[color=red][h3]Madison Ripley[/h3][/color][b]Second Floor.[/b][hr]Madison froze in her scrambling to gather the materials for her plan, stuck in the logical loop that what she was doing would only hamper them in the long run. Oil meant slippery escape. Oil also meant fire-hazard. She knew enough about fire to know that in this situation, it could be the worst possible thing. Like a human bulldozer, Madison pushed all the containers that she brought out in the first place, back into her open apartment as quickly as she could. Her eyes were on the interior of her apartment as she was sure nothing had got in behind her back, darting from her kitchen to her television and over to her bathroom door. All seemed well inside. The thought of staying in passed her mind before she heard the shrill scream of a woman in danger. She ran to her door and peered out just in time to see a fatal bite being delivered to the neck of one Lucy Collins, right there in front of her apartment. Her stomach flipped as skin tore, muscle stretched and deep red spattered from the open wound and onto the floor. The assailant was quickly dispatched by the marine nearby, with a blade to the back of the skull. The Marine sighed before walking off to tend to the barrier once more. Leaving Lucy to simply... lay there, leaking blood onto the floor. That could have been her that was attacked, as she came out of her apartment in nearly the same way. Madison's hand shot out for her axe as she swore she saw Lucy's body twitch ever so slightly. A trick of the light? The last remnants of neural activity? Or a sign of impending reanimation. The reason didn't matter after [b]Madison buried her axe in the poor girl's skull.[/b] It bit deep with an almost satisfying crunch. No risks to be taken this way, she told herself. No added danger, as she used Lucy's clothing to clean herself and her axe of blood spatters as well as she could. She had seen the dead rise. She would take no chances. [b]It took her a few minutes to set her axe down and drag the Lucy's body back into her respective apartment, along with the already re-deceased assailant and close the door.[/b] Slowly, she retrieved her axe and returned to the hall with the others, sighing shakily and hoping they had not seen her do the dirtier work. [color=red][b]"What is our plan? Are we going to get out of here or not?"[/b][/color]