[b][u]Character by Sixsmith[/u][/b] [img]http://i.imgur.com/mvwWX2C.jpg?1[/img] [b]Full Name:[/b] Tatius Brutus Theriault [b]Nickames/Alias/AKA: [/b] Tate Deveraux [b]Age:[/b] 27 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]DOB:[/b] 19th December, 1987 [b]Occupation:[/b] Hunter/Independent Contractor [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Hair Color:[/b] Dark Brown [b]Eye Color:[/b] Blue [b]Height and Build:[/b] 6'1, Wiry and Flexible [b]Other Appearance:[/b] There are countless nicks and scars that dot the span of his body, though none are quite as deep to be considered in polite company or even cause any relapse in memory of 'those olden days.' However, one does bring a rough part of his past back to light at times of stress or upset. It runs with a pair, the first of which starts at the bridge of his nose and runs diagonally down his right side to the edge of his jaw. It's counterpart is a much deeper scar of shredded tissue on his right shoulder. It doesn't run too far, but it's incredibly deep as if something decided to sink a hook in the bed of his flesh, before it ripped out an entirety of his shoulder. His voice has a Cajun lilt to it and runs a deep tenor. Unfortunately, most people either like to peg him as deep south or Jersey just by the way he speaks. Tate can and will often speak different versions of French, most of which is usually just Louisiana French and usually just to people he's close to. Common phrases and words often slip into his word usage that hint at his Louisiana upbringing, but for the most part, unless he tells an individual, not many pinpoint exactly where he's from. [b]History/bio:[/b] The Deveraux name carries its weight among the supernatural world, one that has protected generations of hunters under the titular name. Theresa Deveraux was one such lady, born and raised in New Orleans, Louisiana, she found her teenage years strife with conflict deeply embedded in family roots. As a young girl, she had a choice: a regular life, one centered in as much normality as one could garner with abilities like theirs or a life of endless strife and nightmare, but that carried adventures and as many allies as enemies and bonds that run deeper than family. Theresa eventually decided that the Deveraux family name could only live on if someone volunteered to take the mantle for their own. Knowing the family crest and motto by heart, Theresa went into the hunting business for one reason and one only: to protect people. But Theresa went through the business without really knowing the good inherent in supernatural beings. Like many hunters, Theresa only ever exposed herself to the evil and malicious beings of the supernatural realms: fae that stole children for dinner, witches that burned homes to the ground for petty revenge, vampires and werewolves so deadlocked in turf wars they couldn't care less of the needless casualties around them. Not until her life came too close to an untimely end. Mislead by a confused group of individuals in small town Louisiana, Theresa found herself at the behest of a crazed serial killer so deep in the occult he could practically pass for a supernatural himself. Unfortunately, a man with such malicious intent wasn't so deserving of the brilliance of inhuman beings. Enraged that Theresa had come to end his chain of blood sacrifices to accursed gods in a bid for powers of his own, he incapacitated her and threw her in a caged piled with his past victims. Theresa saw absolutely no feasible way out, but she fought on still. It didn't occur to her that, throughout her entire trip through the small bayou town, she'd failed to notice the man trailing her through the various dives and bars surrounding the area. When all things looked bleak and dismal, the individual found his way into the basement of the decrepit home to stumble upon the lone huntress trapped in her cage. Picking the lock, he'd freed her in time for a rather heated fight, toe-to-toe with the man and his pair of sacrificial knives. Killing him outright and stopping the brutal murders from ever occurring, Theresa thanked the man, a Jackson Theriault. He'd revealed his intent of stopping the man, having investigated his crime as per orders of his coven, but the moment he found Theresa's motives and intent to stop the man as well, he'd let her handle it. Unfortunately, he underestimated the killer's cunning and almost got the young huntress killed. After apologizing, he further revealed that the victims he'd been killing were supernatural beings themselves and a number of them witches. He'd literally soak in their blood and preformed surgery on himself to replace his own body parts. They were little things, tiny things, but they were still wretched and horrifying. Offering her services in return for him saving her, Theresa further accompanied the man to his coven's home town. After introducing her to his family members as a hunter and mercenary, the coven's council, a skeptical bunch, set the two out on a retrieval mission in order to further test Theresa's trust. These missions grew in number before Theresa finally gained the trust of not only the coven but the town's entire supernatural population. And it wasn't until it was too late before she'd realized she'd fallen in love with the man who'd saved her. Unfortunately, they had their first baby outside of wedlock and their second came along not a year later. Tatius Theriault, though his name suggested otherwise, was born and raised a Deveraux boy. Though still containing which blood in his system, Tate couldn't have been more human. He still exhibited a modicum of witch like powers, but they more or less fizzed out by the time he hit puberty. Of course, with a huntress for a mother, Tate was anything but a disappointment, he just had to exert his skills in different ways. He may say he's not actually a part of the Theriault Coven, but everyone within knows the boy is more their family than anyone outside could ever hope to be. Of course, just like his mother, they gave him a choice between as normal a life as it came or the rough road ahead as a hunter. No doubt a man like Tate took the challenge with heart. Most of his missions came through the Coven itself, as they had various troubles within the state itself. They only ever encompassed a small part of Louisiana and never came across as too difficult, but they gave Tate enough material to learn from and experience should he decide to further his travels. As well, the Coven provided a wide array of lore to delve and dive into—something more his sister's area of expertise, however. It wasn't until his sister had mucked herself in more trouble than anyone of them could handle that Tate expanded his profession wider than he could have expected. Demons disguised as the supernatural of the town had convinced his sister to chain herself to their work. The fiasco blew out of proportion and nearly sunk the entire city into the pits of hell, but the sacrifice of the Coven's leader quieted things down. Unfortunately, they wouldn't stop at merely one extremely powerful witch, they wanted the woman who made the contract herself. Tasked with protecting his sister, Tate smuggled her out of state limits and for years they roamed the country picking up job after job they could, some for money and others to live up to their family name. It wasn't until they decided to take a stand and potentially garner some help did they think to stop. Montaville, Vermont seemed like one more place to refuel and aid should they need it, but Nova knew better than that. Montaville was their way of ending their plight once and for all. [b]Family/Relationships:[/b] Theresa Deveraux Theriault - Mother Jackson Theriault - Father, New Coven Leader Rayna Fiona Theriault [Deceased] - Paternal Grandmother, Coven Leader Simmons Theriault - Paternal Grandfather Mona Theriault - Paternal Aunt, Twin to Lisa Lisa Theriault - Paternal Aunt, Twin to Mona Tera Deveraux - Maternal Aunt Benoit Deveraux - Maternal Uncle Ronda Deveraux - Maternal Grandmother Isaiah Deveraux [Deceased] - Maternal Grandfather [url=http://33.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m5984zsdL41ru449fo1_500.gif]Desmond Riley[/url] [Deceased] - Family Friend, Tied to an object in Nova's Posession (her constant companion) [b]Other/Extra:[/b] Incredibly agile and flexible, Tate was a star athlete in his years of high school. He also attended various sports throughout school when not doing hunter like things with his mother. Of course, both parents cared deeply about Tate's education and, though he wasn't a star student and genius, he was still an exceptional and hard working student. While in school and even college, they only ever did supernatural things with him outside of his study and school. Tate's an incredibly tricky individual and though he exhibits a lot of strength and brashness in his fighting, outside of it, he's got the charisma and social know how to navigate his way through various situations. If a fight breaks out where he could have solved the issue through tongue and politics, he takes that as a failure, regardless of the outcome. He's got a thing for motorcycles, though he's been tied to his mother's car ever since the problems with his sister and the Coven. Now that he has the chance, he'll likely settle for a nice bike to ride around the small town. Unlike his sister's nasty food habits, Tate's got a thing for healthy alternatives and the nearly hipster organic foods. At first, it was a ruse to get his sister to never cook for him again, because she's awful at it, but it quickly turned into a real things. Of course, Tate could never be a vegan because the taste of au natural prime cut steak is just too amazing to give up, as is the various Cajun foods that his family often cooked. Especially boudin and cracklins. How dare people thing he'll give those delicious delicacies up. He usually cooks foods of that nature, if he and his sister are craving it, since she nearly burned a motel down trying to make some of her own.