[I]Ariadne listened to Miller describing the Tau'ri policy to leave no-one behind, even an outsider like herself, feeling slightly embarrassed for forgetting that aspect. It was, after all one of the reasons she so admired them. Her fears were not entirely allayed, but it was enough that she wouldn’t speak of it again. Then she watched Milton Brandt work at the door, trying to find a way in. He was unable to make the device function, and suggested some other means of getting past it, but once he was finished, Miller just instead asked her to simply shoot it. At his comment about the Zat’nik’tel, a smile crept onto the corner of her mouth. Many who knew about the full functions of a Zat’nik’tel thought they were more powerful weapons than they were, and she enjoyed educating those people as to the varying effects the weapon could have. Milton had moved away from the door at Miller’s initial suggestion of her using her staff weapon, leaving her with a clear shot at the large inanimate object. In a fluid motion, she transferred her staff to the hand next to the Zat’nik’tel holster and drew the weapon, activating at as she did so. She quickly pointed it at the door and fired three shots in rapid succession, watching as the bright blue energy moved over the doors surface before dissipating. The opening mechanism exploded in a shower of sparks as its system was overloaded, and the door remained where it was. “The Zat’nik’tel is not an all powerful weapon. If it could truly disintegrate anything with a mere three shots, there would be no need for any other weapon. That effect usually only occurs on organic tissue and small objects nearby the tissue, and even then, when firing on anything not human, it may not always occur, depending on the structure of the target in question.” She deactivated the Zat and returned it to its holster before grasping her staff in both hands and stepping up closer to the door. She pointed the staff weapon to where the console had once been and thumbed the activation switch. “The staff weapon, however, has a fairly consistent effect on solid metallic objects.” She said before firing the weapon several times at the edge of the door. The familiar sound of a staff discharge impacting metal resounded every time and the ancient metal shook with each hit, being flash vaporized at the point of impact. A metallic creaking could be heard as she stopped, and Ariadne quickly realised that her firing had most likely severely strained whatever locking method the door was using. It would probably have resisted the anti personnel weapon if it was in prime condition, but 2000 years in the sun with no maintenance had exacted a heavy toll. She struck it once tentatively with the blunt end of the staff weapon, a triumphant smile forming on her face as it gave slightly. Adjusting her grip on the weapon, she brought it down again with all her might, more than most humans could ever naturally achieve, and with a hideous metallic wrenching sound the door gave way, falling into the blackness beyond with a thud. She stopped frozen then, doing her best not shut her eyes in fear, waiting for the inevitable scan followed by being beamed somewhere… unpleasant.[/I]