[quote=@Genni] I'm really worried for it. Hopefully it'll be good, but DC's on the backfoot movie-wise right now and they may try pushing too hard to make it edgy and fun at the same time. Nice choice casting Margot Robbie as Harley though. At the very least I can spend the whole film admiring the way her costume fits. :3 Harley's original origin story (before she accepted her true sexuality and hooked up with Pammie :hehe): [center][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=54&v=OV9v4y1aUqI[/youtube][/center] [/quote] I'm just excited to get a movie like this so soon, I freakin love Suicide Squad and also am super pumped about seeing Killer Croc and Enchantress as well as Katana. I'm also so happy that DC is incorporating magic into its universe, which is something that Marvel shied away from and copped out of with the science junk, i hated that with a burning passion. So I'm glad DC is bold enough to do this so early in its cinematic.