A true guild here to roleplaying guild is to stay safe. I am TimeToRP and I approve of this message, to be honest this site is filled with scams and exploits, so unless you want to stay safe. You should always stay with your closest best friends before a guild, a place where we play a role as a community. As a community this community is filled with groups, bad groups and good groups. You would want to go wild, but also have fun and go seriously posting after hours. One second as a guilder you are active and inactive and your other members are offline online. A certain way to enjoy roleplay guild is to read, a readers mind is filled with great knowledge. Also, playing games helps you get filled with knowledge and gives you more ideas for what you want. Roleplaying, a book filled with knowledge and your own background knowledge. Right now, all your posting is all you know. Pretty much, you work and work. You are connecting with what is happening right now to what your roleplay idea is. But no one probably comes, (a problem I have) basically all the things you have is the key to a guild on this site. Hopefully, once you have been disrespected you think those owners don't really care. A guide to a roleplay life, a big life. Guild is like next to retirement, when are you going to take your talents somewhere else? You'd probably take it to go write a book and go get famous. Once you have all that knowledge, you want to thank all of the people that have respected you. And you have earned it, all of the days on roleplaying Guild is how much you took to get to that goal. Physically you are getting older, and you are sitting down. Mostly you will go out, connect what is happening to you, and take it to go write or post out on a community circle. A guild is getting older. I am Bored/Happy and I approve of this message. Keep your knowledge and your brilliant heads! Guilds! Remember, all of us have our own power and we must use it wisely. With great power comes great responsibility. -Stan Lee.