[hider=Qualkt] Qualkt is a god that represents the sun ,he have a personality full of tranquility and hardwork and his animal is the "aƱuje" , he "resides" in a great pantheon where is a blinding light brcause of this anyone called by him to the pantheon must be close their eyes to avoid become blind , Qualkt has choosen some people between the humans to expand his cult and most of his followers are peasants and traders sometimes even the nobility , they pray to him to get two things that Qualkt can provide : The peace and help in their jobs . Qualkt has a organizated cult and their priest have the power to bless his followers , this blessing will help them in one of the two things above and maybe both if there is enought piety in that person, Qualkt has sended to the terrenal world three objects which are in possesion of the High priest , the first consist in a golden stick , the second is a glove made of wood and the third is a backpack . Only the High Priest know the existance of these objects and their powers , to protect this recent High Priest have decided to found a order of knights called "Knights of Light" , this knights come mostly from the peasantry but this knights have high standarts in everything , they often do normal jobs like escolting a caravan or protecting a village to get funds and no kingdom patrocinate them , the best of this order are called to protect the high priest and with him the secret relics. God:Power 5 Knights of the Light : 3 [/hider] Tell me if it need correction please