[center][img]http://i1120.photobucket.com/albums/l498/wolflover114/Esmeralda/ffa9b-98sxiql1qc.gif[/img][h1][color=Maroon]Esmeralda Lovel[/color] ~ The Pride Lands ~ Present Day[/h1][/center] Esmeralda lowered to her knees once the two left and remained there on the floor as those around her sprung into action. Casual conversation filled the room as she cried silently, unnoticed by the other women. She felt a hand on her shoulder and looked up to see Sarabi standing over her, "Come," She said softly before helping Esmeralda to her feet and walking her into the small room that contained the dancer's beds as well as a small wardrobe. Sarabi reached into it and grabbed a royal blue top, similar to the one that she had previously been wearing. Esmeralda was slightly curious if the witch had just poofed it in there when she poofed it off of her. Esmeralda was quick to put it on and looked at the older woman, "I need to leave," She said softly, keeping her voice down, "I can't stay here... I'll be dead before the moon finishes a cycle." "If you leave and are caught... You'll be dead tonight," Sarabi informed her. Biting her lip, Esmeralda thought about it, "I would rather be dead than learn what he believes a reward is." Sarabi seemed reluctant for a moment. Then, she saw the chance, if this girl made it... Scar would be furious and if there was one thing she loved to do, it was making Scar furious. She nodded her head, "I will help you... I can get you out of here but... From there, it will be better for you to go alone." Esmeralda nodded, understanding, and it wasn't long before the two stood on the other side of the door. She didn't know how Sarabi had gotten rid of the two guards that were normally stationed there but she felt like it wouldn't be long before they were back. She looked at Sarabi, "Thank you," She whispered before gathering her skirt before she ran down the hall as quietly as she could. Thanks to her bare feet that wasn't too hard. It didn't take her long to get lost though. She was more amazed by the fact that she hadn't stumbled upon any guards as she raced through the halls. Well, she hadn't until she had. Just ahead of her now was a man, whose back was to her, that seemed to be patrolling the area. Thinking fast, she quickly slipped through a door and into a spiraling stone staircase. She took a deep breath and made her way down a few steps, ensuring that she would not be seen if someone opened that door thinking they had heard something. She waited there, silently, practically holding her breath when a voice suddenly echoed off the walls. "Malaika!" Esmeralda's heart clenched in her chest, of all the places for her to wind up in this damned palace, it was the one place that the King that she was trying to escape from had wandered off to. She closed her eyes, trying to think about what next to do when she suddenly remembered the conversation between the Queen and King... Something about the swan. Her curiosity was going to be the death of her as she silently crept down the stairs. She stopped the moment she could see them, trying to keep herself as hidden as possible as the King first addressed the swan before speaking to Maleficent. After that things moved quickly and suddenly a young girl was standing in the water looking between the two of them. Esmeralda silenced any audible reactions, she'd be dead if she dared make a noise. However, this all did make a little sense, after all it explained why the King had been chatting away to a swan. Once Maleficent had left the cave of sort, she watched as the young girl ran forward and hugged the King. He seemed rather awkward about the encounter but didn't push her away she, to be honest, might have expected. She listened as he voiced his concerns and was ultimately a little amazed by just how much he seemed to care for this girl. She believed there was more to their relationship than the usual father and daughter... for starters they didn't exactly look anything alike. She listened to them as they spoke about a man and magic... a curse... The girl's curse was clear but she was unaware about what Scar's curse was... She most likely should have left sooner. As she was encroaching on a private moment but she saw something new... something different... She saw a warmer side of the King. A kinder side. That's when she realized that her curiosity was going to kill her both because Scar was suggesting they leave the grotto and because she was actually thinking about staying. Not in the grotto, no the moment he uttered the suggestion she had taken off up the stairs to avoid being caught. However, she was curious about this curse and the Scar that she saw with the girl... Besides, she was lost and wasn't going to make it out of this castle... not today. If that was the case, she might as well learn about Taka... Which meant she was sticking around even if it was possibly the death of her.