Nova didn't look back as smoke grenades were launched into the building with Flash Bang, focusing instead on putting some distance between her and the maniac inside. She turned just in time to watch Alexis fire a round and then another, Flash Bang roaring with mixed rage and pain from within the smokescreen. [color=7bcdc8]"At least she was able to do some damage."[/color] She noted to herself, glancing over at the vigilante to make sure he was alright too. Nova stood, watching angrily from a safe distance as Flash Bang launched a bench at her comrades. Different scenarios were playing in her head, the young agent chewing on her bottom lip as she cycled through them, trying to devise a plan to bring the monster down quickly. [color=7bcdc8]"I could jump on his back and go for the jugular, but I'd need to find a way to get behind him. You, vigilante guy... Do you think you could draw his attention away from us long enough for Agent Chandle to shoot another round into his leg?"[/color] Nova drew her twin blades from their sheaths, mentally preparing herself before looking up at the building where Alexis was hiding. [color=7bcdc8]"We can't keep letting this guy stomp around like this. He's relying on his modified body right now, so let's take that away from him. Think you could take out a kneecap from that distance agent?"[/color] She playfully taunted, recalling the skillset of this particular agent. Nova had no doubts in her mind that Alexis could make the shot, she only hoped the rest of the players were up to the task.... Including herself.