[center][h3][b]A Walk Among the Questions[/b][/h3] [hr] Annoyed, Edict quickly says, "[b]M'lady, you need a doctor.[/b]", and gently but briskly picks Xusin up, fireman style. "[b]If you guys want to come then come the fuck on,[/b]" Edict yells over his shoulder at the gnome and man as he walks toward Maria's Medicines and Sundries. The Witch Hunter quickly decides to use these few moments alone he has with Xusin. "[b]Xusin,[/b]", he says quietly , looking down onto her face, "[b]I know who and what you are. But don't worry, I won't hurt you. I just need to know why you are here... And how? Did someone summon you?[/b]", he finishes the sentence calmly, trying to be as sincere as possible. [@Inertia][@The Fated Fallen][@notdeadyet] [/center]