[hider=Lucius Canutius Vetranio][b]Name:[/b] Lucius Canutius Vetranio [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 25 [b]Rank:[/b] Apprentice [b]Appearance:[/b] [url=http://images5.fanpop.com/image/photos/31400000/Zach-in-the-Hitcher-zachary-knighton-31465526-852-480.jpg](Face)[/url] Lucius was brought up in the lower class of the city, so he normally wears a brownish tunic with some sandals as footwear. He has a cord to act as a sort of belt for the tunic. He carries a tool belt on him to disguise himself as a worker of some sort, to blend into certain environments. When wearing long clothes, he wears a small special sheathe for daggers on his legs in case he needs to take out a weapon for an emergency. [b]Equipment:[/b] Since Lucius was a very talented toolmaker, he has made a wide variety of sharp tools that have the main function of being of use to a blacksmith, woodworker, builders, barbers etc but they also have a sneaky secondary option of being of use to a killer or an assassin. He uses these tools as weapons because they’re easier to make when quickly needed and it’s less suspicious than having a bunch of weapons strapped. Tools like axes, hammers, adzes, styluses, chisels, gouges, files, etc. These tools are an infinite armada of destruction and when Lucius gets more training, he can pinpoint those weapons in exact weak spots of the human body. His personal weapon of choice, if he had to use one in a fight, is his woodwork axe. He used it to avenge his sister and is an alright fighter with it but he really needs improvement. [b]Personality:[/b] Lucius has a passionate, save-everyone attitude ever since the death of his sister. His sister’s death left a hole in his heart because he felt he had failed as a protector and brother. So he fills this hole by trying to protect and care for other people. He feels it’s his duty to be a guardian so he accepts the offer of joining with the Assassin order. He is generally a calm man but he cannot control himself in situations when he sees someone being beaten or suffering in that manner because it brings back the memory of his sister and he tries to help out because he wants forgiveness from his sister but the dead cannot speak. There are situations that he needs to learn to step away from, to remain incognito. He is determined, strong willed and has no problem with authority as long as it protects the people. He is loyal to that part of the creed. He is still young but is willing to learn. [b]Bio:[/b] Lucius was born into a very poor part of Rome. His father was a builder and his mother went into prostitution to provide for her family but the income was barely to support two children. His sister was born when he was seven years old. Her name was Servia Canutius Vetranio. Unfortunately when Lucius was 13, her mother was dying from an STD (they didn’t know that at the time) and a couple months after, his father was killed in a building accident. The mother died a couple weeks after. The depression of her husband’s death became the catalyst in for her death. His sister was 6 at the time and he took the responsibility of taken care of her on the streets of Rome. For a year and a half, he provided for his sister. He stole food from local market stalls, found places to shelter the winter and rainstorms and he even mugged a doctor and stole his medicine for when his sister was sick. He was her guardian angel on those streets and he ended developing a protective attitude for her. A duty has grown. When he was about 14 he one day jumped at a man in the alleyway and pointed a sharpened chisel at him; which he made. The man being held wasn’t scared actually but impressed. He noticed the craftsmanship of the tool and was impressed with it. He could from the boy’s eyes that he wasn’t a killer. He was just hungry and protective. He offered a place to stay, eat and rest for both Lucius and his sister but in return, Lucius works as an apprentice for him at his tool making shop. The man was about in his 50s and was a toolmaker. They had finally found a place to stay. For the first few months he grew distrusting of the man because an opportunity was too good to be true but after a few months he grew used to his new home. The man was like an old uncle to Lucius and Servia. His name was a simple name: Gaius. Lucius was like a son to Gaius. For 8 years he took young Lucius under his wing and taught him the toolmaker trade and even gave him many tips on how to haggle and persuade people in the marketplace. It is a skill that Lucius finds very useful. His sister was living peacefully too. She was a very talented artist and has sold a few paintings in the Roman marketplace. She is hoping to one day make it a full time livelihood and be one of the most influential artists in Rome. When Lucius was 22, Gaius died of natural causes and left his shop to Lucius. He was now an adult and was able to run a business by himself with the skills he has learned. He will always be thankful to Gaius. He would have been another body in a ditch if it weren’t for him. For a whole 2 years, Gaius and Servia lived in peace in their new home. Life couldn’t be better for them. Until one day, when Lucius was 24 and Servia was 17, disaster struck. Servia was missing. She went down to the marketplace to look for browse at people’s wares and goods but then disappeared. Lucius was worried and paranoid. He searched the streets of Rome for her, looking under every nook and cranny and interrogating every person that stood in his path but no one seemed to care. Witness’s said that she was shoved and grabbed of the streets by the some nasty looking thugs. After weeks of searching he had discovered one of the thugs that took her. What he found out was so horrible and disgusting to him that he was filled with white-hot rage and a thirst for vengeance. After threatening the thug’s life, he they sold her to prostitution ring on the rich sector of Rome. The thug found it funny with a sense of pride. The joke ended when Lucius shoved a sharp writer’s stylus right through his neck. He then continued onwards to the other side of Rome in a search for her sister. After about a month of investigating, he managed to found out the name of the man who runs the prostitution ring. A vile, disgusting creature by the name of Numerius Rutilius Sabinus. Lucius knew that the name Sabinus was associated with trustworthiness. It is probably how he managed to hide his sick ways. Prostitution was legal in Rome, however forced prostitution was not and Numerius found it easier to steal girls than too waste money on buying some. Numerius kept himself to his whorehouse and rarely came outside. Since the place was a whorehouse, he just walked in. As long as you had money, you were welcome basically. Lucius had no interest in the girls. He just wanted to find Numerius and brutally chop his head and manhood into tiny pieces and feed it to the rats. Lucius found Numerius’s private room (which was empty) and managed to sneak through by distracting the guards at the door. He planted a dagger on one of the patrons and the guards had to go deal with it. Numerius had a no weapons rule in his brothel; Lucius simply had tools and managed to convince the guard at the very front entrance that he needs them. He hid until nightfall, when Numerius was alone. Lucius counted his stars lucky that Numerius didn’t have a girl with him otherwise he would have stayed for days on end just to get him alone. He revealed himself from his hiding place and leaped onto Numerius with an axe in the air. He then pinned him to the ground and placed it strongly against his throat. He demanded answers but the truth he had learnt was far, far worse than he could have possibly imagined. Laughing while doing so, Numerius explained that his sister killed herself. She couldn’t bare living life as a whore, so she cut her own wrists. Lucius couldn’t believe it. He had failed her. She was dead and died with little dignity. He then screamed and smashed Numerius’s face with his axe. Blood splattered everywhere; it was more butchering than killing. The guards heard the yell outside the room and saw Lucius over the dead body of Numerius. He ran through the window and started running on the rooftops. He had never done it before, so he’s wasn’t an expert at it; he didn’t even know how to get back down quickly. The guards didn’t chase him through the window as they were wearing heavy armour, not exactly suited for parkour. He managed to climb his way, slowly, back down to an alleyway. When he reached the bottom, he cried. He shouted, sobbed and screamed. He has failed his sister as her protector and was now being searched for by the city guard. Numerius was a friend of some high-up people but Lucius didn’t care. He was now lost. He hid himself on his way back home. They knew his face but not his name. When he reached home, there was a mysterious hooded man standing in his shop. He couldn’t see his face due to his white hood but he gave an eerie feeling when you are in his presence. The man revealed himself to be an assassin and that Numerius was his target. He explained how Numerius was his target but was stolen from him. He was angry but he was impressed by the way Lucius handled it but wasn’t fully impressed. Lucius made many mistakes but had potential that the assassin saw. He gave him a choice: Stay in his home and soon be found by the city guard and stoned to death or go under training to become an assassin. The mysterious figure disappeared and Lucius was left with an ultimatum. He had no idea who or what the assassins were but it was better than the alternative. He packed his important and needed items and went to the mysterious alley spot that he was instructed to go to. He knew he was never seeing his shop again, so he burnt it down. It was a ghost of the past. When he went to the alley spot, he was met with no one but with in seconds someone knocked him out from behind. He then woke up in some sort of mysterious building. He had no idea where he was. It was a precaution used by assassins on potential people, otherwise everyone would know where it was. After meeting with some of the higher-ups and discovering the meaning of the creed, he was inducted as an apprentice. His training had begun. [b]Skills/Strengths:[/b] He has the talent for making tools and using them as weapons. He also is able to blend into crowds as a simple builder, woodworker or toolmaker. He is determined, passionate and is willing to give his life in the name of protection. He is also clever in using the people and environment to escape or hide. He is familiar with the poor side of Rome and knows the ways to get around it. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] He is not a fully trained assassin. He doesn’t know how to fight properly and his kills are messy. He only has a basic knowledge of free-running and he is a very limited knowledge of Roman politics. All this will be greatly improve as he trains. The weaknesses that might stay with him even as a fully fledged assassin are: His ability to stay away from the beating of an innocent. His temper when someone insults his family. He doesn’t care for “the lives of a few versus the lives of many” , he is the kind of person that wants to save everyone and is willing to risk life and limb to do so. He needs to learn balance and that death happens even to innocent people. Given his history, it’ll be a difficult thing to learn.[/hider]