Roger was outside of his fortified room, he wondered if this was a good idea at all leaving that room, but he doesn't want to be trapped in that room once those things finally overrun the building, leaving him with only one option and wouldn't want to go there. When he peaked outside the door, he saw a glimpse of someone entering another room and wondered if they needed any help. Or, they could all be zombies in there by now and he would only just agitate them. He started walking towards the door of John's room and looked behind him multiple times during the whole ten second walk to the door. He made sure his mask was tight in his face, his crowbar ready for anything, and his feet ready to get the out if anything bad happens. Roger tried silently as possible to put his head towards the door, trying to figure out if they were fine inside that room and managed to hear two people talking inside with no one else he could hear. He looked down both hallways, again, just as he doesn't want some random freak to come out of nowhere and bite him in the balls or something similar in that manner. Roger looked directly at the door, his mind telling him that knocking on the door holds too many negative possibilities that could come out, but most of them were just crazy imaginative things his mind was making up. He shook his head roughly and managed to gulp down his fears to actually do the second most ballsy thing he has done in this time span, knock on a door. He knocked lightly at the door hoping that these people were some normal people and normal people that would wish to help him get rid of these freaks. "Uh... Anyone in here? I would like to speak to the people residing in this room for a discussion on protecting this apartment. Uh, please." Roger sounded so meek in that sentence that he would have probably ignored himself, however, he stood outside hoping that someone would answer him.