[center][img]http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120720032845/megamitensei/images/f/f8/TowerCard.jpg[/img][/center] [hider=Masahide Saji] Appearance: [hider=Masahide] [center][img]http://40.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m12xiiiUyW1qdv5cpo1_500.jpg[/img][/center] [/hider] [b]Name:[/b] Masahide Saji [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Personality: [/b] Though coming off as a bit of a loner, and seeming adverse to conversation, Masahide is fairly well known about the social circles. An excellent student- with grades to match, an excellent study under the kendo club, and has been known to volunteer for community work around the area. However, it’s not enough… Or at least to Masahide. Striving for prefection to the point of nearly tearing himself to pieces, the young boy barely has any time to enjoy his own life. It’s for this very reason that he seems to carry the weight of the world on his shoulders, ‘If only I were better,’ a reoccurring thought in his own head. It’s because of this that people have seen him passed out during lunch hours at school, or seeming shaken and ill fed. But what would you expect? The pursuit of perfection is a long and excruciating process… Though less than fruitful. He’ll never achieve perfection, but he’ll never accept it… In the end though, something has to give. And at this point, it’s looking to be the boy. [b]Equipment/Skills:[/b] Uniform: Masahide takes great pride in his school and studies, wearing his uniform fairly consistently. However, it’s not uncommon for him to dress in a rather dark ensemble on off days or when out with friends… If he had any. Wakizashi: An heirloom of his family, this masterfully made blade bears a significant importance to his family. It is for this reason that Masahide covets it, training with it hours after school before washing up and heading for whatever activities he has planned. Deductive Reasoning: Always the analytical one, if the pieces are laid out before him- odds are he’ll solve whatever the puzzle may be. Though it’ll take a couple failures (of which he’ll hold over his own head), it’s only a matter of time before the solution is in place. Zealous: You get Masa to swear to a purpose, nothing will stop him. Even if it’s simply studying up for a test, or squaring off against someone, he won’t back down. The task will definitely take it’s toll, and will ultimately consume him if not achieved, but he’ll be damned if he doesn’t try. [b]Background:[/b] Born to a wealthy industrial family, Masahide would want for nothing. Whatever his heart desired, his parents allotted him. However, over time- this became dull. What worth were these things? Merely baubles and trinkets of his vanity and greed. It was shortly after that realization that he began to strive to make a name for himself. First, it was cleaning the house while his father was out, then it became excelling at school, and then a physical training regime. Then suddenly, the house wasn’t enough, he’d seek to assist at shelters and shrines, anything he could do to keep himself busy and making a contribution. However, when his father was diagnosed with heart complications and forced to retire, this merely kicked Masahide into overdrive. Now taking up odd jobs to make up for the lack of income (though it wasn’t needed) and going without on pretty much everything, Masa would become an asset to his family. When his father ultimately passed away, many feared the grief would kill the frantic boy. Instead, it had the opposite effect, it mellowed him out. He saw what the years of strain did to his father, so he dialed back his efforts… However, he still spreads himself much too thin. Though he’s trying to accept the fact there are things beyond his control, to this day, Masahide Saji will never stop striving for perfection. Even if it kills him. [b]Persona:[/b] [u]Tyr[/u]- Known as the Norse god of war, Tyr was considered one of the wisest and most courageous sons of the All-father, Odin. No clearer was this evident then the binding of Fenrir. The mighty wolf was the harbinger of the Ragnarok, or so the gods foresaw, and they attempted to bind the massive wolf. Every time, Fenrir broke free and grew wiser to his own strength. In a final act, the gods had dwarves craft a 'ribbon' that was strong enough to bind the wolf, yet would not openly display this prowess. Having grown wise to their schemes, Fenrir offered to wear the ribbon if one of the god's placed their hand in his mouth. Tyr volunteered. Though he lost a hand in exchange, it kept the wolf from being able to fulfill his purpose. Disaster averted- Tyr continued to retain his mantle, even if it costed him one of his hands. Appearance: [hider=Persona(Spoiler)] [img]http://i.imgur.com/SOCfSet.png[/img] [/hider] Abilities: Arm Chopper: Deals light Phys Damage to 1 foe and has chance of fear Rampage: Deals light Phys damage to all foes 1x to 3x Matarukaja: Increases attack for 3 turns (party) God’s Hand: Deals Severe Phys damage to 1 foe. [/hider]