[quote=@Denalz] Ah, you mean keep original formatting such as my use of italics? I forgot all about that when I copy/pasted and rearranged all of our posts. Anyway, it sure turned into a long post, huh? [/quote] Heh, yeah it certainly did. It was fun, though. ;) [quote=@RIengo] [@Centimane] So, since Partisan seems to be writing a post and Kyle is still absent, do you mind collaborating with me for the room-check post? In other news, I now finally have enough free time to seriously dedicate to writing posts! Hooray, no more super-short posts! [/quote] [@RIengo] Congratulations on the free time. :) Re: Collaborating: Sure, we can do that. I just checked my schedule this week and, unexpectedly, it appears I have the next two nights open, so we can work on it then if that works for you (I'm on EST, and the times I'd be available would be from about 5:30 or 6:00 until around midnight, Tuesday and Wednesday). I'm not generally available during work hours for more than the occasional brief OOC post, unless work randomly slows way down, so unfortunately I won't really be available during normal working hours.