whole generations of Agents have disappeared, the organization's numbers are few. It is time to recruit. A letter arrives at the doorstep of many different individuals. Their ages range, genders, and nationalities. Inside there is a note and a plane ticket. The label on the outside of the letter reads: "From the Church". The letter itself looks normal, average, there is nothing special about it. The same goes for the contents. The plane ticket is a first class Delta Airlines ticket to the Minneapolis-Saint Paul International Airport. The note has two lines on it. "Terminal under construction. Noon. Change your life." [B]A note[/b] I am imagining this as a mix of XCOM and The Witcher but with no aliens and no mutated Witchers running around. Just looking for a group of maybe 5 dedicated individuals for this, but I'd take in more if enough people were interested. There is a story going on here but there is also going to be a lot of going off and investigating MAYBE non-related monster sightings and what not. If I have enough people there would even be the possibility of splitting off into small groups. So with that, I am looking forward to seeing what people think. I'll toss up a character sheet as well. [B]Character Sheet[/b] Name: Age: Gender: Nationality: Description: Hometown: (Where your character would have been when they got the letter. Can be different cities, states, countries.) Occupation: Biography: Other: -------------------- All OOC things go here.