[center][img]http://i1090.photobucket.com/albums/i374/bensundeitestutho/MSMARV_zpso398jjgy.png[/img][/center] [center][b]Carol Danvers[/b][/center] Carol gently closed her bedroom window, making sure no one would hear her leaving the house. However, because of the ruckus that her drunk father was making a few rooms over, there was almost zero risk of her being caught by anyone because the click of her closing window would have been drowned in the shouts of her father. Mr. Danvers was not inherently a terrible father, but one who had been plagued by bad luck. Losing his son, coupled with his job, which was a major source of income for the Danvers household, would have caused anyone to spiral out of control. Once outside, Carol turned away from the house and rushed out into the darkness. Before mass consumption of electricity and artificial light, darkness ruled the night. Mankind was not terrified at the existence of monsters, but rather by its curiosity and imagination. Monsters did not lurk in the night, but what if they did? However, once artificial lighting became universality consumed by humanity, the fear of the unknown dissipated. Unfortunately, the artificial light causes an effect that makes the stars in the night sky seem dimmer. Even going out into a dark field will not be enough if there is a neighboring city polluting the sky with light. Even though the amount of artificial light did not make that night perfect for star gazing, Carol picked out the Andromeda constellation from the various stars twinkling in the night sky. While she could barely pick it out, Carol could discern a dim light, which was actually the Andromeda galaxy, located right next to the “knee cap” of the Andromeda constellation. While it is not the closest neighbor to the Milky Way (the Magellanic Clouds and a few other smaller galaxies are closer), it is one of the largest neighbors to our own galaxy. Suddenly Carol was blinded by a blaring light. Has her father already found her? However, Carol deduced that it could not be her father because of the direction from which the light was originating. Instead of coming horizontally, somehow the beam of light was coming from above. Carol reached down to touch her hand on the ground, but she was bewildered to discover that her hand did not feel anything solid underneath her. In fact, when she looked down at the ground, she had already risen up several feet off the ground. Panicking, Carol flailed in vain as she tried to get back to the ground. Whoever (or whatever) was abducting her must have decided that the commotion that this Earthling was making was putting them in a vulnerable position to be discovered, forcing them to activate some kind of device that knocked Carol out cold. For the rest of the way up to the alien space-craft, Carol did not make another sound, nor did her limbs stir.