[b][u]Character by corrosive[/u][/b] [img]http://i.imgur.com/86xQxKA.png?1[/img] Full Name: Remmington Pennyweather O'Neil. Nickames/Alias/AKA: Rem, Remmy. Age: 18. Gender: Male. DOB: August 19, 1996. Occupation: Student, part time waiter. Race: Vampire. Hair Color: Dyed blue, though it's naturally a light brown. Eye Color: grey/blue. Height and Build: 5"8, slender and wiry. Other Appearance: He has a scar through his left eyebrow, no other very noticeable ones. His voice has a sort of sharp resonating quality to it, though he speaks with a bluntness that chops his words up sometimes and can make him sound a little odd. History/bio: Remmington was born and lived a fairly normal life, though he was always considered a little strange with his dressing habits and his tendency to dye his hair every color under the sun. Most wrote the young man off as a cry for help but he had spent most of his life idolizing his older brother and trying to be more like him, though this was something of an impossible task. He spent his childhood doing everything he could to become his older brother's shadow, found it to be nearly exhausting but kept shooting for it. It soon came to a close when his brother had died in a car crash at the age of twenty one and it had the effect of change on Remmy, made him frustrated and seeking an outlet of any kind. Though the frustration had a profound effect on the young man, he began to get extremely into art and became something extravagant with his growing talents. Though he also started to pull away from his friends and family, it was also a coping mechanism. He invested everything he had into art and at the age of seventeen, it brought him to his first girlfriend. A young lady named Clarrisa who also shared his passion for the arts, the two grew close and it was the first time since his brother had died that he almost seemed to calm his nervous tension. That also didn't last long, Clarrisa had a secret and that secret ended up changing him and left him with an edge of anger. Clarrisa changed him without his permission and upon it happening, he got very angry and closed their relationship off. He's kind of upset about the whole vampire thing in general but he's not completely mourning it any more, now he's just sort of trying to get a hang on it without throwing any fits. She turned him early into him being seventeen. That brings us to where we are now with our nervous, angry artist vampire. Family/Relationships: Harrison Michael O'Neil ( older brother ) - DEC on October 24, 2012. Jaenlyn Eris O'Neil ( Mother ). Grayson Lionel O'Neil ( Father ). Clarrisa Rhynes ( Ex-Girlfriend and Maker ) Other/Extra: He's got a dream to become a tattoo artist.