It started like every other morning: A steady stream of rumbling from the streets below began to increase. The change starts off small, however it doesn't stay that way for very long, increasing both in frequency and intensity until finally it can no longer be ignored. "[b][color=00a651]Oh my gentle jesus where the hell is the alarm clock for this shit?[/color][/b]" Dimitri groaned as he sat up from his bed and rubbed his lower jaw. This had been the same ever since his release from the hospital, Dimitri had no clue how on earth to describe it other than feeling as though somehow his lower jaw and ears had become connected. Sound was no longer just some intangible force that the man was aware of; it was something he could physically feel now, and quite frankly, it was beginning to drive him up the walls. After releasing his jaw, Dimitri rubbed his eyes to clear up the crust and gunk that accumulated over the night and swung his legs from his bed. The action sent his bed sheet onto the floor below and scattered a few old papers that he'd left lying about in the process, however Dimitri hardly minded or even noticed at this point. The floor was littered with so many books and papers that where it not for the fact that he kept a clear path to his doorway, dresser, closet, bed, and [i]its[/i] tank, Dimitri was certain that he'd be right back in the hospital for sustaining untold amounts of bruising and paper cuts from constant tripping. The man checked his alarm clock, and after noting that he still had two hours before his first class, gathered his clothing -a simple red tank top, some grey cargo shorts, and black running shoes-, and a towel. He exited his room, but not before sparing a momentary glance at the 4ft x 29 x 19 terrarium that took up a corner of the room beneath his window. The occupant of this terrarium was nowhere to be seen, likely coiled underneath one of the log hides, or perhaps behind one of the many plants that decorated it. Dimitri knew it was stupid to keep the animal that he was almost positive not only managed to nearly kill him but cause his strange new ability, but there was something about the creature that made Dimitri feel as though he'd be causing himself more trouble if he just turned it over to the authorities. Besides, he had more pressing matters at hand, like preparing for class. After a quick shower and tooth brushing (he swore that his canine teeth had grown another centimeter overnight) Dimitri dressed and rapped his knuckles against his brother's door to wake him on his way out, "[b][color=00a651]I'm out man, gong to stop by that cafe on Q street, want me to say hi to that cute barista girl for you?[/color][/b]". There was a rustling sound from behind the closed door which was then followed by a groan, "[b]You know, just because you're my brother and just got back from the hospital doesn't mean I can't kick your ass.[/b]", "[b][color=00a651]Uh huh, and you aren't worried you'll chip a nail?[/color][/b]" Dimitri jeered. There was a 'whompfing' sound that sounded remarkably like pillow being thrown at the door before Dimitri trotted down the stairs with a chuckle. His brother Adrain was unabashedly homosexual, and while he didn't care and still loved his elder brother all the same, as the younger brother Dimitri was almost obligated to tease him every now and then. With a snort of laughter Dimitri departed from the condo and began jogging down the street, doing his best to try and ignore the sudden pressure in his jaw.