Talia recognized the man, having seen him on occasion. He too was above her pay grade, but at least somewhat closer than Benji had been. She was ready to greet him, ask about the man making noise down the hall. What she was not ready for was being charged at and grabbed, nor was she ready to be pulled into an apartment. It was a testament to her unease that her hand found itself on her pistol before she had time to think. She managed to not shoot the man, and allowed herself to be led into a room, despite her trepidation. A handful of japes about their situation flashed through her mind, but she at least knew that now was neither the time nor the place, and simply waited to be talked at, hungry to learn what was going. She heard what he had to say, and responded calmly, adrenaline tickling the corners of her senses as she started to see a gunfight, or at least a footrace, in her future. She spoke in measured tones, trying to calm the man down by acting cool and in control. She honestly had no idea if it would work, but it seemed like something a serial heroine would do. "Slow down, [i]slow down[/i]. Deep breath. You know a man killed Mr. Novak? How do you know someone is coming to kill you? Do you know why they want you dead too, or why they killed Mr. Novak? Is that big fuck down the hall the one you think's after you?" She stopped her barrage of questions, waiting for him to respond and placing what was hopefully a reassuring hand on his shoulder, trying to make him think that everything would be fine.