Raeym Corporation. They were his biggest sponsors, in fact, they were one of the biggest corporations in the gigaverse they were living in. They started in minor cybernetic upgrades to people, evolved into the same for mythological creatures, and then even further into various other dealings. The Corporation, while not an official shareholder of the Universal Fighting Championship, may as well have been - they sponsored someone in every fight. In the last two, it had been Tre'Yan. In the last two. Tre'Yan had lost. He supposed he shouldn't have been surprised that they were coming for his head, they were a business and were looking to cut their losses. Tre'Yan was a loss, and judging by that wicked looking Ka-Bar knife, they were looking to cut this particular loss. His opponent was fairly close, and had dropped his combat vest. Behind him, the rest of his walking armory... arms, had been placed down. Raeym Corporation must have had a lot of faith in this hitman, if they had advised him to take care of this particular piece of nasty business. Tre'Yan's boxing knowledge kicked in - his opponent held his knife in high guard in the high position on the compass he had been taught. His non-weapon hand was positioned in front of that. Tre'Yan noted without speaking that the man had some type of combat training, and was now utltizing a primary high guard. This man would be the Raeym Corporation's ticket to a load of money, perhaps tripling what they would gotten had Tre'Yan won his previous two matches. Oh that clever corporation, they probably betted a sizable amount on his future opponent. Even if he didn't die here, again, he wouldn't be in any shape to put up a capable fight. Without knowing the capabilities of his opponent, Tre'Yan wouldn't risk going for an all out physical assault. Instead, he began to use his motion to move from the forward to the back, presenting a moving target, hoping to open up Cho's, whose name he had not yet learned, defense and hit him quick. Hit him hard. Tre'Yan had adopted the style of a defensive out-boxer, but unlike the common defense boxer - Tre'Yan had the supreme capability to finish. The tactic was simple, force the opponent into a false sense of setting the pace, and then surprise them with a combination of basics and speed.