[color=8882be][b]~Jason~[/b][/color] He continued plodding along behind Joffridus and the scary lady. They were a bit agitated, and kept talking about the lady with beautiful eyes who was following them. Jason wondered why that was a big deal. She didn’t seem like a bad person. Maybe she just wanted to be friends with Joffridus. Anyone would want to be friends with Joffridus, Jason thought. They went to the docks, and Joffridus began scanning the ships. Jason wondered why he did that, but figured that a hero does what a hero does. It didn’t really matter anyways, because they suddenly turned back and went into an alley, giving Jason the chance to wonder why Joffridus would sneak around in an alley. Strange hero. Also, they were right by Jason’s home. Jason wondered if he’d have the chance to introduce Joffridus to his mother. She probably wouldn’t like him though, Jason thought. His mother didn’t seem like the kind of person who liked heroes. Jason could sense that the cloaked lady was nearby, and sure enough, she landed on the ground behind them with a thud. She walked towards them slowly, taking off her hood, and raising her hands. Jason looked back toward Joffridus and the scary lady to see how they would react. [@IcePezz] [@Ryciera] [@Plecy] [color=a2d39c][b]~Maria~[/b][/color] [color=a2d39c]“Have a nice day, Mr. Elwidine,”[/color] Maria called sweetly from behind the shop counter. She watched the door close behind the departing dwarf, and began to straighten out the table display. Before the door could fully close however, she spotted an imposing figure in the distance. Several imposing figures, rather. Leading the pack was a tall, battle scarred man carrying an ornately dressed woman with a bloody hand. [color=a2d39c]“Oh dear,”[/color] Maria sighed, furrowing her brow. [color=a2d39c]“This can’t possibly end well.”[/color] She plastered on the politest smile she could twist her lips into, and conjured up the sweetest tone she could muster. [color=a2d39c]“Hello, and welcome to Maria’s Medicines and Sundries!”[/color] [@notdeadyet] [@Elitestpotato] [@Inertia] [@The Fated Fallen] [@GreenHood]