As Spike wiped off the sweat from his forehead, he suddenly noticed a creature jumping towards him. As he got ready to get crushed between its jaws, the sun suddenly came back. Within seconds the beast dissapeared back into a rune on the floor and dissapeared. Spike slowly lowered his guard again, and looked around. The creatures had dissapeared, all of them, just as fast as they arose. Spike suddenly remembered that he still didn't knew what room he was assigned to, and grabbed the envelope out of his pocket. As he opened it up and took out the note, he noticed he was in room 261, and a roommate he didn't knew. Spike made his way towards the dormitories, but kept an eye on his surrounding, the bodies that laid all over campus were more than he had imagined. The sight of all these bodies was amazing, and yet disturbing, that this school would allow such horror happen on their grounds. As he reached the dormitories, he entered the building and walked up towards the reception. [b][i]"Name?"[/i][/b] [b]"Ray Crassins"[/b] [b][i]"Room 261, your roommate still hasn't showed himself."[/i][/b] Spike didn't payed much more attention to what she was saying, the only thing he wanted to do now was to get to his room and lay down for a bit. As he walked passed the guard, he got to the second floor and searched his room, as he found it he opened it up and looked at the lugage that was in the room itself. A small bag and guitar from himself, and quite some bags from his roommate, did he packed up for an entire lifetime or something? As Spike looked around, he noticed one of the beds was next to the window, while the other was in one of the darker corners. His roommate would probably want the bed at the window, so Spike choose the other bed. As he grabbed the backpack from the ground, he threw it unto his bed and then grabbed his guitar. As he opened up his backpack, he grab some of the modificators and attached them to his guitar. As he sat down, he began to play, while using the modificators to adjust some of the sounds. [hider=The song Spike plays on his guitar] [url][/url] [/hider] As he closes his eyes while playing, he began to enjoy it more and more, although he didn't truelly made asure the others couldn't hear it, for he was used to play on the street to gain some change to eat and drink. As he slowly finished off the song, he smiled and opened up his eyes again. It was a certain sensation he gained from playing, as he placed the guitar to the side of the bed, he sat down for a moment and glanced at his arms who were still covered in blood that was hardened. What would he do with this? He couldn't just wear them like sleeves, but still they were his weapons. With a smile, he moved the hardened blood towards his chest, making it cover it like it was a bulletproof vest. Atleast now none would see the blood that he carried with him, although he had to find a new way to gain blood if he would use up all of it. Perhaps a needle or something else that could create a small wound unto his own body. As Spike thought about this, he slowly fell asleep.