[@Elitestpotato][@Inertia][@The Fated Fallen] Just as Xusin was silently rewarding herself for a job wel done, she was scooped up off the ground, and briskly carried towards the medical shop. For fear of falling, her hands clung to Edict, her captor. Just as she thought he couldnt get any more terrifying, he called her name. [b]"Xusin,"[/b] he said to get her attention, but it was quiet. He only wanted her to hear him. Xusin curled herself closer to Edict to hear the rest of what he was saying. Somehow it felt important. [b]"I know who and what you are. But don't worry, I won't hurt you. I just need to know why you are here..."[/b] [i]WHAT?!?[/i] there was nothing but a scramble and fear in Xusin now. Her jaw dropped feintly, sucking in a huge gasp. Her gasp was cut short by the rest of the man's question. [b]"And how? Did someone summon you?",[/b] Xusin paused momentarily, agknowledging the aspect that this man already knew the major details he was simply looking for her comformation. The only choice she had, however terrifying it might be, was complete honesty. Xusin released one hands grip on the man's coat, and grabbed his shoulder, which was much more stable, then pulled herself closer still, and even tighter into his fireman grip. She pulled until her face was but a mere paper width from his own, that there was no physical way for the other 2 strangers to hear. When Xusin was close enough for speaking softly to be mistaken as a kiss, she wizpered softly so only edict could hear: [color=red]"Jaltheor..."[/color] then she closed her eyes, ad hid herself against the body of her captor, succumbing to whatever fate might await her. Silently she prayed to the creator, prayers of penance and apology. She prayed for the sun to set and rise again, and for the ocean to never find calamity, but above all she prayed for man, and their safe guidance through the hell which would aoon be unleashed.