"Hey, calm down. Beating yourself and the place up won't help anyone right now. My name is Brian Robinson. I live down the hall. Tell me what's wrong. "-Brian said. This got Caleb's attention as he heard someone else speaking to him. He wasn't the only living person on the floor, [i]at least i'm not the only person stuck in this hell hole.[/i] Caleb thought to himself as he stared at the man. Though part of Caleb was hoping that there wasn't, he didn't want someone recognizing him and being star struck, he just didn't have the time to deal with it. He needed to get out of here, but the man asked him a question so of course he was obligated to answer. He was almost in disbelief that there was someone else here as well. Caleb looked at the man up and down, the man was old, somewhere in his 60's if Caleb had to guess. Caleb looked at the man almost surprised that he was still alive. Caleb then realized that the man coming at him was trying to calm him down like he was some sort of animal. "I'm not some beast, you don't need to speak to me like one." Caleb said, although he did tower over the old man. Caleb looked at the hole in the wall that he had just left and then looked back at the old man with apathy towards the hole. "Look I want to get the hell out of here, I want to go see my kids." he said as he looked at the man intently, "But as you can tell there's a mob upstairs and a different mob downstairs. So, I'm trying to figure out what to do, that is what is wrong." Caleb said sharply. Caleb shook his head as he thought about how his wife wanted him to take a break from wrestling before all this mess happened, but he told her he needed to finish up with his rivalry with Amulacheck the Egyptian Madman and his manager Tony. Caleb had won the final match and was on his way home when all the hell broke loose. "Anyway what's it matter to you?" Caleb said glaring at the man, "Stop walking closer, don't think I'm gonna let you trick me just because your an old man. I want to see my kids I will damn sure not let an old man stop me from that." Caleb said as his voice shook with his words. Caleb was hoping he could follow up with his words if need be. "I'll send you out this window like I did that infected." Caleb said his voice still shaking. Caleb's mind filled with thoughts of his wife and kids as he fought back tears, he missed them all so much. But he needed to find them, somehow, someway, he needed to figure out where they were and if they were okay. Caleb then looked into the man's eye's as he saw sincerity in them, he dropped his crowbar as he put his back against the wall and slid down. "Sorry, I just, I don't know, I am trying to be careful, I can't let my kids down. I can't leave them without a parent." he said. That was when he heard gunshots from down below and he jumped back up to his feet, "What the fuck was that?" he said, since it had been awhile since he heard gunfire around the apartments.