[center][img]http://i1150.photobucket.com/albums/o620/Vicier/Vicier%20-%20OUAT%20RP%20-%20Characters/Viciers%20Character%20Gifs/Colab-Post%20Gifs/Alexander%20Katts%20-%20Gif_zpsxhgu1swb.gif[/img][img]http://i1150.photobucket.com/albums/o620/Vicier/Vicier%20-%20OUAT%20RP%20-%20Characters/Viciers%20Character%20Gifs/Colab-Post%20Gifs/Isabella%20De%20Fortesque%20-%20Gif_zpsmvekkter.gif[/img] [h1][color=SeaGreen]Alexander Katts[/color] and [color=IndianRed]Isabella De' Fortesque[/color][/h1] [h2]Present Day - Province[/h2][/center] Taking a deep breath of the cool fresh air in through her nose she held it for a few moments, doing her best to steady her heart beat as she let it out slowly through her soft pink lips, the breath coming out shaky and almost inaudible as she lifted both of her arms up, her right arm bending back as she pulled back on the string, holding it strong and tight with the arrow notched into the bow. Flicking her dark brown eyes down to glance at the arch of the bow she quickly checked the arrow that she was using, the shaft of the arrow resting softly against right side the polished wood unlike most of the men under her command and in the Fairy Tale World who had gotten used to shooting the arrow off the left, allowing herself to take her time as she let her lips part from one another, the fingers resting on the string brushing lightly against her ear. Letting the string slip from her fingertips she watched as the arrow shot forward towards the target she had set up, the action only lasting but a few moments before the arrow head embedded itself into the center of the target with the others that she had shot off during her training session, her lips pursing slightly as she slowly but surely lowered her arms back down to her sides, a sharp shooting pain pulsing through her body from the wound in her stomach that she had received hours beforehand. Turning her head to her stomach she curved her back slightly, her eyes flicking down to look at the wound that she had only roughly wrapped up, the normally white bandages now stained through with crimson red blood that also stained her skin, the young woman scrunching up her face at the thought of needing to re-dress the injury that was still inflicting pain on her. Tearing her gaze away from the bloodied sight that was her stomach she let her eyes flick about the grounds around her, her free arm coming up as she slid her fingers over her forehead and into her long locks of hair, pushing them back off of her face so that she could see properly though it seemed to be all in vain as they fell back down into place, the long dark brown waves framing her face sweetly as she moved away from the archery field, her hand lightly resting against her stomach as she moved over to one of the large tents that had been set up around the training grounds. Moving through the tent and over to one of the couches that had been set up she lowered herself down onto it, her body perching on the edge of the settee as she closed her eyes, her body dropping back onto it as she let her mind wander over the events that had transpired that day and what was to come in the days to follow starting tomorrow. Belle's thoughtful reverie, however, was soon to be interrupted by the abrupt feeling of something resting on top of her stomach. Not heavy, on the contrary rather light, but a presence nonetheless. A simple, complacent, [i]"Meow!"[/i] came from the creature on her middle - undoubtedly a cat - before a soft [i]purr[/i] followed. Furrowing her brows slightly as she heard the soft sound of a cats meow she lifted her head up from the cushions, her eyes opening slowly to look at the creature that had seemed to make itself comfortable upon her stomach, the young woman taking a few moments to watch it before she bent her arms, her upper body lifting up from the settee as she gently let herself rest on her elbows, the gentle purring coming from the cat causing small vibrations to sink into her stomach causing slight discomfort but nothing she couldn't handle, "Alright... Not sure when we got a cat..." Softening her expression ever so slightly she leant her body over to one side, her arm reaching out so that she could lightly scratch behind its ear with the tips of her nails, her head tilting slightly as a small but unmistakable smile played over her lips, "You're such a good kitty... so content... I wonder where you came from..." The cat's purrs seemed to increase in fervency as she began petting it, the cat easing its head into her touch, bright green orbs shutting tightly. For the most part, the cat appeared to be clean and healthy, it's black fur lacked much in the way of dirt or markings. It appeared well-fed but fit and lithe, with piercing eyes that seemed to look past Belle's defenses....familiar. Eventually, the cat decided to simply curl up into a small ball atop her stomach, occasionally letting its coarse tongue lick at her bloodied bandages, but otherwise remained still. Shifting her body slightly she couldn't help the soft chuckle that slipped through her lips, her already soft (and almost loving) smile growing over her lips, lighting up her features as she watched the contented feline lean eagerly into her hand, the pressure of her touch increasing as she scratched him a little harder behind the ear. Raising her eyebrows only slightly, she caught sight of the slightly familiar and fierce green eyes that seemed to be looking straight through her, her head tilting and her body shifting into a more comfortable position as she watched it curl up into a ball on her stomach, "So, have you got a home..? Or should I be taking you back up to the castle with me..." The cat, however, being an animal, said nothing, merely purring softly as it began making itself more comfortable on its new bed. In reality, the cat was little more than the Queen's Assassin, shape shifted into this more inconspicuous form. Maleficent would be busy dealing with the Pride Lands and the Lion King, and Katts felt a certain sense of intrigue in regards to the young Huntress who was in Gaston's service. Naturally, the Assassin felt it best to spy on her in a less obvious form. "Well, someone looks as though their comfortable enough to sleep..." Her eyes softened slightly as she watched the black cat curled up so naturally, the felines small chest gently lifting up and down with every breath that it took, the soft purring continuing to send vibrations through her body, though the young huntress was getting used to it, "Maybe that's what I should do... I grow tired of training..." Pulling her hand back from his head so that she was no longer petting him she slid her arms down and around his body, the brunette doing her best to support his small and lithe frame as she shifted her own position on the settee, her body slipping to the edge of the couch before she lifted herself back up and onto her feet. Turning her head down so that she could see what she was doing she shifted her arms slightly, cradling the creature lightly against her chest as she began to move back through the tent, her feet slowly carrying her down the slightly long though familiar path that led back up to the castle, "I believe it is time to retire for the night, what do you think hm..?" The cat, or Katts, opened his eyes with half-hearted irritance as she began to stand up, but he quickly made himself comfortable once more, resting his head against her very warm and comfy bosom while she walked them both to the castle. In response to her question, he merely gave a small and content, [i]"Mew!"[/i] as reply. Lifting her gaze up to look at the castle as it began to get closer and closer she let her smile slowly fade back into her usual bored expression, her long dark brown locks bouncing lightly over her back and her hips swinging from side to side with every step she took, a single eyebrow raising only just slightly as they both grew closer to the doors that led inside the castle, the action causing the new guards that she had assigned to stand watch to quickly open the doors for her, the two of them exchanging questioning looks as they caught sight of the cat resting comfortably in her arms and against her chest. "My Lady... Does the King-..." Snapping her head around as she heard one of the two of them tentatively beginning to address her, she narrowed her eyes causing his words to be cut off only moments after he had begun to speak, irritance flashing across her eyes at the thought that those who were in her command were questioning her actions, "The King, though he likes to think so, does not control every little thing that I do. If I wish to get a cat, then that is what I shall do. Now I suggest you focus on your post... or this time it will be my hands that your blood is on... Do I make myself clear..?" Not bothering to wait for a response from her soldier she turned her back to them both once more, her body once again moving as she headed over to the large grand staircase that led to the upper floors of the castle, her heels making soft clicks against the stone as she began to make her way up them, her arms tightening slightly around the cat to make sure that she wouldn't drop him. Katts did very little during the journey but simply enjoy the ride, continuing to play the role of the innocent, benign kitten while being led through the very castle he savaged just earlier that afternoon. Lifting one of her arms up from around his body as she got closer to the door that led to her room she pressed her forearm hard against the polished wood, the huntress using her strength to push it open just enough so that she could slip into her room with him, her arm sliding down the door before she let it drop back down to her side, the door closing behind them both with a gentle thud. Slowing her pace now that she was alone in her chambers she made her way over to her bed, her body leaning over slightly as she relaxed her arms slightly around the cat, letting him down easy so that he could curl up and rest gently on the top of the bed, "You just make yourself comfortable, not that I think that will be quite hard for you to do. It seems as though you can sleep anywhere and at any time." Turning her back to him as she began to cross over the room she slowed to a stop in front of her armchair, her arms coming up to cross over her body as she gripped hold of the bottom of her top so that she could began to slowly remove her clothes, laying them one by one down over the the arm of the chair so that she would be able to find them in the morning once she woke up. Katts, still trying to keep the guise of an innocent feline, pawed at the soft, expensive bed-spread before sauntering towards one of the pillows and curling up atop it, yawning noiselessly. But as Belle began undressing in front of him, Katts couldn't help but let a single eye wander, investigate - analyze. Her body was pleasing, with lean, well-defined muscles and voluptuous, bosomy curves that might have made even the Dark Queen jealous. Katts cursed himself inwardly for his averting eye, the curse of being male. Trying to push her out of his mind as best as he could, Katts once more lay down on the pillow and attempted to fall asleep, feeling a....quickening in his chest. Unusual. Lifting both her arms up from her sides once she had finished undressing she ran her hands over her forehead, her fingers slipping through her long dark brown locks as she pushed it all back off of her face, her arms dropping back down to her sides as she made her way over to her bed, her body leaning over as she began to pull the covers back. Climbing up onto the mattress she slowly dropped back, her arm lifting up so that her forearm was resting gently against her forehead, her eyes focusing on the canopy that was hung above her as a gentle and relaxed sigh slipped past her lips. Katts moved himself closer somewhat, enough that he was pressed up against her leg. With one more light purr he closed his eyes and seemed to drifted off to sleep. Turning her head down slightly as she felt the soft fur of the cat brushing lightly against her leg she couldn't help the smile that once more lit up her features, the huntress deciding to take her cue from the feline as she turned her body onto its side, her arm sliding up and under the pillow to support her head as she quickly drifted off into a slumber. After about a half an hour when he was sure Belle was fully asleep, Katts stealthily slunk off the bed, being sure not to disturb her as he did so. With a sudden shift, the cat grew exponentially and became human again, the now regular Katts brushing off his shoulders lightly. Wearing a cool expression he quickly investigated the bedroom, his eyes keen for anything of interest, of note. Finding nothing, the Assassin let out a small sigh before turning towards the window, ready to jump out and escape. But one look back at Belle halted him, stopped him. His lips curved into a deep frown as he knew exactly what was going on. [i]'You know the rules, don't get sentimental...'[/i] He hissed inwardly at himself with a narrowed, venomous look to his eyes. But, finding himself unable to leave so soon he walked back towards the bed, shaking his head disgustedly to himself before once more shifting back into cat form and jumping back onto the bed, nuzzling himself against her once more to fall into a restful sleep.