Harry's eyebrow raised momentarily as he glanced behind sara. towards her steed? As the steed yawned revealing a lot of rather deadly looking chops. [i]I've got no quarrel with you, Sir Steed.[/i] He thought, towards the thing, thinking that perhaps the thing could read minds. Then he was brought back to focus on Sara., by her reply to his question. It was good to know, that the wrong temperature medicine when the body needs the other, could be bad and sounded like it could be really bad. Then he chuckled at Sara's metaphor of how not to overflow the bowl, like a medicine misuse. He understood such things as he did dabble in writing and metaphors were what helped make his stories good. Brought back to the knowledge of sara's beast nearby, as sara. herself mentioned about how she could sell him a good price on her medicinal merchandise, he responded politely, "Thank you for the kind offer Sara- Can I call you Sara?" He asked quickly, as he finished his earlier sentence, "-but I am not ailing from anything and I would rather not buy your wares off you when someone else may need them." He then decided to ask a few questions that has been bothering him, "What is your steed's name? Also is he friendly?" Unfortunately though, Sara. was talking to the elf girl, when he asked his questions, so he wasn't sure if Sara. heard him or not. On top of that, that meeting between him and Silcia popped in his head, but this time, he decided to face his fears head on and stood by Sara.'s side, while she talked with Silcia. While he wasn't talking he took a glance around himself and noticed a lady nearby at the foodstuffs tables, looking very happy at the spread laid out before her. It reminded him that he hasn't had any food to eat himself yet, his stomach growled audibly. [@orangebox][@AiyvaGuard]