It really was amazing, the way everything worked together on the ship. Even hewn and shorn to planks, when put back together each piece of wood still held the sliver of natures spirit to it and laid out again. A fact most don't know is that usually a tree brought to lumber is often put entirely to use in a ship, often leading to the same spirit being mostly whole if a bit rearranged. The planks were like vines interconnected with every nail acting like a knot to hold it together, he liked to imagine the slivers of iron like ants or termites on the vines as it pleased his view of the world. Inside this great flying hive they strode, moving from corridor to passage through the very active anthill with only the spirits blessing of Marko they did not get caught. Finally the goal lay before them and of course they had to prove their worth. They had passed the test of cunning to get there, now would be the test of flesh and most likely behind the door the test of will. This testof flesh came in two well armed and armored guards... Too well armored. Larach could feel it from the hallway, their suits sang like his hammer, infused with the amber ore. Oh the things he could learn from such magnificent works, he found himself struck with the pangs of greed and desire as much as he might ever have for a Faisseille Gygr if there were such a thing as the captain spoke of them. Clicking to the others for attention, he tapped his hands and nodded, he tapped his head and nodded, but then made a broad gesture to his torso and shook his head. He hoped they understood the meaning and knew he had to get that army sign language from the captain as he strode down the middle of the hallway to the rooms only entrance. He said nothing to either one as he raised up his hammer like a wizard staff and slammed the pommel on the deck...but nothing happened. The judges grew wide grins as they drew their short swords, not Alumen damascus as he had first feared but surely lethal. As the two reached the middle of the room, all the wood began to groan as if the ship had taken a hard pitch but the floor was flat acteptfor a slight warping in the planks that seemed to be growing more pronounced. Larack liked to think of the nails as ants, and now he was calling for the swarm. The rich vibrant Alumen was like a magnet, with a north and south pole. He just gave every piece of raw metal he could a south charge. If he was unlucky, his hammer was about to fly out of his hand and hit a guard like a barrel of bricks. If he was truly lucky and the power followed his vision, then a hundred slivers of iron were about to make a guards head look like a porcupine.