The very short period of time between the scientist leaving Gerald and Chester and the time of Kimi’s arrival created a particular void of stimulation for the two men. Similarly to a toddler, this was far too long for them to handle without getting into trouble. As was their usual fashion, they quickly filled that vacuum with entertainment of their own creation. However, instead of taking that precious time to investigate their unfamiliar and possibly threatening surroundings, or maybe attempt to eavesdrop on those who had locked them in this room, they turned to a significantly less productive way of spending their time: finding out who could consume more of the probably-drugged cookies before the remaining winners arrived. “Dang, these cookies are pretty damn good.” Chester mumbled between bites, causing crumbs to cascade to the floor, like the Keebler factory’s rendition of Niagara Falls. “Yeah.” Gerald agreed, but glanced down at the half-eaten and lumpy-looking chocolate chip concoction in his hand, “But in retrospect, they’re probably full of something horrible….or at least made in a kitchen not approved by the FDA.” This thought caused Chester to pause momentarily. He eyed one of the baked confections scrupulously, turning it over in his fingers like a banker examines bills for counterfeits. All the while he wore the expression of a philosopher deep in complex thought. “Yeah, probably.” He mused, then shoved another in his mouth. “I’ve had worse.” “You’re still eating those?” Ches’s shoulders rolled into a shrug. “Sure, why not?” He raised his hand to his mouth to consume another of the baked goods, when an idea managed to trudge across the barren wasteland that was his mind. A wry smile slowly tugged at his lips and his eyes narrowed into knowing slits. “Hey, I’ll bet I can eat more of these at once than you can.” A challenge from Chester? Now this was something Gerald could not walk away from. No matter how silly, he was compelled to prove himself better in any possible way than his companion. “You’d be wasting your time.” he assured him, “You and I both know I’d beat you hands down. Remember that pie-eating contest? I was a shoo-in winner!” “Come on, put your money where your mouth is, Gerald. I know that shouldn’t be too hard for you, seeing how it takes up most of your face.” “Oh-ho, you’re on, son!” And thus the challenge was officially accepted. No turning back now without being labeled a coward. This was serious business, and there could only be one victor. The two men instinctively lunged for the plate of cookies after the front lobby door slammed, the proverbial gunshot to mark the start of their contest for honor and glory. Oatmeal, chocolate chip, snickerdoodle, and white chocolate macadamia nut – no flavor was spared the wholesale slaughter. It was like a scene from a massacre, with crumbs and cookie fillings flying wildly from the plate, silhouetted briefly in the harsh yellow light from the overhead fluorescents. Only a few moments into the fray, Gerald had overstepped his rights as a mere contestant and declared himself the winner, grabbing the plate and what remained of the cookies. “There. I win. All these are mine now.” Ches grabbed at the plate, pushing a cookie that was already dancing on the edge of being on the floor to its dirty linoleum demise. “Hey no, I haven’t had anything decent to eat in the past week! We both won this trip, and I am going to take advantage of every minute of it. I might not get the chance to eat like this again.” “Well, that’s your own fault.” “No, you make more than I do!” “We have the same job, idiot.” This was true. Both knuckleheads worked as mechanics at a small auto repair shop. How either of them are trusted with heavy equipment, corrosives, and toxic chemicals is one of the great unanswered questions of life. “Yeah, but you make more. The boss likes you better.” “Well maybe because I’m not a whiny little—“ Fortunately for any younger readers, Gerald’s scathing comeback was cut short by the creaking of the big metal door as it parted to usher in the newest arrival: a young woman not yet in her 20’s. Poor girl. Heaven help her, being stuck with in a locked room with the present company. Chester was the first to look up after hearing his name mentioned by the bed-headed scientist. “Oh, hello!” he exclaimed without missing a beat. It was surprising how competent the man could be in select social situations—[i]very[/i] select, mind you. “What is this all about?” Chester repeated the woman’s question, almost in a condescending tone, “Didn’t you read the letter? We’ve been selected to test out some fantastic new technology and be transported to whole new worlds without leaving the comfort of this island! Pretty sweet, huh?” It wasn’t long before other participants were ushered into the same room, both silently taking their seats. Gerald stood silently in the back of the room, leaning on the countertop and surveying the newcomers. Chester began exercising his natural extroversion and practically skipped about the room introducing himself.