[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/tIOv98g.png[/img][/center] (Posts are going a bit slow, we're moving on and assuming a conversation happened where the Chocobo Situation was explained.) The instructions in short: Cid left the Geomancer in charge of the party except for three individuals who will instead tail the party, keeping watch for anyone following the seven ahead. The three behind were meant to be a couple hours behind, on foot instead of mounted. It seemed as though Katakura, Kevess and the one named Cassius (Cassius is the one who has not yet posted a CS but will "tomorrow" e.e). Greg hovered over his pack. Reaching inside for a moment, he found himself squeezed into the pack. His legs stuck out, wiggling like ruffling branches in the wind. But by luck he was pulled out by the Ice-Elf Paladin from earlier. The moogle was holding a large wad of greens. [color=#73ADA4][b]"You should be more careful with that Pack of Hoarding, little summoner."[/b][/color] [color=#E86461][b]"Oi! I'm not little, you're just titanic!"[/b][/color] Greg said, struggling while upside down. [color=#E86461][b]"Now lemme go!"[/b][/color] [color=#73ADA4][b]"Greens for the runners?"[/b][/color] The Paladin asked, swinging the moogle right side up. [color=#E86461][b]"Yup yup! I've a lot more in there too, 'case the runners get hungry."[/b][/color] [color=#73ADA4][b]"Hmm you've an odd accent, little summoner."[/b][/color] The paladin walked away, heading toward the sanctuary. More screams came from the building. [color=#73ADA4][b]"Don't mind my leave, I've got issues to attend to."[/b][/color] He started a swift run. [color=#E86461][b]"My.. my accent? What's he mean?"[/b][/color] Greg hovered toward the stables where the rest of the party was supposed to meet. [color=#E86461][b]"Like I have to call everyone Kupo like my cousin does?"[/b][/color] The moogle hovered over the heads of the runners, kept and maintained well but trained to scout and sprint for a long day's travel. Their spaces was shared but each had its own nest separated by walls when one was near the other, making for a sort of border around the stable. Greens fell from the moogle's arms falling like feathers for each of the runners. He quickly realized that only six runners were needed since he was sharing a spot with another person in the party. [color=#E86461][b]"Hmm, I guess you'll just get to munch and stay in."[/b][/color] He looked for the Geomancer in the stable, no doubt that it would be pretty simple to do. [color=#E86461][b]"Ready as I'll ever be!"[/b][/color] Greg said, looking happy. [color=#E86461][b]"Unless you need something from the market still. Everyone was supposed to pack there own things then meet here but I've still got plenty of room for supplies!"[/b][/color] Greg looked around, happy to accommodate an encumbered members of the party. [center]--------------------------[/center] [center][img]http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/065/8/9/muu_the_second_tsuchikage_by_nagato145-d5x53ua.jpg[/img][/center] Kevess was outside the walls already, waiting for the rest of the party to catch up. It seemed however, the the warrior, Katakura had already found him leaning against the giant stone wall. [color=#9F77E8][b]"I see you're keen on keeping up. But sad to say we're stuck behind the amateurs."[/b][/color] Kevess said, taking in the warrior's appearance and suspecting there was a bit more experience in this one, tales of deadly travels. [color=#9F77E8][b]"It'll be boring on the road ahead but don't make that an excuse just to get to know me. I'll stay out of your business if you stay out of mine."[/b][/color] He looked away from the samurai, pulling a bandage on his thumb. [color=#9F77E8][b]"I'd wish they'd hurry."[/b][/color] By now it was obvious Kevess and the other one had been issued an order to follow the the party, but Katakura had left before he was given any more details. [center]--------------------------[/center] [center][img]http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2012/331/7/4/angel_statue_iii_by_maybellane-d5mbnk8.jpg[/img][/center] The Sanctuary of Navire was alive with panic. It seemed as though the newest summoner was unable to control his familiar. An amorphous blob of glowing liquid moved about the room, crushing vases and tables within the summoning hall. [color=#5d7a65][b]"Thamus, this is the moment, give form to it."[/b][/color] the High Priest was instructing his student. But it seemed he was drained of magic already, the summoning wasn't going very well. Instead of a peaceful contract between the two, the familiar had ignored its summoner and tried to move around the room as if to escape control. [color=#EBD13E][b]"Why does it fight me? Am I not worthy of Navire's summoners?"[/b][/color] Thamus fell to one knee, unable to hold himself up. [color=#EBD13E][b]"Listen, familiar. I am your summoner and you are my... my."[/b][/color] The blob seemed to turn around, paying attention to the summoner. But then it turned away, smashing against a wall like a wild beast. [color=#5d7a65][b]"Imagine its form, do not let the bond go untied."[/b][/color] [color=#EBD13E][b]"My demon."[/b][/color] Thamus said, imagining the familiar as an infernal creature with long horns and a body of ethereal flames. [color=#5d7a65][b]"Demon? That is an odd choice."[/b][/color] the High Priest wondered if his own familiar had an influence on the student. Childsnaken's familiar took the form of an statue with wings. It was his picture of Navire's Patron, a silent but holy guardian of all races. [color=#5d7a65][b]"But it is [i]your[/i] choice."[/b][/color] The two witnessed the blob begin to change. At first the liquid changed from a blue-green to a red. Its shape began to stabilize where the torso formed along with the head, arms, and last the horns. The liquid started boiling until the steam itself burned with a bright red color. Its wild behavior was tamed. [color=#EBD13E][b]"The Beast from Fire."[/b][/color] Thamus said. [color=#EBD13E][b]"I remember seeing it in my dreams, scary as hell."[/b][/color] [color=#5d7a65][b]"Wouldn't be the first Terror to walk through these dungeons."[/b][/color] Childsnaken was happy for his student. [color=#5d7a65][b]"But seeing as you're weakening, I advise that you dismiss the Beast from Fire."[/b][/color] [color=#EBD13E][b]"Dismiss."[/b][/color] Thamus said, watching as the fire of his familiar fizzled out like an old campfire. [center]--------------------------[/center] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/QiQ7Mrc.png[/img][/center] [color=#95E8A6][b]"Light of out Patron, the blessing of our provider, tonight we will offer him what he has always accepted."[/b][/color] A man screamed while wriggling on a stone alter. His mouth was gagged but his eyes could see the reflection of light on a blade.